Short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs and MCCPs) are environmental contaminants known for their persistence and bioaccumulation in fatty tissues. SCCPs are considered potential carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, with similar effects expected for MCCPs. This study investigated the body burden of SCCPs and MCCPs in residents of two regions of the Czech Republic with different levels of industrial pollution. Blood serum samples from 62 individuals in Ceske Budejovice (control area) and Ostrava (industrial area) were analysed. The results showed higher concentrations of SCCPs (<120-650 ng/g lipid weight (lw)) and MCCPs (<240-1530 ng/g lw) in Ostrava compared to Ceske Budejovice (SCCPs: <120-210 ng/g lw, MCCPs: <240-340 ng/g lw). The statistical analysis revealed no significant correlations between chemical concentrations and demographic variables such as age, BMI, or gender. The findings are consistent with European and Australian studies but significantly lower than levels reported in China. This is the first comprehensive survey of SCCPs and MCCPs in human blood serum in the Czech Republic and the second study in Europe. The data collected in this study are essential for assessing SCCPs and MCCPs. They will contribute to a better understanding the potential health risks associated with exposure to these chemicals.
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Chlorované parafíny jsou relativně novou a stále nedostatečně prozkoumanou skupinou kontaminantů životního prostředí. Chlorované parafíny s krátkým uhlíkatým řetězcem řadíme od roku 2017 na seznam perzistentních organických polutantů. Použití těchto forem je tedy v průmyslu regulováno. Nicméně chlorované parafíny se středním či dlouhým řetězcem, které disponují velice podobnými fyzikálně‐ ‐chemickými vlastnostmi, jsou doposud používány a jejich produkce i konzumace převážně v oblasti Číny strmě vzrůstá. Chlorované parafíny mají schopnost bioakumulace ve tkáních a mohou též ovlivňovat buněčný metabolismus. Se svým nízkým stupněm biotransfor‐ mace představují bezprostřední hrozbu pro lidské zdraví.
Chlorinated paraffins are a relatively new and still understudied component of environmental contaminants. Chlorinated paraffins with a short carbon chain have been included in the list of persistent organic pollutants since 2017. The use of these forms is therefore regu‐ lated in the industry. However, chlorinated paraffins with a medium or long chain, which have very similar physico‐chemical properties, are still used and their production and consumption, mainly in the area of China, is increasing steeply. Chlorinated paraffins have the ability to bioaccumulate in tissues and can also affect cellular metabolism. With their low degree of biotransformation, they represent the closest threat to human health.
- MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Paraffin * adverse effects MeSH
- Environmental Pollution MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH