High specific surface area (SSA), porous structure, and suitable technological characteristics (flow, compressibility) predetermine powder carriers to be used in pharmaceutical technology, especially in the formulation of liquisolid systems (LSS) and solid self-emulsifying delivery systems (s-SEDDS). Besides widely used microcrystalline cellulose, other promising materials include magnesium aluminometasilicates, mesoporous silicates, and silica aerogels. Clay minerals with laminar or fibrous internal structures also provide suitable properties for liquid drug incorporation. This work aimed at a comparison of 14 carriers' main properties. Cellulose derivatives, silica, silicates, and clay minerals were evaluated for flow properties, shear cell experiments, SSA, hygroscopicity, pH, particle size, and SEM. The most promising materials were magnesium aluminometasilicates, specifically Neusilin® US2, due to its proper flow, large SSA, etc. Innovative materials such as FujiSil® or Syloid® XDP 3050 were for their properties evaluated as suitable. The obtained data can help choose a suitable carrier for formulations where the liquid phase is incorporated into the solid dosage form. All measurements were conducted by the same methodology and under the same conditions, allowing a seamless comparison of property evaluation between carriers, for which available company or scientific sources do not qualify due to different measurements, conditions, instrumentation, etc.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Collagen is essential as a physiological material in wound healing, so it is often used in wound management, mainly as a lyophilisate. Collagen also has excellent film-forming properties; unfortunately, however, its utilisation as a film wound dressing is limited because of its weak mechanical properties, especially in its wet state. For this reason, modifications or combinations with different materials are investigated. The combination of collagen with partially modified microfibrillar carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), which has not previously been described, provided a new possibility for strengthening collagen films and was the aim of this work. The collagen-CMC films based on three types of collagens, two plasticizers and two collagen. Plasticiser ratios were prepared using the solvent casting method; partially modified CMC served here as both a film-forming agent and a filler, without compromising the transparency of the films. The presence of microfibrils was confirmed microscopically by SEM. Organoleptic and physicochemical evaluation, especially in terms of practical application on wounds, demonstrated that all the samples had satisfactory properties for this purpose even after wetting. All the films retained acidic pH values even after 24 h, with a maximum of 6.27 ± 0.17, and showed a mild degree of swelling, with a maximum of about 6 after 24 h.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
A method of preparing tablets called liquisolid technique is currently emerging. In these formulations, an important role is played by porous carriers, which are the basic building blocks of liquisolid systems (LSSs). The most common are microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), magnesium aluminometasilicates, silica aerogels, mesoporous silicates, clays, etc. In this study, magnesium aluminometasilicate is used to prepare modified LSS formulations with plant extracts as model drugs dissolved in water (W) or ethanol (E). The modification involves drying tablets in a microwave (MW) and hot air dryer (HA) for a specified period. Powder blends and tablets were evaluated for physical properties, and their antioxidant activity (AA) was measured in a modified dissolution by ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (FRAP). PLS and ANOVA were used to compare tablets properties depending on the composition and technology. The experiment is based on a previous one, in which the plant extracts were processed into tablets using a similar method. Therefore, extending the study to include more plants and the robust statistical evaluation and comparison of the products was a procedure to justify the suitability of the presented method for a wide range of liquid plant extracts. As a result, we obtained tablets with excellent physical properties, including a short disintegration and dissolution, which is problematic in tableted extracts.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
V současné době se k terapii ran používá velké množství krycích prostředků různého složení i účinků. Patří mezi ně i krytí filmová, kde je jedním z perspektivních materiálů pro přípravu sodná sůl karboxymethylcelulosy (NaCMC) jako látka přírodního původu s výbornými filmotvornými vlastnostmi. Uplatnění nachází zejména v oblasti absorpčních krytí; filmy na rány z tohoto materiálu zatím využití v praxi nemají. Nevyužitý potenciál nabízí rovněž dexpanthenol, látka hojně využívaná v dermatologii. Proto cílem této práce byla příprava filmů z textilní NaCMC s dexpanthenolem metodou odpaření rozpouštědla a jejich následné fyzikálně-chemické hodnocení. Přítomnost mikrofibrilárních vláken částečně substituované karboxymethylcelulosy společně s její kyselou formou (HCMC), vznikající během přípravy, zajistila optimální parametry pro aplikaci na ránu jako je nasákavost, pH a mechanické vlastnosti. Filmy vykazovaly vyhovující hmotnostní, a ty s dexpanthenolem také obsahovou stejnoměrnost.
Currently, a wide variety of wound dressings of varying composition and effects is used to treat wounds. These include also film dressings where one of the promising materials for its preparation is sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC) as a material of natural origin with excellent film-forming properties. Its application is particularly in the field of absorbent dressings, films for wounds from this material are not used in practice yet. Hidden potential offers also dexpanthenol, a substance widely used in dermatological practice. Therefore, the aim of this research was to prepare films from textile NaCMC with dexpanthenol by the solvent evaporation method and their subsequent physicochemical evaluation. The presence of microfibrillar fibers of partially substituted carboxymethylcellulose together with HCMC has ensured optimal parameters for wound application such as pH, swelling and mechanical properties. The films showed satisfactory mass content uniformity and those with dexpanthenol also drug content uniformity.
Kolagen je nejhojněji zastoupeným proteinem lidského těla a hojně využívaným biomateriálem napříč odvětvími právě díky svým příznivým vlastnostem vyplývajícím z jeho fyziologické blízkosti. Má klíčovou roli v procesu hojení ran i reparace tkání, a proto je využíván v moderních krycích prostředcích na rány v různých formách – ať už samostatně, nebo v kombinaci s jinými materiály. Potencionální využití pro tyto účely nabízí i kolagenové filmy, neboť kolagen je látka s dobrými filmotvornými vlastnostmi, nacházejícími uplatnění v potravinářství. Samotné kolagenové filmy bez další úpravy mají slabší mechanické vlastnosti, což je v případě aplikace na ránu nevyhovující. Z tohoto důvodu je snaha kolagen modifikovat anebo jej kombinovat s jinými materiály. Proto cílem našeho experimentu byla příprava dvouvrstvých filmů z kolagenu v kombinaci s karboxy-methylcelulosou (CMC). CMC ve spodní vrstvě měla za cíl zpevnění filmů, snížení spotřeby použitého kolagenu a zajištění vhodných aplikačních vlastností. Organoleptické hodnocení, stanovení pH, nasákavosti i testování mechanických vlastností připravených filmů potvrdilo, že připravené filmy vykazují vyhovující aplikační parametry na ránu.
Collagen is the most abundant protein of the human body and a widely used biomaterial across sectors due to its favourable properties resulting from its physiological proximity. It plays a key role in the process of wound healing and tissue repair and is therefore used in modern wound dressings in various forms, either alone or in combination with other materials. Collagen films also offer potential applications for these purposes, because collagen has good film-forming properties and is commonly used in the food industry. The collagen films themselves, without further treatment, have weak mechanical properties, which is unsatisfactory when applied to a wound. For this reason, there is an effort to modify or to combine collagen with other materials. Therefore, the aim of our experiment was the preparation of bilayer films from collagen in combination with carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). The CMC in the bottom layer had a goal to strengthen the films, reduce the consumption of used collagen and to ensure suitable application properties. Organoleptic evaluation, pH determination, swelling properties evaluation and testing of the mechanical properties of the prepared films confirmed that the prepared films exhibited satisfactory application parameters for the wound.
- Klíčová slova
- filmová krytí, karboxymethylcelulosa,
- MeSH
- hojení ran * MeSH
- kolagen * terapeutické užití MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- výzkum MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Recently, porous carriers are used in the pharmaceuti-cal technology due to their promising properties ‒ large specific surface area, porous structure, suitable technologi-cal properties, etc. They participate in the preparation of liquisolid systems, self-emulsifying drug delivery systems, etc., which are capable to deliver and release the drug in the required manner to the biological system. One of the most widely used porous carrier is microcrystalline cellu-lose. Other perspective carriers are magnesium alumi-nometasilicates, which show several advantageous proper-ties. Also calcium hydrogen phosphate represents a com-monly used carrier with easy compressibility, rapid disin-tegration or improved flow properties. Due to their large specific surface area, mesoporous silicates and silica aero-gels are also often used. The clay materials in the form of natural or modified materials with a structure of hollow nanotubes provide a suitable carrier of the drug. This arti-cle summarizes basic information about available porous carriers and their characterizations, as well as available application studies on the given topic.