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The Ethics Committee of the General Faculty Hospital and First Medical Faculty, Charles University

. 1997 ; 98 (3) : 237-41.

Language English Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type Journal Article

The purpose of this contribution is to inform about the activities of the local ethics commission established at one of our largest teaching (University) hospitals. In 1995 the following priorities were recognized: studying international ethical standards of research involving human subjects and strictly adhering to them; bilingual administrative agenda in Czech and English; enforcing the patients' rights in health care and emphasizing them in education of medics and other students of health related disciplines; stimulating effective communication between doctors, other health care workers and lay persons in the commission as well as between the members of the commission and authors of research projects applying for ethical evaluation. Since 1993 the commission has been revising and storing in the archives more than 600 research projects. In 1996, 181 new research projects were reviewed, which is 35% more than in 1995. Approval was granted in 154 cases (85.08%), 3 cases (1.66%) were rejected, 15 cases (8.29%) approved on condition of complying with the recommendations of the commission, 6 cases (3.31%) recommended for another commission, and in 3 cases reviewing the project was postponed for lack of necessary data. The members of the commission agree that the future activities should lead to forming a broader group of consultants of the commission and other professional and lay people interested in clinical ethics. According to their meaning, legislation concerning ethical commissions in the Czech Republic, including material and financial support and administrative help, is urgently needed.

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