Úvod: Zdravotné sestry a pôrodné asistentky zohrávajú v spoločnosti dôležitú úlohu a sú neodmysliteľné pre každého jedinca. Sestry a pôrodné asistentky predstavujú na Slovensku najvýznamnejšiu skupinu zamestnancov zdravotníckych zariadení. Metodika: Počet sestier a pôrodných asistentiek na Slovensku sa analyzoval za obdobie rokov 2000 až 2019. Reťazové indexy a/alebo bázické indexy boli použité na sledovanie zmien pracovnej sily v zdravotníctve. Starnutie sestier a pôrodných asistentiek bolo analyzované pomocou priemerného veku ako aj vekovou štruktúrou. Korelačná analýza bola použitá na stanovenie miery asociácie medzi životnou úrovňou a počtom sestier na 1 000 obyvateľov v krajinách EÚ. Výsledky: Celkový počet zdravotných sestier a pôrodných asistentiek na Slovensku sa znížil z 40 380 v roku 2000 na 33 041 v roku 2019. Tento pokles v počte sestier o 18,2 % je negatívnym signálom pre slovenské zdravotníctvo. Starnutie sesterskej pracovnej sily je druhým negatívnym javom pre zdravotníctvo na Slovensku. Veková štruktúra zdravotných sestier a pôrodných asistentiek sa výrazne zmenila. Počet sestier nad 60 rokov bol v roku 2019 viac ako 13-krát vyšší v porovnaní s rokom 2000. Zmenená veková štruktúra mala za následok zvýšenie priemerného veku sestier. Priemerný vek zdravotných sestier bol v roku 2000 na úrovni 37,2 rokov a do roku 2019 sa zvýšil na 46,9. V prípade pôrodných asistentiek sa priemerný vek v tom istom období zvýšil z 40,9 na 47,4. Záver: Pokles počtu sesterskej pracovnej sily v zdravotníctve spolu so starnutím zdravotných sestier a pôrodných asistentiek by mohol mať za následok nedostatok sestier na Slovensku. Aby sa zastavil tento negatívny trend, slovenská vláda by mala aktívnejšie riešiť problém odmeňovania sestier, vytvoriť lepšie pracovné prostredie pre pracovnú silu v zdravotníctve a propagovať dôležitosť a postavenie zdravotných sestier a pôrodných asistentiek na Slovensku.
Introduction: Nurses and midwives play an important role in society and are essential for each human being. In Slovakia, nurses and midwives constitute the most significant group of employees in the health care institutions. Methods: The data regarding the number of nurses and midwives in Slovakia were collected from 2000 to 2019. Chain indexes and/or fixed-base indexes were used to follow the changes of the nursing workforce. The ageing of nurses and midwives was determined by mean age and age structure. Correlation analysis was selected to detect the association between the living standard and number of nursing workforce per 1,000 people in the EU. Results: The total number of nurses and midwives in Slovakia decreased from 40,380 in 2000 to 33,041 in 2019. This decline of the nursing workforce by 18.2% is a negative signal for the Slovak health care system. Ageing of the nursing workforce is the second negative sign for health system in Slovakia. The age structure of nurses and midwives has changed significantly. The number of nurses over 60 years of age was more than 13 times higher in 2019 compared to the year 2000. The changed age structure resulted in an increase of the mean age of the nursing workforce. The mean age of nurses increased from 37.2 in 2000 to 46.9 in 2019. In the case of midwives, the average age increased from 40.9 to 47.4. Conclusions: The decrease of the nursing workforce along with the ageing of nurses and midwives could result in a nursing shortage in Slovakia. To stop this trend towards a nursing shortage, the Slovak government should more actively solve the problem of renumeration, create a better work environment for the nursing workforce, and promote the importance and status of nurses and midwives in Slovakia.
