OBJECTIVES: To create a Czech version of the Labor Coping Scale (LCS) evaluation tool intended for midwives when caring for a woman with labor pain, to evaluate its psychometric properties and to find out the opinion on it in clinical practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Are use a combination of methods. By using repeated back translation, the Czech version of the LCS tool was created. It included an assessment of the tool's content validity index and a questionnaire survey determining the midwives' approach to labor pain (N = 419), supplemented by a focus group method (N = 16 midwives). RESULTS: A new evaluation tool for the management of labor pain was created - the Pain Coping Scale, which assesses the management of labor pain, not intensity, like previous evaluation scales. It is a tool that maps 5 areas on a scale of 0-10. CONCLUSION: As part of her work, a midwife should be able to adequately assess a woman's management of labor pain, using a suitable tool, to reveal the factors that influence the development and experience of labor pain, and then choose an appropriate strategy in the care of a woman with labor pain. A new LCS labor pain assessment tool could help with this in the Czech environment.
- MeSH
- adaptace psychologická fyziologie MeSH
- babictví MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- měření bolesti * metody MeSH
- porodní bolesti * diagnóza psychologie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychometrie MeSH
- těhotenství MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- těhotenství MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Introduction: Menopause is a physiological process, forming a part of a lifetime that most women go through. This period of life is briefly described by experts as a triple transformation: biological, social, and psychological. For menopausal women, health care professionals can use one of 10 specific questionnaires to assess health-related quality of life and its symptoms. The authors herein speak about the preparation of a Czech version of one such questionnaire - the Utian Quality of Life Scale (UQOL). Material and methods: A Czech version of the UQOL was created by repeated and backward translation. It was validated on a sample of 204 women after natural menopause (45-65 years old). We judged the reliability of the Czech version of UQOL using Cronbach's a. We assessed the instrument's validity by means of confirmation factor analysis. Results: The authors modified the original version of the UQOL. The Czech version has 4 new domains with 18 items. This form was created using the results of confirmation factor analysis. Conclusions: The Utian Quality of Life Scale questionnaire is completed by the women themselves, thus meeting the golden rule of all quality-of-life research stating that the primary source should be data from the client him/herself. However, this requirement raises some methodological problems.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Aim: The main aim was to describe the current state of perioperative safety processes with reference to perioperative nurses' work. Design: To achieve the stated goal, a custom-built "ad hocˮ research design was created, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings of the exploratory qualitative survey were verified by the quantitative survey focused on in this article. Methods: The exploratory survey and Surgical Safety Checklist were the basis for a questionnaire which was designed to be used as a tool for investigation among a set of perioperative nurses in Czech hospitals. The target group of respondents was operating room managers, one representative per healthcare institution. The obtained data were analysed by exploratory statistical methods. Results: More than 96% of the healthcare institutions included in the research sample have formally established procedures: patient identification, verification of the type and side of the operation, checks for patient's history of allergies, and checks of the number of medical devices (n = 68). The survey showed that the respondents perceive safety checks to be of utmost importance in the perioperative procedure (modal value of seven on a scale from one to seven). Conclusion: Using the Surgical Safety Checklist should lead to safety improvements in nursing perioperative care. In most cases, the nursing safety practices formally introduced at respondents' workplaces correspond to WHO recommendations in the form of this Checklist.
- MeSH
- chirurgické ošetřovatelství MeSH
- kvalita zdravotní péče * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- perioperační medicína * metody MeSH
- perioperační období metody MeSH
- perioperační péče MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Aim:The first aim was to determine the performance of three self-report pain scales, the combined Visual Analogue Scale / Numerical Rating Scale (VAS/NRS), NRS, and Faces Pain Scale –Revised (FPS-R), in a study on pain in Czech patients with stroke. The second aim was to compare the patients' overall pain scale preference rankings and preference rankings by gender,the location of the brain damage, and cognitive functioning. Design: The design was cross-sectional.Methods:Eighty hospitalized patients with stroke evaluated their pain using the mentioned scales and subsequently expressed their preferencerankings of the scales. The data were described and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: Nineteen (24%) patients reported pain using at least one scale. Overall, pain intensity scores varied by 0–1 point in 75 (93.8%) patients, and the highest Spearman correlation was 0.997 (p < 0.001) between the VAS/NRS and the NRS. Overall, the NRS had the highest preference ranking (it ranked first or second in 75% of the cases). Conclusion: Correlations across all three scales were moderate to high; therefore, they appear equivalent. The scales can be recommended for clinical use in patients with stroke, provided they are able to collaborate.
