Tento článek se zaměřuje na aktuální a komplexní přehled o stroke mimics (SM), jež představují výzvu pro diferenciální diagnostiku vzhledem k širokému spektru jejich příznaků podobných CMP. Uvádíme stručná epidemiologická data, klinický obraz a čtyři prediktivní škály vyvinuté pro diagnostiku SM, které byly identifikovány na základě literární rešerše: TeleStroke Mimic Score (TSM), FABS, simplified FABS (sFABS) a Khan score. Tyto validované nástroje mohou podpořit rychlé a efektivní rozhodování o léčbě v prostředí urgentního příjmu s cílem minimalizovat zpoždění v poskytování adekvátní péče pacientům s CMP. Rádi bychom upozornili na význam správného rozpoznání SM s ohledem na časovou citlivost rekanalizační léčby, důrazem na optimalizaci léčby a management pacientů s akutně vzniklými neurologickými příznaky.
The article presents a current and comprehensive review of stroke mimics (SM), which represent a challenge for differential diagnosis due to their wide range of similar symptoms with strokes. It delves into the brief epidemiology, clinical features, and four predictive scales for SM diagnosis, which were identified on the basis of a literature search: TeleStroke Mimic Score (TSM), FABS, simplified FABS (sFABS), and Khan score. These validated tools might support rapid and efficient decision-making regarding treatment in an emergency department setting with the goal of minimizing delays in providing adequate care to patients with stroke. We would like to highlight the importance of correct identification of SM given the time sensitivity of revascularization treatment, with a focus on optimizing treatment and management of patients with acute onset of neurological symptoms.
- Keywords
- stroke mimics,
- MeSH
- Stroke diagnosis pathology MeSH
- Diagnosis, Differential MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Nervous System Diseases * diagnosis epidemiology classification pathology MeSH
- Neurologic Manifestations MeSH
- Neurologic Examination classification MeSH
- Predictive Value of Tests * MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
BACKGROUND: Up-to-date estimates of stroke burden and attributable risks and their trends at global, regional, and national levels are essential for evidence-based health care, prevention, and resource allocation planning. We aimed to provide such estimates for the period 1990-2021. METHODS: We estimated incidence, prevalence, death, and disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) counts and age-standardised rates per 100 000 people per year for overall stroke, ischaemic stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage, and subarachnoid haemorrhage, for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2021. We also calculated burden of stroke attributable to 23 risk factors and six risk clusters (air pollution, tobacco smoking, behavioural, dietary, environmental, and metabolic risks) at the global and regional levels (21 GBD regions and Socio-demographic Index [SDI] quintiles), using the standard GBD methodology. 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) for each individual future estimate were derived from the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles of distributions generated from propagating 500 draws through the multistage computational pipeline. FINDINGS: In 2021, stroke was the third most common GBD level 3 cause of death (7·3 million [95% UI 6·6-7·8] deaths; 10·7% [9·8-11·3] of all deaths) after ischaemic heart disease and COVID-19, and the fourth most common cause of DALYs (160·5 million [147·8-171·6] DALYs; 5·6% [5·0-6·1] of all DALYs). In 2021, there were 93·8 million (89·0-99·3) prevalent and 11·9 million (10·7-13·2) incident strokes. We found disparities in stroke burden and risk factors by GBD region, country or territory, and SDI, as well as a stagnation in the reduction of incidence from 2015 onwards, and even some increases in the stroke incidence, death, prevalence, and DALY rates in southeast Asia, east Asia, and Oceania, countries with lower SDI, and people younger than 70 years. Globally, ischaemic stroke constituted 65·3% (62·4-67·7), intracerebral haemorrhage constituted 28·8% (28·3-28·8), and subarachnoid haemorrhage constituted 5·8% (5·7-6·0) of incident strokes. There were substantial increases in DALYs attributable to high BMI (88·2% [53·4-117·7]), high ambient temperature (72·4% [51·1 to 179·5]), high fasting plasma glucose (32·1% [26·7-38·1]), diet high in sugar-sweetened beverages (23·4% [12·7-35·7]), low physical activity (11·3% [1·8-34·9]), high systolic blood pressure (6·7% [2·5-11·6]), lead exposure (6·5% [4·5-11·2]), and diet low in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (5·3% [0·5-10·5]). INTERPRETATION: Stroke burden has increased from 1990 to 2021, and the contribution of several risk factors has also increased. Effective, accessible, and affordable measures to improve stroke surveillance, prevention (with the emphasis on blood pressure, lifestyle, and environmental factors), acute care, and rehabilitation need to be urgently implemented across all countries to reduce stroke burden. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
INTRODUCTION: We assessed best available data on access and delivery of acute stroke unit (SU) care, intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and endovascular treatment (EVT) in the European region in 2019 and 2020. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We compared national data per number of inhabitants and per 100 annual incident first-ever ischaemic strokes (AIIS) in 46 countries. Population estimates and ischaemic stroke incidence were based on United Nations data and the Global Burden of Disease Report 2019, respectively. RESULTS: The estimated mean number of acute SUs in 2019 was 3.68 (95% CI: 2.90-4.45) per one million inhabitants (MIH) with 7/44 countries having less than one SU per one MIH. The estimated mean annual number of IVTs was 21.03 (95% CI: 15.63-26.43) per 100,000 and 17.14% (95% CI: 12.98-21.30) of the AIIS in 2019, with highest country rates at 79.19 and 52.66%, respectively, and 15 countries delivering less than 10 IVT per 100,000. The estimated mean annual number of EVTs in 2019 was 7.87 (95% CI: 5.96-9.77) per 100,000 and 6.91% (95% CI: 5.15-8.67) of AIIS, with 11 countries delivering less than 1.5 EVT per 100,000. Rates of SUs, IVT and EVT were stable in 2020. There was an increase in mean rates of SUs, IVT and EVT compared to similar data from 2016. CONCLUSION: Although there was an increase in reperfusion treatment rates in many countries between 2016 and 2019, this was halted in 2020. There are persistent major inequalities in acute stroke treatment in the European region. Tailored strategies directed to the most vulnerable regions should be prioritised.