- MeSH
- babictví MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- odborné všeobecné sestry MeSH
- ošetřovatelé MeSH
- stárnutí MeSH
- zdravotní sestry MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Slovenská republika MeSH
BACKGROUND: Harmful alcohol consumption has a negative impact on the health and social lives of individuals. AIM: The paper deals with the analysis of the status of, and trends in, the consumption of pure alcohol per capita in the EU countries between 1980 and 2015. Correlation analysis was conducted to detect the association between the per capita consumption of alcohol and some selected socio-economic indicators. METHODS:Statistical characteristics, such as average, median, range, standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation were used to describe the level of the per capita consumption of pure alcohol in the EU. Boxplot figures detected the extremely high/low levels of the indicators that were analysed. Index numbers were used to calculate the relative change in alcohol consumption. The existence of a linear relationship was discovered through correlation analysis. Useful figures helped to present the status or change in the per capita consumption of alcohol and the relationship between alcohol consumption and selected indicators. RESULTS: The trend of the per capita consumption of pure alcohol in the EU was positive. The average per capita consumption of alcohol declined from 12.9 litres in 1980 to 10.4 litres in 2015. Not only did the average or median consumption decline, but also the variability of alcohol consumption per capita declined till 2010. The greatest reduction was found for the Mediterranean countries: Italy (-57.3%), Spain (-53.3%), Greece (-49.7%), and France (-37.4%). On the other hand, in some “new” EU countries an increase in the per capita consumption of alcohol occurred, the highest being in Estonia. On the EU level, no statistically significant correlation was discovered between the per capita consumption of alcohol and gross domestic product per capita or between alcohol consumption and countries’ unemployment rates. CONCLUSIONS: The decline in the per capita consumption of pure alcohol in the EU is a positive signal for health issues and for the social and private lives of the EU’s population. There are still reservations in this field but, it is hoped, the aim of people living longer and healthier lives will bring more and more successes by pushing down the harmful use of alcohol.
BACKGROUND: Excessive alcohol consumption has a negative impact on the social or physical lives of human beings and can lead to death or accidents. AIM: The article deals with a multivariate analysis of per capita alcohol consumption and standardized death rates (SDR) from liver cirrhosis, cancer, and road traffic crash deaths resulting from alcohol consumption. The life expectancies in 41 EU and OECD countries were also included in the analysis. METHODS: Correlation analysis helped to detect the significant linear relationship between indicators. Principal component analysis was used to calculate uncorrelated main components that were applied for the next step of the analysis, i.e. cluster analysis. Finally, cluster analysis was used to create groups of countries, i.e. isolated clusters of countries with similar levels of selected indicators. RESULTS:The average pure alcohol consumption per capita in the 41 OECD and EU countries declined from 9.8 litres in 2000 to 9.3 litres in 2016. More than 40% of the total alcohol consumption concerned the consumption of beer. A statistically significant positive correlation was discovered between alcohol consumption and the mortality rates resulting from alcohol consumption caused by liver cirrhosis, cancer, and road traffic crash deaths. CONCLUSIONS: The cluster with the lowest alcohol consumption was created with only two countries (Israel, Turkey), where the alcohol consumption was as low as 2 litres per capita. On the other hand, the cluster with the highest alcohol consumption in 2000 (12.9 litres per capita) included 12 European countries. Their mortality resulting from alcohol consumption was in the “middle” between the clusters. Thus, the cluster with the worst or highest alcohol consumption was not the worst in terms of mortality resulting from alcohol consumption. To detect the most important factors behind this will be a new challenge for subsequent research.
The increase of life expectancy should be accompanied by an increase in healthy life years, because otherwise the life expectancy would be higher but the quality of life would be poorer and the population´s life would be limited. The health status of the population, however, is not just the result of the level and quality of health care in the country. Individuals should realize the importance of the fact that they themselves determine the quality of their life. According to the codes of a healthy and long life: 0-30-5-80-120/70-80/94 is clear that 0 cigarettes should be spoken, 30 minutes of physical activity a day are suggest, the value of total cholesterol in millimoles per liter of blood should be less than 5, the figures of ideal and healthy blood pressure 120/80 mmHg, the heart rate should not exceed the value of 70 beats per minute and, finally, it is recommended that the waist circumference does not exceed 80 cm in women and 94 cm in men. For the purpose of determining the health status of young university students an anonymous survey among the students was realized. Partial results of the poll, which is mainly based on the values of the code for healthy and long life, are presented in this work.
- MeSH
- index tělesné hmotnosti MeSH
- krevní tlak MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- srdeční frekvence MeSH
- statistika jako téma MeSH
- studenti * MeSH
- tuková tkáň MeSH
- zdravotní stav * MeSH
- životní styl MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH