First international Mediterranean symposium on hypertension "Towards a future without risk" : proceedings / guest ed. J.L. Rodicio, M.E. Safar, A. Zanchetti.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
Cardiovascular advantages of a third generation calcium antagonist : symposium on lacidipine.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1999.
[Beta]-lactamase inhibitors in obstetrics and gynaecology : proceedings of the XIth World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, sponsored by Pfizer International Inc, held in Berlin, 16 September, / guest editors D.L. Hemsell, H.H. Werner.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1986.
New aspects on nitrates : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by AB Hässle/Astra Cardiovascular held in Copenhagen on 9-10 October, 1986 / guest editors O. Amtorp, L. Rydén.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1987.
Avancées dans la prise en charge des affections rhumatismales par les AINS : place de la nabumétone / rédacteur en chef invité C.J. Menkes.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2000.
Ebastine : a new approach to treatment strategies of allergies / guest editors J. Bousquet , E. Buendia , peer review panel C. Bachert et al.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
Gram-positive infections on the threshold of the 21st century : proceedings of a satellite symposium to the first international meeting on the therapy of infections held in Florence / guest editors Reuben N. Grüneberg, Robert C. Moellering, Jr..
Auckland : ADIS International, [1997?].
The role of NSAIDs in pain therapy : focus on nimesulide / guest editor G. Varrassi.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2003.
Coronary heart disease : current therapeutic approaches / guest ed. F. Burkart , S. H. Taylor.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
New perspectives on the treatment of depression : Proceedings / guest ed. H.M. van Praag, Y. Lecrubier.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
First International Symposium on Tropisetron : Proceedings of a satellite symposium to the 6th European Conference on Clinical Oncology / guest ed. A.T. van Oosterom, A.R. Bianco.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
Management strategies in bleeding oesophageal varices : seminar-in-print / guest ed. A.K. Burroughs, S.A. Jenkins.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
Alfa-glucosidase inhibitors : a new therapeutic option in diabetes mellitus / guest ed. J.-L. Chiasson , J.E. Gerich.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
Vinorelbine : a key option in cancer chemotherapy / guest ed. H. Cortés-Funes , G. Mathé.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
Value of NSAIDs in the management of postoperative pain : proceedings of a satellite symposium to the 10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists / guest ed. H. Kehlet , L. E. Mather.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1992.
Tramadol analgesia : synergy in research and therapy / guest editors Jean-Marie Besson , Michael D. Vickers.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1994.
Treatment of lipoprotein disorders in women : proceedings of a workshop held in Frankfurt / guest editors G. Baggio , R.J. Havel , technical editor Joanna Summerbell.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1994.
Future treatment of respiratory tract infection : the role of cefetamet pivoxil / guest editors H.C. Neu, S.R. Norrby, technical editor Harriet Bryson.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1994.
New insights in the management of congestive heart failure : proceedings of a satellite symposium held in Geneva / guest editors J.N. Cohn , Victor J. Dzau , technical editor Andrew Fitton.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1994.
Vascular changes during long term treatment with nifedipine : experience with a novel once-daily delivery system / guest editors M. Luque Otero , P. A. van Zwieten.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1994.
Antiretroviral therapy in practice : symposium on zidovudine / guest editors R. Lüthy , D.D. Richman.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1995.
5th International Symposium on New Quinolones : Singapore.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1995.
New strategies in infectious diseases : rationale for the use of novel streptogramins / guest editors J.F. Acar , V.T. Andriole , peer review panel J.F. Acar et al.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
Infectious diseases : Basel Research Forum International / guest editor M.P. Glauser , peer review panel P. Courvalin , M.P. Glauser , R. Wise.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
Management of pain in osteoarthritis : current approaches / guest editors K.D. Brandt , P. Dieppe , peer review panel R.D. Altman et al.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
The prevention of cardiovascular events : a new challenge for calcium channel blockers / guest editor Michel E. Bertrand , peer review panel Michel E. Bertrand , David T. Kelly , Barry J. Materson.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
Chirality and analgesia : partial proceedings of the international symposium / guest editors J. Caldwell , A.J. Hutt , peer review panel J. Caldwell et al.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
Advances in the treatment of asthma : focus on zafirlukast / guest editor R. Pauwels , peer review panel J.M. Drazen , P.H. Howarth , R. Pauwels.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
The emerging role of low molecular weight heparin in venous thromboembolism : proceedings of a symposium / guest editors S. Haas , G.D.O. Lowe , peer review panel S. Haas et al.
