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Pore timing: the evolutionary origins of the nucleus and nuclear pore complex

. 2019 ; 8 () : . [epub] 20190403

Language English Country Great Britain, England Media electronic-ecollection

Document type Journal Article, Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Review

Grant support
MR/P009018/1 Medical Research Council - United Kingdom
MR/N010558/1 Medical Research Council - United Kingdom
203134/Z/16/Z Wellcome Trust - United Kingdom
R01 GM112108 NIGMS NIH HHS - United States
P41 GM109824 NIGMS NIH HHS - United States
R01 GM117212 NIGMS NIH HHS - United States
204697/Z/16/Z Wellcome Trust - United Kingdom

The name "eukaryote" is derived from Greek, meaning "true kernel", and describes the domain of organisms whose cells have a nucleus. The nucleus is thus the defining feature of eukaryotes and distinguishes them from prokaryotes (Archaea and Bacteria), whose cells lack nuclei. Despite this, we discuss the intriguing possibility that organisms on the path from the first eukaryotic common ancestor to the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes did not possess a nucleus at all-at least not in a form we would recognize today-and that the nucleus in fact arrived relatively late in the evolution of eukaryotes. The clues to this alternative evolutionary path lie, most of all, in recent discoveries concerning the structure of the nuclear pore complex. We discuss the evidence for such a possibility and how this impacts our views of eukaryote origins and how eukaryotes have diversified subsequent to their last common ancestor.

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