Reliable, fast, simple and low-cost analytical procedure based on radionuclide X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (RRFS) was proposed to identify and determine heavy metals in various antitussive preparations of synthetic and biological origin. Various materials (tablet dosage forms, granules, plants) can be analyzed directly without the need of isolation of the analyzed compounds from their matrices so that errors in the analytical process are minimized. External matrices, such as Medicago sativa L. , benzoic acid, and dextran were proposed to quantify heavy metals in some problematic materials ( Farfarereae folium , effervescent tablets of medicine ACC long, hard capsules of various homeopathics, respectively) that had not allowed homogeneous implementation of standard addition of analyzed elements into the standardized tablet forms used for the RRFS analysis. The appropriate external matrices were consistent with the original ones in terms of matrix effects (e.g., background noise produced and approximate levels of naturally occurring heavy metals studied), and they allowed to prepare well defined tablets including required amounts of the standard additions of heavy metals providing proper calibration parameters. The RRFS method applied for the original or external matrices enabled an effective and economic control of antitussive preparations for selected heavy metals contents evaluated according to the established directives and laws. Hence, it is recommended for a routine use in quality control laboratories.
- Klíčová slova
- hodnotící škály, role sestry, test Barthelové, McGill Melzackův dotazník bolesti, Gaitův test prevence pádů, Nortonové škála rizika vzniku dekubitů, bodovací schéma podle Beneše, Folsteinův test kognitivních funkcí,
- MeSH
- geriatrická psychiatrie MeSH
- hodnotící studie jako téma MeSH
- hospitalizace MeSH
- ošetřovatelská péče MeSH
- péče o pacienta MeSH
- poskytování zdravotní péče MeSH
- posouzení stavu pacienta MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- psychiatrické posuzovací škály MeSH
The work was based on the identification and determination of selected elements in teas, plants and medicinal products for the treatment of anemia. To evaluate the quality of medicinal plants Urtica dioica L., Papaver somniferum, L., leguminous plant Lens culinaris, M. and also in medicaments Aktiferrin? gtt., Ferronat? retard pot.tbl and Sorbifer? Durulues? por. Tbl. Flm. was used nuclear analytical method Radionuclide X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. This method is suitable for the analysis of samples in the solid state and a liquid state. Solid samples were homogenized and compressed into tablets of defined shape and weight. Liquid samples were filtered through a chelating membrane 3M EmporeTM, which are used to selectively capture the polyvalent metal cations and are preconcentrating the elements from sample. Samples were analysed using radiation radionuclide 238 Pu and evaluated by means of a semiconductor detector and a multichannel analyser.