The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster brain is the most extensively investigated model of a reward system in insects. Drosophila can discriminate between rewarding and punishing environmental stimuli and consequently undergo associative learning. Functional models, especially those modelling mushroom bodies, are constantly being developed using newly discovered information, adding to the complexity of creating a simple model of the reward system. This review aims to clarify whether its reward system also includes a hedonic component. Neurochemical systems that mediate the 'wanting' component of reward in the Drosophila brain are well documented, however, the systems that mediate the pleasure component of reward in mammals, including those involving the endogenous opioid and endocannabinoid systems, are unlikely to be present in insects. The mushroom body components exhibit differential developmental age and different functional processes. We propose a hypothetical hierarchy of the levels of reinforcement processing in response to particular stimuli, and the parallel processes that take place concurrently. The possible presence of activity-silencing and meta-satiety inducing levels in Drosophila should be further investigated.
- Keywords
- Dopamine, Drosophila, Endogenous opioids, Mushroom body, Reward system,
- MeSH
- Drosophila melanogaster * MeSH
- Drosophila * MeSH
- Mushroom Bodies MeSH
- Reward MeSH
- Reinforcement, Psychology MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
Animals and humans share similar reactions to the effects of addictive substances, including those of their brain networks to drugs. Our review focuses on simple invertebrate models, particularly the honeybee (Apis mellifera), and on the effects of drugs on bee behaviour and brain functions. The drug effects in bees are very similar to those described in humans. Furthermore, the honeybee community is a superorganism in which many collective functions outperform the simple sum of individual functions. The distribution of reward functions in this superorganism is unique - although sublimated at the individual level, community reward functions are of higher quality. This phenomenon of collective reward may be extrapolated to other animal species living in close and strictly organised societies, i.e. humans. The relationship between sociality and reward, based on use of similar parts of the neural network (social decision-making network in mammals, mushroom body in bees), suggests a functional continuum of reward and sociality in animals.
- Keywords
- Addiction, Brain reward system, Collective reward, Drosophila brain, Honeybee brain, Insect brain, Insect model of addiction,
- MeSH
- Drosophila * MeSH
- Insecta MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Brain MeSH
- Reward * MeSH
- Mammals MeSH
- Social Behavior MeSH
- Bees MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
The ability to flexibly switch between tasks is an important faculty in daily life. One process that has been suggested to be an important aspect of flexible task switching is the inhibition of a recently performed task. This is called backward inhibition. Several studies suggest that task switching performance can be enhanced by rewards. However, it is less clear in how far backward inhibition mechanisms are also affected by rewards, especially when it comes to the neuronal mechanisms underlying reward-related modulations of backward inhibition. We therefore investigated this using a system neurophysiological approach combining EEG recordings with source localization techniques. We demonstrate that rewards reduce the strength of backward inhibition processes. The neurophysiological data shows that these reward-related effects emerge from response and/or conflict monitoring processes within medial frontal cortical structures. Upstream processes of perceptual gating and attentional selection, as well as downstream processes of context updating and stimulus-response mapping are not modulated by reward, even though they also play a role in backward inhibition effects.
- Keywords
- Backward inhibition, EEG, Neurophysiology, Reward,
- MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Electroencephalography methods MeSH
- Executive Function physiology MeSH
- Inhibition, Psychological * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Brain physiology MeSH
- Reward * MeSH
- Psychomotor Performance physiology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Young Adult MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is considered an interface between motivation and action, with NAc neurons playing an important role in promoting reward approach. However, the encoding by NAc neurons that contributes to this role remains unknown. We recorded 62 NAc neurons in male Wistar rats (n = 5) running towards rewarded locations in an 8-arm radial maze. Variables related to locomotor approach kinematics were the best predictors of the firing rate for most NAc neurons. Nearly 18% of the recorded neurons were inhibited during the entire approach run (locomotion-off cells), suggesting that reduction in firing of these neurons promotes initiation of locomotor approach. 27% of the neurons presented a peak of activity during acceleration followed by a valley during deceleration (acceleration-on cells). Together, these neurons accounted for most of the speed and acceleration encoding identified in our analysis. In contrast, a further 16% of neurons presented a valley during acceleration followed by a peak just prior to or after reaching reward (deceleration-on cells). These findings suggest that these three classes of NAc neurons influence the time course of speed changes during locomotor approach to reward.