- MeSH
- Stroke * epidemiology MeSH
- Endovascular Procedures * MeSH
- Ischemic Stroke * epidemiology MeSH
- Brain Ischemia * epidemiology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Thrombolytic Therapy MeSH
- Treatment Outcome MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Pacienti s ischemickou CMP čelí zvýšenému riziku výskytu celé řady kardiovaskulárních komplikací. Ty se mohou projevit například jako akutní myokardiální postižení, akutní koronární syndrom, dysfunkce levé komory (včetně syndromu Takotsubo). Dále se objevují závažné arytmie nebo náhlá srdeční smrt. Vedle těchto klinicky manifestních komplikací se u části pacientů vyskytnou oligosymptomatické abnormity jako například elevace specifických biomarkerů nebo změny na EKG. Tyto komplikace jsou spojeny s těžším neurologickým postižením a vyšší mortalitou pacientů s akutní CMP. Diagnostika a léčba kardiálních komplikací u pacientů s CMP má svá specifika a odvíjí se zejména od typu CMP. Patofyziologie těchto komplikací zůstává částečně nejasná. Podle nového konceptu tzv. stroke-heart syndromu se na vzniku časných kardiálních komplikací u pacientů s CMP mimo tradičních rizikových faktorů podílejí také další mechanizmy, jako je autonomní dysregulace nebo systémová zánětlivá odpověď, ke kterým dochází následkem CMP. Přes narůstající zájem o tuto problematiku a nové poznatky v její patofyziologii specifické léčebné postupy tohoto tzv. stroke-heart syndromu zatím chybí. V běžné klinické praxi je při včasné diagnostice a léčbě kardiálních komplikací u pacientů s akutní CMP zásadní úloha neurologa.
Patients with ischemic stroke face an increased risk of a broad range of cardiovascular complications. These may manifest as acute myocardial injury, acute coronary syndrome, left ventricular dysfunction (including Takotsubo syndrome). Furthermore, severe arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death may also occur. In addition to these clinically manifested complications, oligosymptomatic abnormalities such as elevation of specific biomarkers or ECG changes occur in some patients. These complications are associated with more severe neurological disability and higher mortality in patients with acute stroke. The diagnosis and treatment of cardiac complications in patients with stroke has its own specificities and depends mainly on the type of stroke. The pathophysiology of these complications remains partly unclear. According to the new concept of the stroke heart syndrome, it appears that, in addition to the traditional vascular risk factors, other underlying mechanisms, such as autonomic dysregulation or systemic inflammatory response arising as a consequence of brain tissue damage during stroke are involved in the development of early cardiac complications. Despite growing interest in this issue and new insights into its pathophysiology, specific therapies for this so-called stroke-heart syndrome are still lacking. In routine clinical practice, the role of the neurologist in the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiac complications in patients after acute stroke is crucial.
- MeSH
- Acute Coronary Syndrome diagnosis complications MeSH
- Stroke * diagnosis complications MeSH
- Ventricular Dysfunction, Left complications MeSH
- Cardiovascular Abnormalities classification MeSH
- Cardiovascular Diseases * etiology physiopathology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Arrhythmias, Cardiac complications MeSH
- Troponin analysis MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
- MeSH
- Anticoagulants therapeutic use MeSH
- Early Diagnosis MeSH
- Stroke * diagnosis therapy MeSH
- Fibrinolysis MeSH
- Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors therapeutic use MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Critical Care methods MeSH
- Practice Guidelines as Topic * MeSH
- Tissue Plasminogen Activator contraindications therapeutic use MeSH
- Thrombolytic Therapy methods MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- MeSH
- Diagnostic Imaging MeSH
- Brain Ischemia diagnosis etiology MeSH
- Clinical Laboratory Techniques MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
Cíl: Mechanická trombektomie (MT) symptomatického uzávěru mozkové tepny u pacientů s akutní ischemickou cévní mozkovou příhodou (iCMP) se stala standardní léčbou. Cílem studie METRICS (MechanicalThrombectomy Quality Indicators Study in Czech Stroke Centers) bylo ověřit, zda centra v České republice provádějící endovaskulámí léčbu iCMP plní indikátory kvality navržené multioborovým konsenzem, a tak v mezinárodním kontextu ověřit kvalitu péče napříč naší republikou. Metodika: Národní prospektivní observační studie METRICS probíhala v České republice v roce 2019. Studie se zúčastnilo 12 z 15 center provádějících mechanickou trombektomii. Všechna technická a klinická data byla sbírána prospektivně a následně byla srovnána s doporučenými hodnotamijednotlivých parametrů multioborového konsenzu. Výsledky: V práci jsou analyzována data z 12 center, ve kterých bylo mechanickou trombektomii ošetřeno celkem 1178 pacientů (50,3% mužů) s mediánem věku 72 roky (18-98 let). Intravenóznitrombolýzou (IVT) bylo před MT léčeno 827 nemocných (70,2%) a 445 (37,8%) bylo sekundárně transponováno k MT z jiného centra. Získaná data z národní prospektivní observační studie METRICS byla hodnocena pro jednotlivá centra. Shoda výsledků péče s doporučeními navrženými multioborovým konsenzem byla velmi vysoká. Pět center splnilo parametry všech doporučení. Ostatní centra nesplnila pouze ojedinělá kritéria a ve většině případů jen hraničně. Závěr: Výsledky studie METRICS ukazují, že lze splnit doporučované hodnoty parametrů uvedených v mezinárodním multioborovém konsenzu i v podmínkách běžné klinické praxe napříč Českou republikou.
Aim: Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) of symptomatic occlusion of cerebral artery has become a standard treatment in acute ischemic stroke (IS) patients. The aim of the presented study was to evaluate if centers performing endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke meet the recommendations established by the international multi-society consensus. Methods: The national prospective observational multicenter study METRICS (Mechanical Thrombectomy Quality Indicators Study in Czech Stroke Centers) was conducted in Czech Republic in year 2019. Twelve of 15 centers performing mechanicaltrombectomy were participating on study. Alltechnicaland clinical data were collected prospectively and achieved results were subsequently compared with the recommendations established by international multi-society consensus. Results: In 12 centers 1178 (86%) patients (50.3% males, median of age 72 years, range 18-98 years) by MT were treated in 2019 and the collected data of these patients were analyzed. IV thrombolysis prior MT was performed in 827 (70.2%) patients and 445 (37.8%) patients were transferred secondarily for MT from primary stroke centers to dedicated comprehensive centers. Achieved data from the study METRICS were subsequently evaluated for individual participating centers. The concordance of results with the recommendations of multi-society consensus was very high. Five centers met parameters of all recommendations. Remaining centers did not meet sporadic criteria only and most parameters had borderline values. Conclusion: The results of METRICS study showed that it is possible meet the recommended values of parameters stated in the international multi-society consensus even in a real world practice across the Czech Republic.
- Keywords
- studie METRICS,
- MeSH
- Ischemic Stroke * therapy MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Mechanical Thrombolysis methods MeSH
- Prospective Studies MeSH
- Quality Indicators, Health Care MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- MeSH
- Drug Therapy methods MeSH
- Brain Ischemia physiopathology therapy MeSH
- Emergencies MeSH
- Critical Care methods MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
Autoři hodnotí vlastní zkušenosti s vyšetřováním akutních cévních onemocnění mozku, které dokládají údaji z literatury. Z této syntézy poznatků vypracovali pro současný stav přístrojového zázemí u nás podle jejich názoru optimální diagnostické schéma - vyšetřovací algoritmus. Informují o omezeném významu perfuzního vyšetření mozku (PWI) s užitím kontrastní látky (Gd-DTPA), zvláště není-li možné současně proy zvláště není-li možné současně provádět vyšetření difúze vody v mozku (DWI). Pro současnou úroveň techniky se jeví optimální vyšetření pomocí spirálního CT. V krátkém čase v rámci jediného vyšetření lze provést nativní CT vyšetření spolu s CT angiografií.
Synthesis of personal experience and literary data enabled the authors to define investigation algorithms for acute stroke corresponding to the technical background available in our country. The contribution of perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) using contrast agent (Gd-DTPA), without diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) seems to be very limited. Spiral CT seems to be the best choice for the contemporary level of technique available in this country. Normal CT and CT angiography can be obtained in a very short time if spiral CT is available.