Auckland [etc.] : ADIS International, 1996.
The cephalosporin antibiotics : seminar-in-print / guest editor J.D. Williams.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1987.
Improving asthma control : What are your treatment options? / guest editor Peter J. Barnes.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2003.
Gros troncs artériels, microcirculation et myocarde dans l'hypertension artérielle : aspects thérapeutiques / rédacteur en chef invité S. Laurent.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2003.
Nouveau regard sur la prise en charge de la douleur : intéret du paracétamol / rédacteur en chef invité B. Bannwarth.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2003.
Symposium on the Role of [Beta]-Blockade in Acute MI : (abstracts).
Auckland : ADIS, 1985.
Arthrotec investigators meeting : proceedings / guest. ed. Verna Wright.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1993.
Symposium on advances in the treatment of early breast cancer : Proceedings / guest eds. H. T. Mouridsen , M. Namer.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1993.
4th international symposium on new quinolones : Proceedings.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1993.
Nimesulide : A multifactorial therapeutic approach to the inflammatory process? / guest editors A. Bennet, F. Berti, S.H. Ferreira.
Auckland ...[etc.] : ADIS International, 1993.
New challenges in the treatment of hypertension : the global approach / guest editors A. Sales Luís , A. Zanchetti.
Auckland ...[etc.] : ADIS International, 1993.
Advances in ribosomal immunotherapy : proceedings of a symposium held in Cannes / guest editors J.A. Bellanti, J. Clot.
Auckland : ADIS International, [1997?].
Haematological/rheological and neurological aspects of ischaemic stroke : proceedings of a satellite symposium , at the 22nd international joint conference on Stroke and Cerebral Circulatin / guest editors Harold P. Adams, Jr., William P. Bell, Jr..
Auckland : ADIS International, [1997?].
Cabergoline : advantages of sustained dopaminergic stimulation / guest editor C.D. Marsden.
Auckland : ADIS International, [1998?].
Intéret de l'association fixe aténolol/nifédipine dans le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle : revue d'actualité / rédacteur en chef invité M. Beaufils.
Auckland : ADIS International, [1998?].
Qualité de vie chez les patients présentant une artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs : apport de l'ifenprodil / rédacteur en chef invité J.N. Fiessinger.
Auckland : ADIS International, [1998?].
Insuline resistance, type 2 diabetes and metformin : matching the science to the facts / guest editor Ralph A. DeFronzo.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1999.
6th International symposium on new quinolones : proceedings of the 6th International symposium on new quinolones, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 15-17, 1998.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1999.
Oral chemotherapy : past, present and future directions / guest editors F.A. Greco, J.D. Hainsworth.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1999.
Once-daily corticosteroid therapy in asthma : improving compliance with budesonide / guest editor Paul M. O'Byrne.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1999.
Microcirculation and cardiovascular disease : based on a meeting of the French Cardiology Society, held in Paris, France, in January 1999 / guest editor R. Haiat.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1999.
A new angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor : treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure / quest editor M.G. Nicholls.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1985.
Treatment of hypertension and primary prevention of coronary heart disease : proceedings of a satellite symposium held in Geneva on 25 April, 1985 / guest editors S.H. Taylor, A.D.S. Caldwell.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1986.
Symposium on Branhamella catarrhalis : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Beecham Pharmaceuticals held in Brockham Park, Surrey, on 17-18 October, 1985 / guest editors F. O'Grady, C.E. Nord.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1986.
Diuretics in the 1980s : issues and insights / guest editors W.H. Birkenhäger, M. Moser.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1986.
Symposium on Enteric-Coated Sulphasalazine1 in Rheumatoid Arthritis : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Pharmacia Ltd., held in the Barbican Centre, London, in December 6, 1985 / guest editor Paul A. Dieppe.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1986.
Symposium on Aldose Reductase Inhibition and Late Complications of Diabetes : proceedings of the International Diabetes Federation Polyol Pathway Workshop, Madrid, 23 September 1985 / guest editor J.D. Ward.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1986.
Symposium on Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition in Cardiac Failure : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme International held in Oslo on 23 October, 1985 / guest editor J.H. Laragh.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1986.
Archidonic acid metabolism and inflammation : therapeutic implications / guest editors M. Dunn, G. Weissmann.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1987.
Cyclandelate : calcium modulation and clinical effects / guest editors M.S.J. Pathy, H. Timmerman.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1987.
Symposium on Anisoylated Plasminogen Streptokinase Activator Complex (APSAC) : proceedings of an international symposium sponsored by Beecham Pharmaceuticals held in Guernsey on 5-6 November, 1986 / guest editors J.L. Anderson, J.-P. Boissel, D.A. Chamberlain.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1987.
Second International Meeting on Felodipine / guest editors D. Elmfeldt, A.R. Lorimer, A. Zanchetti.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1987.
Symposium on Therapeutic Aspects of Tiaprofenic Acid : proceedings of a satellite symposium sponsored by Roussel UCLAF and other sessions at the XIth EULAR congress held in Athens, Greece, 28 June to 4 July, 1987 / guest editors J.P. Famaey, E.C. Huskisson.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1988.
The role of serotonin in cardiovascular disease / guest editors A.M. Breckenridge, N.K. Hollenberg, T. Omae.
Auckland : ADIS International, 1988.
Symposium on Hypertension : Queenstown, New Zealand, October 30 to November 1, 1975 / editor F.O. Simpson.
Auckland : ADIS, 1976.
Symposium on Common Parasitic Diseases : proceedings of a Pfizer Forum held at the Mandarin Hotel, Manila, November 12, 1977 / editor V. Zaman.
Auckland : ADIS, 1978.
Fifth International Symposium on Cefoperazone Sodium : proceedings of a Pfizer Forum held at the Townhouse, Auckland, New Zealand, on 12 February 1981 / editor S.D.R. Lang.
Auckland : ADIS, 1981.
[Beta]-blockade in the 1980s : focus on atenolol / editors J.I.S. Robertson ... [et al.].
Auckland : ADIS, 1983.
Electrolyte disturbances and cardiac risks : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme International held in Amsterdam on 16 and 17 March, 1984 / guest editors W.H. Birkenhäger, R.J. Solomon, M.R. Wills.
Auckland : ADIS, 1984.
First International Meeting on Felodipine : proceedings of an international symposium held in Montreux, Switzerland on 16 and 17 June, 1984 / guest editors A.R. Lorimer, D. Elmfeldt, G. Johnsson.
Auckland : ADIS, 1985.
Amiodarone : new approaches in the treatment of damaged myocardium / guest editor D. Krikler.
Auckland : ADIS, 1985.
Therapy of tachyarrhythmias : benefits and risks / guest editors A. J. Camm, F. Bender.
Auckland : ADIS, 1985.
First International Workshop on Temocillin : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Beecham Pharmaceuticals held in Athens on 20 September, 1984 / guest editors H. Lode, L. Verbist, J.D. Williams.
Auckland : ADIS, 1985.
Patient preference in antianginal therapy : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by ICI Pharmaceuticals held in Madeira on 21-22 October, 1988 / guest editors W.H. Frishman, L. Rydén.
Auckland : ADIS, 1989.
Partial proceedings of the Symposium on Trimipramine in Depression and Sleep Disorders : partial proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Rhône-Poulenc Santé held in Munich on 14 August 1988 / guest editors M.H. Lader, E. Rüther.
Auckland : ADIS, 1989.
Treatment options in portal hypertension : Does propranolol have a role? / guest editors W.G. Rector, Roger Williams.
