BACKGROUND: In Central Asian foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniases, mixed infections of Leishmania turanica and L. major have been found in a reservoir host (the great gerbil, Rhombomys opimus) as well as in the sand fly vector Phlebotomus papatasi, but hybrids between these two Leishmania species have never been reported. In addition, the role of sand fly species other than P. papatasi in L. turanica circulation is not clear. METHODS: In this work we compared the development of L. turanica in three sand fly species belonging to different subgenera. In addition, we studied experimental co-infections of sand flies by both Leishmania species using GFP transfected L. turanica (MRHO/MN/08/BZ18(GFP+)) and RFP transfected L. major (WHOM/IR/-/173-DsRED(RFP+)). The possibility of Leishmania genetic exchange during the vectorial part of the life cycle was studied using flow cytometry combined with immunofluorescent microscopy. RESULTS: Late-stage infections of L. turanica with frequent colonization of the stomodeal valve were observed in the specific vector P. (Phlebotomus) papatasi and in the permissive vector P. (Adlerius) arabicus. On the other hand, in P. sergenti (the specific vector of L. tropica), L. turanica promatigotes were present only until the defecation of bloodmeal remnants. In their natural vector P. papatasi, L. turanica and L. major developed similarly, and the spatiotemporal dynamics of localization in the sand fly gut was the same for both leishmania species. Fluorescence microscopy in combination with FACS analyses did not detect any L. major / L. turanica hybrids in the experimental co-infection of P. papatasi and P. duboscqi. CONCLUSION: Our data provide new insight into the development of different leishmania parasite species during a mixed infection in the sand fly gut. Despite the fact that both Leishmania species developed well in P. papatasi and P. duboscqi and did not outcompete each other, no genetic exchange was found. However, the ability of L. turanica to establish late-stage infections in these specific vectors of L. major suggests that the lipophosphoglycan of this species must be identical or similar to that of L. major.
- MeSH
- Staining and Labeling methods MeSH
- Microscopy, Fluorescence MeSH
- Gastrointestinal Tract parasitology MeSH
- Leishmania growth & development physiology MeSH
- Luminescent Proteins analysis genetics MeSH
- Microbial Interactions * MeSH
- Phlebotomus parasitology MeSH
- Green Fluorescent Proteins analysis genetics MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
The lipophosphoglycan (LPG) of Leishmania major has a major role in the attachment to Phlebotomus papatasi midgut. Here, we investigated the comparative structural features of LPG of L. turanica, another species transmitted by P. papatasi. The mAb WIC 79.3, specific for terminal Gal(β1,3) side-chains, strongly reacted with L. turanica LPG. In contrast, L. turanica LPG was not recognized by arabinose-specific mAb 3F12. In conclusion, LPGs from L. major and L. turanica are similar, with the latter being less arabinosylated than L. major's. The high galactose content in L. turanica LPG is consistent with its predicted recognition by P. papatasi lectin PpGalec.
- MeSH
- Species Specificity MeSH
- Glycosphingolipids chemistry genetics metabolism MeSH
- Insect Vectors parasitology MeSH
- Leishmania genetics metabolism MeSH
- Phlebotomus parasitology MeSH
- Gene Expression Regulation MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
The evolution in Leishmania is governed by the opposite forces of clonality and sexual reproduction, with vicariance being an important factor. As such, Leishmania spp. populations may be monospecific or mixed. Leishmania turanica in Central Asia is a good model to compare these two types. In most areas, populations of L. turanica are mixed with L. gerbilli and L. major. Notably, co-infection with L. turanica in great gerbils helps L. major to withstand a break in the transmission cycle. Conversely, the populations of L. turanica in Mongolia are monospecific and geographically isolated. In this work, we compare genomes of several well-characterized strains of L. turanica originated from monospecific and mixed populations in Central Asia in order to shed light on genetic factors, which may drive evolution of these parasites in different settings. Our results illustrate that evolutionary differences between mixed and monospecific populations of L. turanica are not dramatic. On the level of large-scale genomic rearrangements, we confirmed that different genomic loci and different types of rearrangements may differentiate strains originated from mixed and monospecific populations, with genome translocations being the most prominent example. Our data suggests that L. turanica has a significantly higher level of chromosomal copy number variation between the strains compared to its sister species L. major with only one supernumerary chromosome. This suggests that L. turanica (in contrast to L. major) is in the active phase of evolutionary adaptation.
- MeSH
- Genomics MeSH
- Gerbillinae parasitology MeSH
- Leishmania * genetics MeSH
- DNA Copy Number Variations MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Mongolia MeSH
Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) is an expanding disease and a public health issue in Iran. In the present study, rate of natural infection of rodent populations with Leishmania was investigated in six endemic foci including 28 villages in Golestan, Esfahan, Yazd, Fars, Khuzestan and Ilam provinces. A total of 593 rodents were captured and identified as Rhombomys opimus (n = 325), Meriones libycus (n = 171), Meriones persicus (n = 27), Tatera indica (n = 37), Nesokia indica (n = 12), Rattus rattus (n = 13) and Mus musculus (n = 8). Microscopic examinations of Giemsa-stained smears showed that 108 out of 593 (18.2%) rodents were infected with Leishmania spp., whereas infection of 186 out of 593 (31.4%) rodents with Leishmania was then confirmed by ITS1-PCR. The highest rate of infection was found in R. opimus (prevalence of 35%) and M. libycus (31%). Based on Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), 145 (78%) of 186 samples detected as Leishmania DNA were identified as L. major, 8 (4%) samples as L. turanica and 33 (18%) as mixed infection (L. major and L. turanica). Samples from infected rodents were inoculated subcutaneously at tail base of BALB/c mice. In 35 of them, nodules and ulcers containing amastigotes appeared at the inoculation site. The samples prepared from infected rodents were cultured in NNN medium and only two samples werepositive. Rhombomys opimus, M. libycus, M. persicus, T. indica and N. indica were confirmed as reservoir hosts of ZCL in the studied regions. Leishmania major infection was usually accompanied L. turanica in naturally infected gerbils (R. opimus and M. libycus) in Golestan, Esfahan and Fars provinces.
- MeSH
- Animals, Wild MeSH
- Species Specificity MeSH
- Endemic Diseases MeSH
- Rodentia microbiology MeSH
- Leishmania classification genetics MeSH
- Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous veterinary MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Mice, Inbred BALB C MeSH
- Mice MeSH
- Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length MeSH
- DNA, Protozoan classification genetics MeSH
- Disease Reservoirs veterinary MeSH
- Zoonoses MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Mice MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Iran MeSH