Cieľ: Zistiť výskyt somatických symptómov u adolescentov s dôrazom na prežívanie vzťahov s rodičmi (vrelosť, záujem, pocit bezpečia), a ďalšie rodinné faktory (rodičovský dohľad, inkonzistencia vo výchove). Overiť výskyt a rozdiely v somatickej symptomatológie v troch vekových kohortách (ranná, stredná, neskorá adolescencia). Materiál a metóda: K analýze somatických symptómov v kontexte percepcie rodinných faktorov adolescentmi (N = 1497) boli využité dáta z projektu SAHA (The Social and Health Assessment). Výsledky: Vzhľadom k nenormálnej distribúcii premenných boli zvolené neparametrické testy (Spearmanov variant koeficientu, Kruskalov-Wallisov test). Významné vzťahy boli zaznamenané medzi rodinnými vzťahmi (rodičovská vrelosť, záujem), rodinnými faktormi (inkonzistencia vo výchove) somatickou symptomatológiou vo všetkých troch vekových kohortách (10-13-roční) N = 199 (13,3 %); 2. (14-16-roční) N = 538 (35,9 %); 3. (17-18-roční). Analýza parciálnych symptómov priniesla zistenie, že akýkoľvek somatický symptóm súvisí s inkonzistenciou rodičovskej výchovy. Nižší výskyt somatickej symptomatológie bol identifikovaný v rodinnom prostredí, v ktorom adolescenti prežívajú pocit bezpečia, vo väčšej miere percipujú vrelosť rodičov a ich úprimný záujem. Prítomnosť parciálnych symptómov (bolesti hlavy, brucha, nevoľnosti alebo zvracanie, kožné vyrážky) bola preukázaná v spojení s percipovaním slabšej rodičovskej vrelosti. Záver: Výsledky poukazujú na dôležitosť percepcie rodinného prostredia v kontexte vzťahov medzi rodičmi a adolescentmi v súvislosti s prítomnosťou somatických symptómov.
Objective: The aim of the study was to verify the occurrence of somatic symptoms in adolescents, with an emphasis on relationships with parents (warmness, interest, sense of security) and other family factors (parental supervision, inconsistency in upbringing). This is followed by a study of current somatic symptomatology in adolescents and differences in their preference of somatic symptoms in three age cohorts. Material and method: Data from the SAHA (The Social and Health Assessment) project were used to analyze somatic symptoms in the context of adolescents and their perception of family (N=1497). Results: Due to the abnormal distribution of the variables, non-parametric assays were chosen (Spearman variance coefficient, Kruskal Wallis test). Significant associations were observed between family relationships (parental warmth, interest), family factors (inconsistency in upbringing) by somatic symptomatology in all three age cohorts (10 to 13 years) N = 199 (13.3%); 2. (14 to 16 years) N = 538 (35.9%); 3. (17 to 18 years). Analysis of partial symptoms has revealed that any somatic symptom is related to the discrepancy in parenting. A lower occurrence of somatic symptomatology has been identified in a family setting in which adolescents experience a sense of security. In addition they perceive the extent of parental warmth and their sincere interest much greater. The presence of partial symptoms (headache, abdominal discomfort, nausea or vomiting, skin rashes) has been demonstrated in conjunction with the weaker parental endurance. Conclusion: The results demonstrate the importance of perception of the family environment in the context of parental and adolescent relationships in relation to the presence of somatic symptoms.
- MeSH
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- interpretace statistických dat MeSH
- kohortové studie MeSH
- kvalita života psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství * MeSH
- percepce MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- psychiatrie adolescentů MeSH
- psychosomatické poruchy * psychologie MeSH
- rodiče psychologie MeSH
- rodinné vztahy * psychologie MeSH
- škály posuzující chování statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- sociální psychologie MeSH
- studenti psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- výchova a vzdělávání MeSH
- zpráva o sobě statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství * MeSH
Discadenine (1), a self-spore germination inhibitor from the cellular slim mold Dictyostelium discoideum, is structurally related to the plant hormone cytokinin. This compound was synthesized from l-aspartic acid, and its activities were confirmed by three classical cytokinin bioassays as well as by using binding and activation assays with the Arabidopsis cytokinin receptors AHK3 and CRE1/AHK4.
V štúdií sme zisťovali rodové rozdiely a vzťah medzi psychologickou pohodou a stratégiami zvládania záťaže. K zisteniu kvality psychologickej pohody bola použitá multidimenzionálna škála Ryffovej (1989) a k zisteniu adaptívnych/maladaptívnych stratégií zvládania bol použitý dotazník COPE (Carver, Scheier, Weintraub,1989). Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo (N = 120) vysokoškolákov 68 žien AM (Ž) = 22,78; 52 mužov, AM (M) = 23,50. V psychologickej pohode boli zistené rodové rozdiely, konkrétne preferencia autonómie u mužov a pozitívnych vzťahov u žien. Pozitívny vzťah bol zistený medzi psychologickou pohodou a adaptívnymi stratégiami a negatívny vzťah medzi psychologickou pohodou a maladaptívnymi stratégiami zvládania.
The study focuses on the quality of psychological well-being of college students, identifying gender differences in areas of psychological well-being such as autonomy, environmental management, personal growth, positive relationships, meaning of life and self-acceptance. Simultaneously, the study verifies the relationship between psychological well-being and coping, which is understood as the dispositional ability to deal with life situations (Carver, Scheier, Weintraub, 1989). Psychological well-being is understood in accordance with Ryff’s concept (1995). According to the author, the concept is multifactorial determined and influenced by the humanistic psychology, by the theory of psychological development of Erikson, Allport’s conception of maturity, the concept of Jung and Rogers, Bühlers theory of basic life tendencies (Ryff, Keyes, Hughes, 2003; Blatný, 2010). To determine the quality of psychological well-being was used Ryff’s multidimensional scale (1989), and to discover the adaptive/maladaptive strategies of coping management was used the COPE questionnaire (Carver, Scheier, Weintraub, 1989). The study sample consisted of (N = 120) adolescents, 68 women AM women = 22.78; 52 men, AM men = 23.50. The research results point to differences in psychological well-being among male and female students. It occurs, that men have higher rate of autonomy and women interpersonal relationships. The total rate of psychological well-being of both men and women have the average psychological level of psychological well-being. The relationship between psychological well-being and coping strategies point to the significance of a protective factor that can be considered on the basis of research findings the positive reinterpretation. The risk factor can be considered a strategy of distraction, withdrawal (resignation). Women underlie more social pressure of the environment. The reason may be the different definition of the social role of man and woman where from a man is expected to be the provider oriented to a career of success, while the role of a woman is to maintain harmonic relationships in the family. The need to create social relationships is the reason for their efforts to establish confidential and satisfactory interpersonal relationships. Male students against female students are more able to withstand social pressure, their behavior is subject to more assessment according to their own criteria and values. In the overall of psychological well-being we not found any gender differences, which can be attributed to a high degree of motivation and volunteer activity as well as for male and female students, the development of their needs related to professional practice in selected professions. It can be said that gender differences between male and female college students refer only to specific areas of psychological well-being, not its overall quality.
- Klíčová slova
- psychologická pohoda,
- MeSH
- adaptace psychologická * MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- výzkum MeSH
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- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
Zdrojom sociálnej opory v období adolescencie sú nielen citové väzby k rodičom ale tiež priateľstvo a láska. Uvedené determinanty sa spolupodieľajú na utváraní osobnosti adolescenta. Za dôležitú osobnostnú črtu vo vzťahu k osobnosti považujeme emocionálnu stabilitu, ktorá výrazne zasahuje do sociálnych vzťahov a prejavuje sa spokojnosťou, vyrovnanosťou, subjektívnym prežívaním osobnej pohody. V tejto súvislosti nás zaujíma ako sa percepcia emocionálnej blízkosti prejavuje u adolescentov v súvislosti s pohlavím a partnerským vzťahom. Chceme zistiť aká je percepcia sociálnej opory vo vzťahu k rodine i vo vzťahu k partnerovi. Výskumnú vzorku tvorili študenti humanitných a ekonomických odborov vysokých škôl (N= 98, M=23,97; 19 - 24 rokov) ktorí uviedli dĺžku partnerského vzťahu aspoň 1 rok.
The issue of anticipation social support is actual topic because of detection important factors for positive development of personality. Emotional bonds are getting stronger with perception of social support. Subjective feeling of positive emotions and relationships is manifest with higher range of social and mental functioning, emotional - willing stability of personality. Emotional basement of personality is emotional stability, which represent relationship with the anticipated social support. The lack of social support make a negative influence on personality development and personality traits. Positive emotional relationsthips with parents are important for healthy growth of personality (Filadelfiová, 2001; Arrive, 2004; Vágnerová, 2000; Langmeier & Křejčířová, 2006; Grun, 2011; Kraus & Poláčková, 2001; Matulník, 2002; Matějček & Dytrych, 2002). The meaning of social support and partner's love is confirmed with research. The meaning of social support in adolescence is replaced from parents to life partner. Strong emotional relationship motivates, integrates and regulates (Vágnerová, 2000). Absence of positive and permanent emotional relationship hold the positive soul steadiness. The signs of soul unsteadiness are destruction of self-esteem and self-image which manifest unstable emotionality. Subjective survival of emotional and social disharmony influence mental problems - neurotic disorders, problems with adaptation, emotional and social problems (Kondáš, 2002). The goal of research was find out relationship of social support regarding with emotional-willing stability and adolescence relationships in their family. We were interested in level of social support and level of emotional- willing stability and perception of quality family relationships regarding with gender and actual partnership. The research sample contained with N= 120 respondents (men = 33, women = 87) in age 19 - 24 years old, M = 23, 97. The next criterium of research sample was the longiness of their actual partnership (min 1 year), N= 63 - I have actual partnership; N= 57 - I don't have actual partnership. In research we used methods: Own Inventory, MOS Social Support Survey (Kožený & Tišanská, 2002), Personality Inventory (Miglierini, 1987). The Personality Inventory we used because of focusing on the period of adolescence. We used subscales emotional- willing activity and relationships in family. We indicate the most important findings in choosed sample of adolescents. The higher range of perception regards with feeling of confidence. Other findings regard relationship in social support and emotional relationships to parents - between range of anticipation social support and emotional relationships in family exist important correlation, higher perception of social support regard with positive surviving of emotional relationships in family. Gender aspect mention to value of parent's behavior - positive evaluation of parents behavior is a criteria. Important is relationship to parent's behavior. Women - in adolescence are emotional more unstable and men have higher range of uncertainty and lower range of optimism and satisfaction. We found importance in social support regarding with timeliness of emotional partner's bond. The existence of partnership is connected with lower range of emotional steadiness, but higher range of perception social support we found with adolescents with actual partnership. In research was confirmed importance of social support relate to emotional bonds to parents and importance of emotional proximity of partner in period of adolescence.
Komunikácia a dôvera je v rozvedených rodinách narušená konfliktnými vzťahmi, čo vytvára limity pre utváranie dôvery a komunikácie s rodičmi. Zisťujeme dôveru a komunikáciu vo vzťahu k rozvedeným rodičom a tiež overujeme genderové rozdiely uvedených premenných. Údaje o premenných dôvera a komunikácia sme získali dotazníkom na meranie štýlu citovej väzby k rodičom a k vrstovníkom IPPA -Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (Armsden, Greenberg 1987). Výskumnú vzorku (N = 132) tvoria adolescenti z rozvedených rodín. Priemerný vek výskumného súboru je 21,36 rokov, mužov 21,5 a žien 21,31 rokov. Vekový rozsah je rovnaký u mužov aj žien 15-25 rokov. Korelačno-komparačnou analýzou zameranou najmä na rozdiely medzi pohlaviami, sme dospeli k niekoľkým pozoruhodným výsledkom. Vnímaná komunikácia a dôvera k otcovi u mužov je v opozitnom vzťahu k dôvere a komunikácii s matkou. U dievčat sú tieto vzťahy taktiež nepriamoúmerné, ale slabšie.
Communication and trust is in problematic relations limited by conflict environment, loss of safety, disruption of parental relationships. Trust and communication is then strongly shifted to the source of psychological support. We examine the trust and communication in relation to divorced parents and also verify the gender differences of mentioned variables. The data of variables TRUST and COMMUNICATION were obtained by a questionnaire measuring style emotional attachment to parents and to peers IPPA -Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (Armsden, Greenberg 1987). The research sample consists of adolescents from divorced families (N = 132). The average age of the research sample is 21.36 years, men 21.5 and women 21.31 years. The range of age is the same for both men and women 15-25 years old. By using the comparative-correlation analysis focused mainly on gender differences we achieve some remarkable results. For example, perceived communication and trust to father among men is criticaly opossed relation to trust and communication with the mother, while amonge girls these relationships are also inversely, but weaker.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- důvěra * MeSH
- interpersonální vztahy * MeSH
- komunikace * MeSH
- konflikt v rodině MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- postoj MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- rodičovství MeSH
- rozvod * MeSH
- sociální problémy MeSH
- vztahy mezi rodiči a dětmi * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- Publikační typ
- hodnotící studie MeSH