Auckland : ADIS, 1989.
International Symposium on Nedocromil Sodium : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Fisons Pharmaceuticals held in Paris on 13-15 June, 1988 / guest editors W.W. Busse, T.S.C. Orr, R. Pauwels.
Auckland : ADIS, 1989.
Pinacidil: potassium channel openers in the treatment of hypertension : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Leo Pharmaceutical Products held in Copenhagen on 10-11 March, 1988 / guest editors J.E. Carlsen, A.H. Weston.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Combined action of multiple antihypertensive mechanisms : proceedings of an official satellite symposium of the 12th scientific meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, held in Nara, Japan, 26 May, 1988, and sponsored by Daiichi Seiyaku Co., Ltd. / guest editors L. Hansson, B.N.C. Prichard, T. Takeda.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Symposium on Topical Corticosteroids Today and Tomorrow : augmented proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Schering AG held in Bali, 16-20 June 1988 / guest editors B. Giannotti, G. Stüttgen.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Symposium on Prevention of Atherosclerosis : strategies for the 90s / guest editors G. Berglund ... [et al.].
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Acebutolol and atherosclerosis : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Rhône Poulenc Santé held in Marrakesh, 3 December 1987 / guest editors R. Ames, J.C. Demanet.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Sulbactam/ampicillin in clinical practice : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Pfizer International Inc. held in Munich, 17 January 1987 / guest editors M.A. Bruhat, A.S. Dajani.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
International Symposium on Urapidil : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Byk Gulden held in Recife, 29 June - 1 July, 1987 / guest editors A. Amery ... [et al.].
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Three key issues in antihypertensive treatment : proceedings of a meeting of the Swedish League Against Hypertension held in Stockholm on 10-11 September 1987 / guest editors M. Aurell, L. Hansson.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Fixed combination of atenolol and nifedipine in cardiovascular medicine : partial proceedings of a workshop held in the Royal Society of Medicine, London, 21 January, 1987 / guest editors J.D. Swales, W.G. Nayler.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Symposium on Roxatidine Acetate : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Hoechst AG held in Rottach-Egern on 3-5 June, 1987 / guest editors S. Bonfils, M. Classen, M.J.S. Langman.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Cefotaxime : proceedings from the 15th International Congress of Chemotherapy / guest editors H.C. Neu, C. Carbon, J.-C. Pechere.
Auckland : ADIS, 1988.
Filgrastim anniversary supplement : reviewing 10 years of clinical experience / guest editor David C. Dale.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2002.
First International Symposium on Ofloxacin : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Hoechst AG held in Mainz on 27-28 November 1986 / guest editors R. Wise, H. Knotheeld.
Auckland : ADIS, 1987.
Current and future use of platinum compounds in cancer therapy : a seminar-in-print / guest editor Giuseppe Giaccone.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2000.
Epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted approaches for anticancer therapy : focus on ZD1839 / guest editor Carlos L. Arteaga.
Auckland : ADIS International, 2000.
Ambulatory use of parenteral cephalosporins : state of the art and international trends..
Auckland : ADIS International, 2000.
New prevention strategies for Mycobacterium avium complex : proceedings of a satellite symposium to the 4th international conference on prevention of infection..
Auckland : ADIS International, [1997?].
Managing cholesterol in cardiovascular disease : use of cerivastatin in at-risk patients..
Auckland : ADIS International, [1998?].
International Symposium on Urapidil : proceedings of a symposium (of the ISH-IUPHAR Joint Venture) entitled "Multiple reference to Alpha- and 5-HT-Receptors", held in Berlin, 16 June, 1990..
Auckland : ADIS International, 1990.
Calcium antagonists in hypertension : proceedings of a symposium in Bangkok, Thailand, February 9, 1990, ancillary to the 11th World Congress on Cardiology held in Manila, Philippines..
Auckland : ADIS International, 1990.
Redefining risk factors for coronary heart disease : the benefit of regulating lipoproteins..
Auckland : ADIS International, 1990.