- MeSH
- bolest * psychologie MeSH
- cévní mozková příhoda * psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- měření bolesti metody psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- zpráva o sobě MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
AIM: The purpose of this study was to develop a revised version of the Brief Bedside Dysphagia Screening Test for determining penetration/aspiration risk in patients prone to dysphagia. The priority was to achieve high sensitivity and negative predictive value. METHODS: The study screeners conducted bedside assessment of the swallowing function in 157 patients with a neurological (mainly stroke) or an ear, nose, and throat diagnosis (mainly head and neck cancer). The results were compared with a gold standard, flexible endoscopic examination of swallowing. RESULTS: For the neurological subgroup (N = 106), eight statistically significant bedside assessment items were combined into the Brief Bedside Dysphagia Screening Test-Revised (BBDST-R). Cut-off score 1 produced the highest sensitivity (95.5%; 95% confidence interval CI [CI]: 84.9-98.7%) and negative predictive value (88.9%; 95% CI 67.2-96.9%). CONCLUSION: The BBDST-R is suitable for dysphagia screening in departments caring for patients with neurological conditions.
- MeSH
- cévní mozková příhoda komplikace MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- otorinolaryngologické nemoci komplikace MeSH
- plošný screening metody MeSH
- point of care testing * MeSH
- polykání MeSH
- poruchy polykání diagnóza etiologie MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- určení symptomu metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Cíl: V roce 2011 proběhlo šetření zaměřené na popis prevalence a míry subjektivních potíží s polykáním u seniorů. Cílem bylo na tuto práci navázat a na již získaných datech provést komplexní analýzu vztahů mezi jednotlivými položkami hodnotícího dotazníku. Metodika: Šetření se účastnilo 160 seniorů z 5 zařízení zdravotní a sociální péče v Libereckém kraji. Ti hodnotili svoji polykací funkci pomocí desetipoložkového Dotazníku o přijímání potravy – Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10), a to vždy na škále od 0 (žádný pro-blém) až po 4 body (velký problém). Vztah mezi danými dvěma položkami byl vyjádřen po-mocí Kendallova koeficientu pořadové korelace τb. Výsledky: Vztahy mezi položkami byly kromě jednoho případu statisticky vysoce významné (p-value < 0,01). Všechny získané hodnoty τb byly pozitivní. Velmi těsné vztahy existovaly mezi „emočními“ položkami (τb > 0,7). Těsné vztahy existovaly i mezi vybranými položkami z oblasti fyzické (τb > 0,6). Nejvíce těsných vztahů vykazovala položka týkající se stresu spo-jeného s polykáním (τb > 0,6 ve vztahu s 6 položkami). Nejméně těsné vztahy vykazovala položka týkající se polykání pilulek (τb ve všech vztazích < 0,5). Závěr: Byly identifikovány subjektivní potíže v oblasti emoční, funkční i fyzické. Velmi těs-ný vztah existoval mezi více páry položek a je možné, že se v některých případech jedná o více méně duplicitní, tedy redundantní položky dotazníku. Naskýtá se otázka, zda je dotazník EAT-10 vhodným nástrojem pro subjektivní hodnocení polykání.
Aim: In 2011, a study was carried out focusing on the prevalence and degree of subjective swallowing difficulties in older adults. The aim was to extend this scrutiny and using the already existing data, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of relationships between the individual items of the assessment tool. Methods: 160 older adults from 5 institutions of health and social care in the Liberec region participated in the study. They evaluated their swallowing function using the 10-item Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10). For each item, a scale from 0 (no problem) to 4 points (severe problem) was used. The relationship between any two given items was expressed using the Kendall coefficient τb. Results: In all but one case, the relationships between the items were statistically highly significant (p-value < 0.01). All the obtained values of τb were positive. Very tight relationships existed between "emotional" items (τb > 0.7). Tight relationships also existed between selected physical items (τb > 0.6). The highest number of tight relationships was present for the item concerning stressful swallowing (τb > 0.6 for a relationship with 6 items). Tight relationships were lacking for the item assessing pill swallowing (τb < 0.5 for all relationships). Conclusion: Subjective swallowing difficulties were present in the emotional, functional and physical areas. A very tight relationship existed between several pairs of items and it is possible that in some cases, the tool items are duplicated, i.e. redundant. The question is whether the EAT-10 is a suitable tool for subjective assessment of swallowing.
- MeSH
- kohortové studie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- polykání MeSH
- poruchy polykání * epidemiologie etiologie MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři * MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- vyhodnocení orgánové dysfunkce MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři * MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Cíl: Hodnocení subjektivních potíží s hlasem pomocí standardizovaného nástroje Voice Han-dicap Index - Index hlasového postižení (VHI) u pacientů s onemocněním hrtanu před léčbou, po léčbě v intervalu 1 - 6 měsíců. Metodika: Výzkumné, kvantitativní, prospektivní šetření u dispenzarizovaných nemocných s hlasovými obtížemi ve foniatrické ambulanci. Sběr identifi-kačních a dalších dat pomocí dotazníku vlastní konstrukce, k hodnocení hlasových potíží pou-žit VHI (celkem 30 otázek). Pro statistické hodnocení dat před a po léčbě byl využit párový t-test. Výsledky: Ve skupině 15 respondentů bylo 12 žen (80 %) a 3 (20 %) muži, průměrný věk byl 53,2 let (23 - 79 let). V celkovém skóre VHI byl statistickým testováním potvrzen rozdíl stavu před léčbou a po léčbě na hladině významnosti α = 0,05 i α = 0,01. Největší problémy pacienti měli před i po léčbě v oblasti fyzické. Závěr: Statisticky významný posun ve vnímání obtíží s hlasem před a po léčbě byl prokázán u našich respondentů. VHI je vhodný nástroj pro stanovení míry obtíží s hlasem.
Aim: Subjective assessment of voice disorders using a standardized instrument called Voice Handicap Index (VHI) in patients with laryngeal diseases prior to and after treatment, at a time interval ranging from 1 to 6 months. Methods: A research-based, quantitative, prospective survey in patients with voice disorders followed up in an outpatient phoniatric departments. Identification and other data were collected using a self-designed questionnaire; the VHI (comprising a total of 30 questions) was used for assessing voice disorders. A paired t-test was used for statistical analysis of data prior to and after treatment. Results: A group of 15 respondents included 12 women (80%) and 3 men (20%); the mean age was 53.2 years (range, 23–79 years). In the total VHI score, a difference in condition before and after treatment was confirmed at significance levels of α = 0.05 and α = 0.01. Both prior to and after treatment, patients had the most severe difficulties in the physical domain. Conclusion: A statistically significant change in the perception of voice disorders before and after treatment was proven in our respondents. The VHI is a suitable instrument for determining the extent of voice disorders.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nemoci laryngu * patologie MeSH
- poruchy hlasu * klasifikace MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- výsledek terapie * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Aim: The aim was to study criterion validity of the Czech version of the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) by comparing it with the Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool (NDST). Moreover, the aim was to compare three items of the EAT-10 that focused on swallowing liquids (EAT3) and solids (EAT4) and on cough while eating (EAT9) with one item of the NDST, the swallow test (NDST8). Design: The design was cross-sectional. Methods: The sample included 57 hospitalized patients with a neurological condition. Their swallowing function was assessed using the EAT-10 and NDST. The relationship between the dichotomized EAT-10 and NDST and the selected items of both tools was expressed using the association coefficient phi (φ). Results: For all the studied EAT-10 cut-off scores, the relationship between the EAT-10 and NDST was negative; it was the strongest for a cut-off score of 15 (phi = -0.795; p <0.001). In all but one case, the relationship between the three items of the EAT-10 and the NDST8 was negative; it was the strongest for EAT3 (cut-off score of 3; phi = -0.701; p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results do not provide evidence for criterion validity of the EAT-10 using the NDST. Further research is recommended.
- MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nemoci mozku komplikace MeSH
- ošetřovatelská diagnóza * klasifikace MeSH
- polykání MeSH
- poruchy polykání * diagnóza prevence a kontrola MeSH
- průřezové studie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků * MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- zpráva o sobě MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
AIM: This study aimed to evaluate a set of gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) of the stomach and the small bowel managed with a laparoscopic technique. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study covers a period from January 1, 2007 until June 1, 2010 during which 13 patients underwent the laparoscopic removal of stomach tumours and 2 patients underwent the removal of a small bowel GIST in the General Hospital in Pardubice. In all cases tumours were removed in a laparoscopic way, including the healthy border of the stomach tissue. RESULTS: No death was observed in our study. Two patients suffered from wound infection (secondary healing), one of them requiring repeat surgery owing to the excessive narrowing of the distal part of the stomach. Dehiscence of laparoscopic sutures or other intra-abdominal complications were not observed. During monitoring all patients were free of signs of local recurrence, but tumour progression into the liver was observed in 1 patient. Gastrointestinal stromal tumours are very rare tumours but their incidence is increasing. At this time the consensus about the necessity of preoperative unambiguous differentiation between malignant or less malignant variants is not available. Strict differentiation is very difficult and the decision whether to choose a more radical surgical approach for more malignant variants is not clear-cut. CONCLUSIONS: In cases of gastric and small bowel GISTs the local removal of a tumour with the healthy border of the stomach tissue may be chosen as an adequate approach. Our results support this local surgical approach.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
We present a case of hyposmia following administration of a tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) vaccine. The olfactory impairment did not recover during 1-year follow up. In the literature, there is no report of smell deterioration after vaccination against TBE. Physicians should be aware of this rare neurological complication.
- MeSH
- klíšťová encefalitida prevence a kontrola MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- poruchy čichu chemicky indukované MeSH
- virové vakcíny aplikace a dávkování škodlivé účinky MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kazuistiky MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH