BACKGROUND: The abuse of psychoactive prescription drugs has become increasingly common in the Czech Republic. These drugs include sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics (benzodiazepines and Z-hypnotics), and opioids. Patients with an addiction to these prescription drugs exhibit symptoms associated with long-term use, particularly psychological and somatic problems, sleep disturbances, impaired cognitive functioning, and irritability. There is a need for a flexible response to their needs. AIMS: The aim of the research is to describe selected psychological symptoms and the quality of life of psychoactive drug abusers in addiction treatment. The main outputs of the research will include an overview study and the results of a data analysis. METHODS: Data collection will be carried out in three waves using a questionnaire survey consisting of standardised questionnaires. It will be conducted at the patient’s admission to the addiction treatment clinic, and, while in treatment, three and six months after the first survey. The research will also include a study of supporting documentation. The questionnaires will be evaluated according to the procedure manual for each standardised questionnaire. The qualitative data analysis will use a combination of a descriptive approach and selected qualitative data analysis techniques (pattern capture method, compare & contrast method). For the quantitative data analysis, exploratory analysis procedures will be used in combination with a descriptive approach. DISCUSSION: The prevalence of psychoactive prescription drug abuse continues to rise. Although much research on this topic has been conducted in recent years, we lack studies focusing specifically on the effective treatment of people addicted to psychoactive prescription drugs. The results of this study will provide information on selected psychological manifestations and the quality of life of psychoactive drug abusers in addiction treatment. The data on the relationships between types of substances used, patterns of use, the treatment phase, selected psychological symptoms, and the quality of life may also be of value.
K největším poskytovatelům služeb sociální integrace pro cílovou skupinu uživatelů drog a sociálně vyloučených osob v Ústeckém kraji patří občanské sdružení WHITE LIGHT I. Novým programem tohoto více než 10letého nestora v pomoci lidem v obtížných životních situacích je program ŠANCE 06 zabývající se reintegrací navrátilců z výkonu trestu. Socializace těchto osob je povětšinou na úrovni deficitní až deviantní, můžeme se setkat i s anetickými osobnostmi s nejtěžší poruchou socializace – deprivací osobnosti. Tito lidé jsou schopni fungovat sociálně žádoucím způsobem v podmínkách naší společnosti, avšak za předpokladu vytvoření podpůrných mechanismů, které pomohou takovému jedinci zvládat primární zátěž při vstupu do systému.