- Keywords
- Nucleus accumbens, initiation of action, kinematics encoding, locomotor speed, reward approach,
- MeSH
- Biomechanical Phenomena MeSH
- Rats MeSH
- Locomotion MeSH
- Neurons * physiology MeSH
- Nucleus Accumbens * physiology MeSH
- Reward MeSH
- Rats, Wistar MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Rats MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Animals use aggressive behaviour to gain access to resources, and individuals adjust their behaviour relative to resource value and own resource holding potential (RHP). Normally, smaller individuals have inferior fighting abilities compared with larger conspecifics. Affective and cognitive processes can alter contest dynamics, but the interaction between such effects and that of differing RHPs has not been adjudged. We investigated effects of omission of expected reward (OER) on competing individuals with contrasting RHPs. Small and large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were conditioned to associate a light with reward. Thereafter, the reward was omitted for half of the fish prior to a contest between individuals possessing a 36-40% difference in RHP. Small control individuals displayed submissive behaviour and virtually no aggression. By contrast, small OER individuals were more aggressive, and two out of 11 became socially dominant. Increased aggression in small OER individuals was accompanied by increased serotonin levels in the dorsomedial pallium (proposed amygdala homologue), but no changes in limbic dopamine neurochemistry were observed in OER-exposed individuals. The behavioural and physiological response to OER in fish indicates that frustration is an evolutionarily conserved affective state. Moreover, our results indicate that aggressive motivation to reward unpredictability affects low RHP individuals strongest.
- Keywords
- aggression, dyadic contests, emotions, frustration, serotonin, trace conditioning,
- MeSH
- Aggression * MeSH
- Dopamine metabolism MeSH
- Reward * MeSH
- Oncorhynchus mykiss physiology MeSH
- Conditioning, Psychological MeSH
- Serotonin metabolism MeSH
- Cerebrum metabolism MeSH
- Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Dopamine MeSH
- Serotonin MeSH
Although mechanisms of mate preference are thought to be relatively hard-wired, experience with appetitive and consummatory sexual reward has been shown to condition preferences for partner related cues and even objects that predict sexual reward. Here, we reviewed evidence from laboratory species and humans on sexually conditioned place, partner, and ejaculatory preferences in males and females, as well as the neurochemical, molecular, and epigenetic mechanisms putatively responsible. From a comprehensive review of the available data, we concluded that opioid transmission at μ opioid receptors forms the basis of sexual pleasure and reward, which then sensitizes dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin systems responsible for attention, arousal, and bonding, leading to cortical activation that creates awareness of attraction and desire. First experiences with sexual reward states follow a pattern of sexual imprinting, during which partner- and/or object-related cues become crystallized by conditioning into idiosyncratic "types" that are found sexually attractive and arousing. These mechanisms tie reward and reproduction together, blending proximate and ultimate causality in the maintenance of variability within a species.
- Keywords
- conditioned partner preference, conditioned place preference, dopamine, first sexual experiences, mate preference, opioids, oxytocin, paraphilias, reward, vasopressin,
- MeSH
- Ejaculation physiology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Reward MeSH
- Analgesics, Opioid * MeSH
- Sexual Behavior, Animal * physiology MeSH
- Sexual Behavior MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Review MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Analgesics, Opioid * MeSH
UNLABELLED: Understanding the neurobiology of social reward processing is fundamental, holding promises for reducing maladaptive/dysfunctional social behaviors and boosting the benefits associated with a healthy social life. Current research shows that processing of social (vs. non-social) rewards may be driven by oxytocinergic signaling. However, studies in humans often led to mixed results. This review aimed to systematically summarize available experimental results that assessed the modulation of social reward processing by intranasal oxytocin (IN-OXY) administration in humans. The literature search yielded 385 results, of which 19 studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. The effects of IN-OXY on subjective, behavioral, and (neuro)physiological output variables are discussed in relation to moderating variables-reward phase, reward type, onset and dosage, participants' sex/gender, and clinical condition. Results indicate that IN-OXY is mostly effective during the consumption ("liking") of social rewards. These effects are likely exerted by modulating the activity of the prefrontal cortex, insula, precuneus, anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, and striatum. Finally, we provide suggestions for designing future oxytocin studies. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION:, identifier CRD42021278945.
- Keywords
- anticipation, consumption, fMRI, liking, oxytocin, social motivation, social reward, wanting,
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Systematic Review MeSH
Methylphenidate is a stimulant used to treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In the last decade, illicit use of methylphenidate has increased among healthy young adults, who consume the drug under the assumption that it will improve cognitive performance. However, the studies that aimed to assess the methylphenidate effects on memory are not consistent. Here, we tested whether the effect of methylphenidate on a spatial memory task can be explained as a motivational and/or a reward effect. We tested the effects of acute and chronic i.p. administration of 0.3, 1 or 3 mg/kg of methylphenidate on motivation, learning and memory by using the 8-arm radial maze task. Adult male Wistar rats learned that 3 of the 8 arms of the maze were consistently baited with 1, 3, or 6 sucrose pellets, and the number of entries and reentries into reinforced and non-reinforced arms of the maze were scored. Neither acute nor chronic (20 days) methylphenidate treatment affected the number of entries in the non-baited arms. However, chronic, but not acute, 1-3 mg/kg methylphenidate increased the number of reentries in the higher reward arms, which suggests a motivational/rewarding effect rather than a working memory deficit. In agreement with this hypothesis, the methylphenidate treatment also decreased the approach latency to the higher reward arms, increased the approach latency to the low reward arm, and increased the time spent in the high, but not low, reward arm. These findings suggest that methylphenidate may act more as a motivational enhancer rather than a cognitive enhancer in healthy people.
- Keywords
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Dopamine, Incentive salience, Methylphenidate, Motivation, Spatial memory,
- MeSH
- Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity * drug therapy MeSH
- Rats MeSH
- Methylphenidate * pharmacology therapeutic use MeSH
- Motivation MeSH
- Reward MeSH
- Rats, Wistar MeSH
- Central Nervous System Stimulants * pharmacology therapeutic use MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Rats MeSH
- Male MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Methylphenidate * MeSH
- Central Nervous System Stimulants * MeSH
CONTEXT: Behaviorally, the most pronounced effects of leptin substitution in leptin deficiency are the hunger-decreasing and postprandial satiety-prolonging effects of the adipokine. Previously, with functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we and others showed that eating behavior-controlling effects are at least in part conveyed by the reward system. However, to date, it is unclear if leptin only modulates eating behavior specific brain reward action or if it also alters the reward function of the brain unrelated to eating behavior. OBJECTIVE: We investigated with functional MRI the effects of metreleptin on the reward system in a reward task unrelated to eating behavior, the monetary incentive delay task. DESIGN: Measurements in 4 patients with the very rare disease of lipodystrophy (LD), resulting in leptin deficiency, and 3 untreated healthy control persons were performed at 4 different time points: before start and over 12 weeks of metreleptin treatment. Inside the MRI scanner, participants performed the monetary incentive delay task and brain activity during the reward receipt phase of the trial was analyzed. RESULTS: We found a reward-related brain activity decrease in our 4 patients with LD over the 12 weeks of metreleptin treatment in the subgenual region, a brain area associated with the reward network, which was not observed in our 3 untreated healthy control persons. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that leptin replacement in LD induces changes of brain activity during reward reception processing completely unrelated to eating behavior or food stimuli. This could suggest eating behavior-unrelated functions of leptin in the human reward system. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial is registered as trial No. 147/10-ek at the ethics committee of the University of Leipzig and at the State Directorate of Saxony (Landesdirektion Sachsen).
- Keywords
- functional MRI, leptin, lipodystrophy, monetary incentive delay task, reward system,
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
A substantive literature has drawn a compelling case for the functional involvement of mesolimbic/prefrontal cortical neural reward systems in normative control of eating and in the etiology and persistence of severe eating disorders that affect diverse human populations. Presently, we provide a short review that develops an equally compelling case for the importance of dysregulated frontal cortical cognitive neural networks acting in concert with regional reward systems in the regulation of complex eating behaviors and in the presentation of complex pathophysiological symptoms associated with major eating disorders. Our goal is to highlight working models of major eating disorders that incorporate complementary approaches to elucidate functionally interactive neural circuits defined by their regulatory neurochemical phenotypes. Importantly, we also review evidence-based linkages between widely studied psychiatric and neurodegenerative syndromes (e.g., autism spectrum disorders and Parkinson's disease) and co-morbid eating disorders to elucidate basic mechanisms involving dopaminergic transmission and its regulation by endogenously expressed morphine in these same cortical regions.
- MeSH
- Phenotype MeSH
- Cognition physiology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Synaptic Transmission physiology MeSH
- Reward * MeSH
- Feeding and Eating Disorders physiopathology MeSH
- Prefrontal Cortex physiopathology MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Review MeSH