Nonlinear electron transport induced by polarized terahertz radiation is studied in two-dimensional tellurene at room temperature. A direct current, quadratic in the radiation's electric field, is observed. Contributions sensitive to radiation helicity and polarization orientation as well as polarization independent current are found. We show that these contributions can be modified by the magnitude of the external gate potential. We demonstrate that this terahertz-driven electric current arises from the Berry curvature dipole and the side-jump microscopic mechanisms.
- Klíčová slova
- Berry curvature dipole, nonlinear Hall effect, photocurrents, photogalvanic effect, terahertz radiation, two-dimensional tellurene,
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The Edelstein effect is the origin of the spin-orbit torque: a current-induced torque that is used for the electrical control of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. This effect originates from the relativistic spin-orbit coupling, which necessitates utilizing materials with heavy elements. Here, we show that in magnetic materials with non-collinear magnetic order, the Edelstein effect and, consequently, a current-induced torque can exist even in the absence of the spin-orbit coupling. Using group symmetry analysis, model calculations, and realistic simulations on selected compounds, we identify large classes of non-collinear magnet candidates and demonstrate that the current-driven torque is of similar magnitude as the celebrated spin-orbit torque in conventional transition metal structures. We also show that this torque can exist in an insulating material, which could allow for highly efficient electrical control of magnetic order.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Phases with spontaneous time-reversal ( T ) symmetry breaking are sought after for their anomalous physical properties, low-dissipation electronic and spin responses, and information-technology applications. Recently predicted altermagnetic phase features an unconventional and attractive combination of a strong T -symmetry breaking in the electronic structure and a zero or only weak-relativistic magnetization. In this work, we experimentally observe the anomalous Hall effect, a prominent representative of the T -symmetry breaking responses, in the absence of an external magnetic field in epitaxial thin-film Mn5Si3 with a vanishingly small net magnetic moment. By symmetry analysis and first-principles calculations we demonstrate that the unconventional d-wave altermagnetic phase is consistent with the experimental structural and magnetic characterization of the Mn5Si3 epilayers, and that the theoretical anomalous Hall conductivity generated by the phase is sizable, in agreement with experiment. An analogy with unconventional d-wave superconductivity suggests that our identification of a candidate of unconventional d-wave altermagnetism points towards a new chapter of research and applications of magnetic phases.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Altermagnetism is a recently identified magnetic symmetry class combining characteristics of conventional collinear ferromagnets and antiferromagnets, that were regarded as mutually exclusive, and enabling phenomena and functionalities unparalleled in either of the two traditional elementary magnetic classes. In this work we use symmetry, ab initio theory, and experiments to explore x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) in the altermagnetic class. As a representative material for our XMCD study we choose α-MnTe with compensated antiparallel magnetic order in which an anomalous Hall effect has been already demonstrated. We predict and experimentally confirm a characteristic XMCD line shape for compensated moments lying in a plane perpendicular to the light propagation vector. Our results highlight the distinct phenomenology in altermagnets of this time-reversal symmetry breaking response, and its potential utility for element-specific spectroscopy and microscopy.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
We demonstrate the emergence of a pronounced thermal transport in the recently discovered class of magnetic materials-altermagnets. From symmetry arguments and first-principles calculations performed for the showcase altermagnet, RuO_{2}, we uncover that crystal Nernst and crystal thermal Hall effects in this material are very large and strongly anisotropic with respect to the Néel vector. We find the large crystal thermal transport to originate from three sources of Berry's curvature in momentum space: the Weyl fermions due to crossings between well-separated bands, the strong spin-flip pseudonodal surfaces, and the weak spin-flip ladder transitions, defined by transitions among very weakly spin-split states of similar dispersion crossing the Fermi surface. Moreover, we reveal that the anomalous thermal and electrical transport coefficients in RuO_{2} are linked by an extended Wiedemann-Franz law in a temperature range much wider than expected for conventional magnets. Our results suggest that altermagnets may assume a leading role in realizing concepts in spin caloritronics not achievable with ferromagnets or antiferromagnets.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Altermagnetism is a newly identified fundamental class of magnetism with vanishing net magnetization and time-reversal symmetry broken electronic structure. Probing the unusual electronic structure with nonrelativistic spin splitting would be a direct experimental verification of an altermagnetic phase. By combining high-quality film growth and in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we report the electronic structure of an altermagnetic candidate, α-MnTe. Temperature-dependent study reveals the lifting of Kramers degeneracy accompanied by a magnetic phase transition at T_{N}=267 K with spin splitting of up to 370 meV, providing direct spectroscopic evidence for altermagnetism in MnTe.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Magnons in ferromagnets have one chirality, and typically are in the GHz range and have a quadratic dispersion near the zero wave vector. In contrast, magnons in antiferromagnets are commonly considered to have bands with both chiralities that are degenerate across the entire Brillouin zone, and to be in the THz range and to have a linear dispersion near the center of the Brillouin zone. Here we theoretically demonstrate a new class of magnons on a prototypical d-wave altermagnet RuO_{2} with the compensated antiparallel magnetic order in the ground state. Based on density-functional-theory calculations we observe that the THz-range magnon bands in RuO_{2} have an alternating chirality splitting, similar to the alternating spin splitting of the electronic bands, and a linear magnon dispersion near the zero wave vector. We also show that, overall, the Landau damping of this metallic altermagnet is suppressed due to the spin-split electronic structure, as compared to an artificial antiferromagnetic phase of the same RuO_{2} crystal with spin-degenerate electronic bands and chirality-degenerate magnon bands.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Ferromagnetic spin valves and tunneling junctions are crucial for spintronics applications and are one of the most fundamental spintronics devices. Motivated by the potential unique advantages of antiferromagnets for spintronics, we theoretically study here junctions built out of noncollinear antiferromagnets. We demonstrate a large and robust magnetoresistance and spin-transfer torque capable of ultrafast switching between parallel and antiparallel states of the junction. In addition, we show that a new type of self-generated torque appears in the noncollinear junctions.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Spin-current generation by electrical means is among the core phenomena driving the field of spintronics. Using ab initio calculations we show that a room-temperature metallic collinear antiferromagnet RuO_{2} allows for highly efficient spin-current generation, arising from anisotropically spin-split bands with conserved up and down spins along the Néel vector axis. The zero net moment antiferromagnet acts as an electrical spin splitter with a 34° propagation angle between spin-up and spin-down currents. The corresponding spin conductivity is a factor of 3 larger than the record value from a survey of 20 000 nonmagnetic spin-Hall materials. We propose a versatile spin-splitter-torque concept circumventing limitations of spin-transfer and spin-orbit torques in present magnetic memory devices.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is one of the most fundamental phenomena in physics. In the highly conductive regime, ferromagnetic metals have been the focus of past research. Here, we report a giant extrinsic AHE in KV3Sb5, an exfoliable, highly conductive semimetal with Dirac quasiparticles and a vanadium Kagome net. Even without report of long range magnetic order, the anomalous Hall conductivity reaches 15,507 Ω-1 cm-1 with an anomalous Hall ratio of ≈ 1.8%; an order of magnitude larger than Fe. Defying theoretical expectations, KV3Sb5 shows enhanced skew scattering that scales quadratically, not linearly, with the longitudinal conductivity, possibly arising from the combination of highly conductive Dirac quasiparticles with a frustrated magnetic sublattice. This allows the possibility of reaching an anomalous Hall angle of 90° in metals. This observation raises fundamental questions about AHEs and opens new frontiers for AHE and spin Hall effect exploration, particularly in metallic frustrated magnets.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH