Mutation [mutace]

4 982
Persistent link

Any detectable and heritable change in the genetic material that causes a change in the GENOTYPE and which is transmitted to daughter cells and to succeeding generations.

drug-induced mutation = MUTATION (IM) + specific drug with pertinent qualif (IM); radiation-induced mutation = MUTATION (IM) + RADIATION EFFECTS or specific rad term (IM); /drug eff & /rad eff permitted only for eff of drugs or eff of rad on an already mutated organism or after mutation but read text carefully
D009154 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

G Phenomena and Processes
G05.365.036 Antibody Diversity 7
G05.365.073 Antigenic Variation 35
G05.365.461 Heteroplasmy 2
G05.365.590 Mutation 4 982
G05.365.590.029 Allelic Imbalance 2
G05.365.590.060 Base Pair Mismatch 14
G05.365.590.175 Chromosome Aberrations 1 573
G05.365.590.195 Codon, Nonsense 52
G05.365.590.220 DNA Repeat Expansion 7
G05.365.590.265 Frameshift Mutation 47
G05.365.590.288 Gain of Function Mutation 18
G05.365.590.310 Gene Amplification 333
G05.365.590.320 Gene Duplication 65
G05.365.590.335 Genomic Instability 87
G05.365.590.350 Germ-Line Mutation 198
G05.365.590.500 INDEL Mutation 17
G05.365.590.538 Loss of Function Mutation 12
G05.365.590.575 Mutagenesis, Insertional 56
G05.365.590.594 Mutation Accumulation 3
G05.365.590.612 Mutation Rate 18
G05.365.590.650 Mutation, Missense 213
G05.365.590.675 Point Mutation 246
G05.365.590.762 Sequence Deletion 104
G05.365.590.770 Sequence Inversion 2
G05.365.590.803 Silent Mutation 2
G05.365.590.835 Suppression, Genetic 29
G05.365.693 Phase Variation
G05.365.795 Polymorphism, Genetic 1 766
G05.365.897 Quasispecies 1