INTRODUCTION: Risk assessment and management in companies plays a significant role in the prevention section of any field. In the field of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), its inconsistent or incorrect application has a direct impact on the life and health of employees. In some companies, even today, it is not properly implemented and adequate procedures and methods are not used. The article discusses the development of a step-by-step procedure for risk assessment in industrial environments in the area of OHS. METHODS: Main parts of the model and its steps present the partial results of a survey conducted on a sample of 500 small and micro enterprises in the field of risk assessment and the systematic procedure developed following the main survey results. The survey covered only enterprises located in the construction, manufacturing, transport and storage and agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors, which is also a significant statistical feature. Within the structure of respondents, statistical features such as: size of enterprise, sector, region by work are identified. Only enterprises with size by number of employees - micro enterprises from 1 to 9 employees and small enterprises from 10 to 49 employees - were included for the survey. RESULTS: New elements of the methods were integrated into the developed systematic procedure, which was subsequently validated in 7 plants of the one company on the same position. The application of the developed model was verified by an expert group consisting of 7 members, an odd number, and the developed checklists and risk register were applied. On the basis of the verification, the model, checklist and risk register were corrected. In addition, the scoring method and the risk matrix were also used, but they did not contain new elements. DISCUSION: The procedure is still in use today and employees have been trained to use it. On the basis of the developed methodology and the Checklist, the procedure has been transposed into the European OiRA tool and can be used by companies throughout the European Union.
- MeSH
- hodnocení rizik metody MeSH
- hygiena práce * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průmysl * MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Purpose: A national primary and secondary healthcare-level study in the Czech Republic has not yet been conducted to evaluate the prevalence of migraine. We analyzed the current treatment patterns (acute and prophylactic) in migraine patients and the number of migraine patients potentially eligible for treatment with recent calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) pathway-targeted therapies. Methods: This retrospective study utilized the Ministry of the Interior Health Insurance Fund claims database of the Czech Republic wherein every citizen is insured. Migraine patients with or without aura, and potentially on triptan therapy were included in this study (index years 2012-2016). The prevalence approach included all patients (new and old) present in each index year. Prophylactic therapies were followed f0or three and seven years prior to the index year, including the index year, until 2010. The incidence approach included all patients first diagnosed in each index year. Prophylactic therapies were followed for the next three years, including the index year, until 2017 following incidence approach. The primary endpoint of this study was to determine the rate of migraine prevalence and diagnosis for each index year during the period 2012-2016. The study also evaluated prophylactic and acute treatment patterns and comorbidities among patients in 2016. Results: The rate of migraine prevalence was 1% and the rate of diagnosis was 0.2-0.4%. By prevalence approach, approximately 39% of the patients were on prophylactics, and 11.2% and 21.6% of the patient population had two prior treatment failures (three- and seven-year recall period, respectively). Antiepileptics (26%) and beta blockers (15.8%) were the most prescribed prophylactics, and sumatriptan was the predominant triptan used (12%) for acute treatment. Conclusion: Taking into account the number of inhabitants in the Czech Republic (10.7 million), there could be up to 23,000 adult patients eligible for novel CGRP therapies.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Kontext: Počet pacientů se srdečním selháním trvale narůstá a s tím souvisí i nárůst nákladů na jejich léčbu. Téměř 70 % nákladů spojených s léčbou srdečního selhání představují přímé medicínské náklady a z toho 70–80 % je spotřebováno na hospitalizační léčbu. Cílem práce je popsat náklady na veškerou hospitalizační péči pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním z pohledu zdravotního systému v ČR. Metodika: Retrospektivní analýzou bylo vyhodnoceno 1 274 konsekutivních pacientů propuštěných ve stabilním stavu z nemocnice, kde byli v letech 2006–2012 hospitalizováni pro akutní srdeční selhání. Byly zaznamenány veškeré hospitalizace a mortalita během dvouročního sledování. Výpočet nákladů na hospitalizaci byl realizován jako součin relativní váhy pro danou diagnózu dle DRG číselníku a základní sazby (28 898 Kč v roce 2013). Výsledky: Na konci dvouletého období bylo zaznamenáno celkem 1 511 všech hospitalizací. Bez jakékoliv hospitalizace přežívalo 31,8 % pacientů, s hospitalizací z jakékoliv příčiny přežívalo 32,1 % pacientů. Zbývajících 36,1 % pacientů zemřelo. Akutní srdeční selhání bylo důvodem hospitalizace u 31,2 % ze všech případů. Průměrné náklady na veškeré hospitalizace činily po dvou letech 85,4 tis. Kč/pacienta, náklady na rehospitalizace pro akutní srdeční selhání činily 31,3 tis. Kč/pacienta. V prvním roce pro propuštění jsou celkové náklady na hospitalizace z jakékoliv příčiny vyšší ve srovnání s rokem druhým (58 528 Kč/rok a 23 082 Kč/rok). Vzhledem k odhadovanému celkovému počtu pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním v ČR dle dat Ústavu zdravotnických informací a statistiky (ÚZIS) ČR (230 000 pacientů) lze odhadovat náklady na veškerou hospitalizační péči pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním na 7,98 mld. Kč/rok. Závěr: Dle dat z reálné klinické praxe jsou pacienti s chronickým srdečním selháním po propuštění z nemocnice pro akutní srdeční selhání ve vysokém riziku úmrtí a/nebo další hospitalizace. Průměrné roční náklady na celkovou hospitalizační péči u pacientů se srdečním selháním činí v prvním a druhém roce po propuštění 58,5 tis. Kč, resp. 23,1 tis. Kč. Lze tak odhadovat, že náklady na veškerou hospitalizační péči pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním činí přibližně 7,7 % z celkových nákladů zdravotních pojišťoven na hospitalizace, a 2,7 % ze všech nákladů na zdravotní péči v ČR.
Background: The number of patients with heart failure is steadily increasing, as are the costs of their treatment. Nearly 70% of the costs associated with the treatment of heart failure are direct medical costs, and 70–80% of these are spent on hospitalizations. The aim of our study is to describe the all-cause hospitalization costs of patients with chronic heart failure (chronic HF) from the perspective of the healthcare system in the Czech Republic. Methods: In total, 1274 consecutively collected patients discharged in a stable condition from hospitalization for acute heart failure (= index hospitalization) from 2006 to 2012 were followed-up for 2 years. Their all-cause mortality and all-cause hospitalizations were retrospectively evaluated. The in-patient costs were calculated based on the relative weights of DRG codes for particular hospitalization events and on the basic DRG tariff for 2013 (CZK 28,898). Results: At the end of the 2-year follow-up, a total of 1511 hospitalizations were recorded. A total of 31.8% of patients survived without any hospitalization, 32.1% of patients survived with at least one hospitalization, and 36.1% of patients died. Re-hospitalizations for acute heart failure accounted for 31.2% of all cases. The average cost for one chronic HF patient hospitalized for any reason was CZK 85,414; the cost for acute heart failure re-hospitalization was CZK 31,320 during the 2-year follow-up period. The cost of all-cause hospitalizations within the first year after the index hospitalization was higher compared to the cost during the second year (CZK 58,528/year vs CZK 23,082/year). As the estimated number of chronic HF patients is 230,000 (data from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic), we can calculate the total cost of all-cause hospitalizations of chronic HF patients to be approximately CZK 7.98 billion per year in the Czech Republic. Conclusion: The data from clinical practice confirm that patients with chronic HF discharged from acute heart failure hospitalization are at high risk of death and/or subsequent hospitalization. The average annual costs for all-cause hospitalizations of CHF patients within the first and second years are CZK 58,528 and CZK 23,082 per patient, respectively. The costs attributed to all-cause hospitalization care of chronic HF patients can be estimated as approximately 7.7% of all annual inpatient expenses of health insurance companies and 2.7% of total healthcare expenditures in the Czech Republic.
- MeSH
- analýza přežití MeSH
- hospitalizace ekonomika statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- náklady na zdravotní péči statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- nemocnice - náklady statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- registrace MeSH
- srdeční selhání * ekonomika farmakoterapie klasifikace MeSH
- všeobecné zdravotní pojištění statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- znovupřijetí pacienta ekonomika statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH