In this study, skin dosimetry of patients undergoing interventional cardiology procedures is presented. Three hospitals were included. Two methods were used for skin dosimetry--radiochromic dosimetry films and reconstruction of skin dose distribution based on examination protocol. Maximum skin doses (MSD) obtained from both methods were compared for 175 patients. For patients for whom the film MSD was >1 Gy, the reconstruction MSD differed from the film MSD in the range of ± 50 % for 83 % of patients. For remaining patients, the difference was higher and it was caused by longer fluoroscopy time. For 59 patients for whom the cumulative dose was known, the cumulative dose was compared with the film MSD. Skin dosimetry with radiochromic films is more accurate than the reconstruction method, but films do not include X-ray fields from lateral projections whilest reconstructions do.
- MeSH
- Radiation Dosage * MeSH
- Film Dosimetry instrumentation methods MeSH
- Radiography, Interventional * MeSH
- Skin diagnostic imaging radiation effects MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Multicenter Study MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Several common pharmaceuticals such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin, oral contraceptives, drugs for the prevention of motion sickness and food supplements such as table vitamins and minerals have been studied for the purposes of retrospective dosimetry using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The essence is that the tablets with these drug substances contain additive crystalline materials which, after irradiation and stimulation, may exhibit luminescence. For most of the pharmaceuticals and food supplements, a radiation-induced dose-dependent OSL signal was detected. Subsequently, basic dosimetric characteristics of the materials were studied, specifically sensitivity changes during repeated OSL readings, dose response, zero-dose, minimum detectable dose (MDD) and fading. The most radiation sensitive materials were food supplements with Mg providing zero-dose and MDD values at the level of several mGy. For Mg supplements, considerable sensitivity changes in OSL signal were observed. Despite this, they could be corrected using a Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. The OSL signals of the other materials were relatively weak but they were well reproducible and exhibited linear dose response. The MDD values were variable among the materials and ranged from 0.1 to several Gy. However, for some of the pharmaceuticals, a very high and variable zero-dose of more than 3 Gy was observed that would rule out the possibility of dose reconstruction for triage purposes. The OSL signal exhibited a significant fading rate for most of the materials. The measurements for dose reconstruction should be performed as soon as possible after irradiation, i.e. within a maximum of a few days.
- Keywords
- food supplements, optically stimulated luminescence, pharmaceuticals, radiation triage, retrospective dosimetry,
- MeSH
- Radiation Dosage MeSH
- Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry * methods MeSH
- Pharmaceutical Preparations MeSH
- Dietary Supplements MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Pharmaceutical Preparations MeSH
PURPOSE: The threat of serious radiation exposures to members of the public from radiological incidents and nuclear events has led to intensive study of a number of emergency dosimetry techniques for purposes of triage. As such, a national laboratory of retrospective dosimetry was established in our institute. The purpose of this work is to provide a summary of the well-established and already implemented retrospective physical dosimetry techniques based on thermoluminescence (TL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and neutron activation including their specifics. Moreover, we present some new results of the experimental work, in which we compared dosimetry potential of various dental repair materials and human teeth. MATERIALS AND METHODS: At first, an overview of already established retrospective physical retrospective methods including their main features was compiled. As regards recent research, an experimental comparative study was performed under defined conditions. The materials used were aliquots prepared from both pure and repaired teeth and aliquots of unused dental ceramics of known type. Following irradiation, we compared TL and OSL curves of the materials. We also compared dosimetry characteristics of OSL signal as reproducibility, dose dependence and fading. RESULTS: After irradiation, the teeth aliquots of dental enamel and dentin exhibited very low OSL and TL signals compared with aliquots containing some dental repair materials or aliquots of pure dental ceramics. With a few exceptions, the OSL signal of dental enamel and dentin aliquots irradiated to 2 Gy was hardly distinguishable from OSL signal corresponding to unirradiated aliquots. In contrast, aliquots of teeth containing some dental repair material and aliquots of pure dental ceramics provided a well reproducible OSL signal exhibiting linear dose response. All the materials tested exhibited a significant fading of the OSL signal. The loss of OSL signal during the first 24 hours after irradiation was from 20 to 99% of its original value obtained immediately after the irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: The already established physical methods of retrospective dosimetry use a spectrum of verified materials and techniques for dose assessment in the aftermath of serious radiological incidents and nuclear events. In the comparative study, we found that the dosimetry potential of teeth in natural state is much worse compared to teeth repaired with dental ceramics or dental cement fillings. Teeth restored with dental repair materials exhibited relatively favorable dosimetry characteristics. However, they can be usable for a dose reconstruction only on condition that the main practical problems connected with fading and optical bleaching were solved.
- Keywords
- Dosimetry, dental ceramic, dental enamel, luminescence, radiation accidents,
- MeSH
- Radiation Dosage MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Luminescence * MeSH
- Radiometry * methods MeSH
- Reproducibility of Results MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Thermoluminescent Dosimetry MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
Working Group (WG) 6 'Computational Dosimetry' of the European Radiation Dosimetry Group promotes good practice in the application of computational methods for radiation dosimetry in radiation protection and the medical use of ionising radiation. Its cross-sectional activities within the association cover a large range of current topics in radiation dosimetry, including more fundamental studies of radiation effects in complex systems. In addition, WG 6 also performs scientific research and development as well as knowledge transfer activities, such as training courses. Monte Carlo techniques, including the use of anthropomorphic and other numerical phantoms based on voxelised geometrical models, play a strong part in the activities pursued in WG 6. However, other aspects and techniques, such as neutron spectra unfolding, have an important role as well. A number of intercomparison exercises have been carried out in the past to provide information on the accuracy with which computational methods are applied and whether best practice is being followed. Within the exercises that are still ongoing, the focus has changed towards assessing the uncertainty that can be achieved with these computational methods. Furthermore, the future strategy of WG 6 also includes an extension of the scope toward experimental benchmark activities and evaluation of cross-sections and algorithms, with the vision of establishing a gold standard for Monte Carlo methods used in medical and radiobiological applications.
- Keywords
- computational methods, dosimetry, ionising radiation, quality assurance,
- MeSH
- Radiation Dosage MeSH
- Monte Carlo Method MeSH
- Neutrons MeSH
- Cross-Sectional Studies MeSH
- Radiation Protection * MeSH
- Radiometry * MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Optically stimulated luminescence of quartz extracted from fired materials has been used for retrospective dosimetry for about 40 years. Quartz sensitivity to thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence can vary over few orders of magnitude. These discrepancies in sensitivity for the quartz originating from different parts of the world are still not yet fully understood. We have extracted quartz from bricks produced by three different companies in the Czech Republic. Quartz was extracted from fired bricks, as well as from the bricks before firing. Significant changes in quartz sensitivity were observed after firing process. Sensitivity can either increase or decrease, depending mainly on the maximum temperature achieved during firing process. For some samples, the sensitivity increased significantly after firing (7 times). Sensitivity also increased after repeated irradiation exposures. On the other hand, there were also samples for which the sensitivity did not increase after repeated cycles of irradiation.
- MeSH
- Construction Materials MeSH
- Quartz * radiation effects MeSH
- Radiometry MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Thermoluminescent Dosimetry * MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Quartz * MeSH
Salt (NaCl) represents a radiation sensitive material with a considerable potential for dosimetry in mixed radiation fields of photons and neutrons. In consequence of a gamma radiation exposure, it exhibits a strong luminescence signal following stimulation with blue light. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique can be used for measurement. Photon dose reconstruction can be done using so-called Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose protocol. However, a part of OSL signal is caused by NaCl self-irradiation resulting from neutron reactions. This NaCl neutron sensitivity is comparable with neutron sensitivity of TLD-700. Neutron dose can be determined based on neutron activation of NaCl via reaction 23Na(n,γ)24Na. A relation between neutron dose and activity of 24Na can be derived. The total dose is thus determined based on the combination of results of OSL measurements and gamma activity measurements. Practical feasibility of this approach was experimentally verified for salt samples irradiated in a channel of a training reactor.
- MeSH
- Sodium Chloride chemistry MeSH
- Radiation Dosage MeSH
- Photons MeSH
- Luminescence MeSH
- Neutrons MeSH
- Pilot Projects MeSH
- Radiometry methods MeSH
- Thermoluminescent Dosimetry MeSH
- Gamma Rays MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Sodium Chloride MeSH
This work presents an overview of the applications of retrospective dosimetry techniques in case of incorporation of radionuclides. The fact that internal exposures are characterized by a spatially inhomogeneous irradiation of the body, which is potentially prolonged over large periods and variable over time, is particularly problematic for biological and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosimetry methods when compared with external exposures. The paper gives initially specific information about internal dosimetry methods, the most common cytogenetic techniques used in biological dosimetry and EPR dosimetry applied to tooth enamel. Based on real-case scenarios, dose estimates obtained from bioassay data as well as with biological and/or EPR dosimetry are compared and critically discussed. In most of the scenarios presented, concomitant external exposures were responsible for the greater portion of the received dose. As no assay is available which can discriminate between radiation of different types and different LETs on the basis of the type of damage induced, it is not possible to infer from these studies specific conclusions valid for incorporated radionuclides alone. The biological dosimetry assays and EPR techniques proved to be most applicable in cases when the radionuclides are almost homogeneously distributed in the body. No compelling evidence was obtained in other cases of extremely inhomogeneous distribution. Retrospective dosimetry needs to be optimized and further developed in order to be able to deal with real exposure cases, where a mixture of both external and internal exposures will be encountered most of the times.
- Keywords
- Biokinetics, Biological dosimetry, EPR dosimetry, Internal dosimetry, Internal exposures,
- MeSH
- Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy MeSH
- Radiation, Ionizing * MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Radiometry methods MeSH
- Radioisotopes pharmacokinetics MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Review MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Radioisotopes MeSH
An improvement in the clinical results obtained using total body irradiation (TBI) with photon beams requires precise TBI treatment planning, reproducible irradiation, precise in vivo dosimetry, accurate documentation and careful evaluation. In vivo dosimetry using LiF Harshaw TLD-100 chips was used during the TBI treatments performed in our department. The results of in vivo thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) show that using TLD measurements and interactive adjustment of some treatment parameters based on these measurements, like monitor unit calculations, lung shielding thickness and patient positioning, it is possible to achieve high precision in absorbed dose delivery (less than 0.5%) as well as in homogeneity of irradiation (less than 6%).
- MeSH
- Whole-Body Irradiation * MeSH
- Photons MeSH
- Calibration MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Thermoluminescent Dosimetry methods MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Alumina substrate can be found in electronic components used in portable electronic devices. The material is radiation sensitive and can be applied in dosimetry using thermally or optically stimulated luminescence. Electronic portable devices such as mobile phones, USB flash discs, mp3 players, etc., which are worn close to the body, can represent personal dosemeters for members of the general public in situations of large-scale radiation accidents or malevolent acts with radioactive materials. This study investigated dosimetric properties of alumina substrates and aspects of using mobile phones as personal dosemeters. The alumina substrates exhibited favourable dosimetry characteristics. However, anomalous fading had to be properly corrected in order to achieve sufficient precision in dose estimate. Trial dose reconstruction performed by means of two mobile phones proved that mobile phones can be used for reconstruction of personal doses.
- MeSH
- Electronics instrumentation MeSH
- Luminescence MeSH
- Cell Phone instrumentation MeSH
- Aluminum Oxide chemistry MeSH
- Radiation Effects MeSH
- Radiometry instrumentation MeSH
- Reproducibility of Results MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Names of Substances
- Aluminum Oxide MeSH
BACKGROUND: The European directive on basic safety standards (Council directive 2013/59 Euratom) mandates dosimetry-based treatment planning for radiopharmaceutical therapies. The directive comes into operation February 2018, and the aim of a report produced by the Internal Dosimetry Task Force of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine is to address this aspect of the directive. A summary of the report is presented. RESULTS: A brief review of five of the most common therapy procedures is included in the current text, focused on the potential to perform patient-specific dosimetry. In the full report, 11 different therapeutic procedures are included, allowing additional considerations of effectiveness, references to specific literature on quantitative imaging and dosimetry, and existing evidence for absorbed dose-effect correlations for each treatment. Individualized treatment planning with tracer diagnostics and verification of the absorbed doses delivered following therapy is found to be scientifically feasible for almost all procedures investigated, using quantitative imaging and/or external monitoring. Translation of this directive into clinical practice will have significant implications for resource requirements. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular radiotherapy is undergoing a significant expansion, and the groundwork for dosimetry-based treatment planning is already in place. The mandated individualization is likely to improve the effectiveness of the treatments, although must be adequately resourced.
- Keywords
- Dosimetry, Molecular radiotherapy, Treatment planning,
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH