Lipid droplets (LD) are important regulators of lipid metabolism and are implicated in several diseases. However, the mechanisms underlying the roles of LD in cell pathophysiology remain elusive. Hence, new approaches that enable better characterization of LD are essential. This study establishes that Laurdan, a widely used fluorescent probe, can be used to label, quantify, and characterize changes in cell LD properties. Using lipid mixtures containing artificial LD we show that Laurdan GP depends on LD composition. Accordingly, enrichment in cholesterol esters (CE) shifts Laurdan GP from ∼0.60 to ∼0.70. Moreover, live-cell confocal microscopy shows that cells present multiple LD populations with distinctive biophysical features. The hydrophobicity and fraction of each LD population are cell type dependent and change differently in response to nutrient imbalance, cell density, and upon inhibition of LD biogenesis. The results show that cellular stress caused by increased cell density and nutrient overload increased the number of LD and their hydrophobicity and contributed to the formation of LD with very high GP values, likely enriched in CE. In contrast, nutrient deprivation was accompanied by decreased LD hydrophobicity and alterations in cell plasma membrane properties. In addition, we show that cancer cells present highly hydrophobic LD, compatible with a CE enrichment of these organelles. The distinct biophysical properties of LD contribute to the diversity of these organelles, suggesting that the specific alterations in their properties might be one of the mechanisms triggering LD pathophysiological actions and/or be related to the different mechanisms underlying LD metabolism.
Cell function is highly dependent on membrane structure, organization, and fluidity. Therefore, methods to probe the biophysical properties of biological membranes are required. Determination of generalized polarization (GP) values using Laurdan in fluorescence microscopy studies is one of the most widely-used methods to investigate changes in membrane fluidity in vitro and in vivo. In the last couple of decades, there has been a major increase in the number of studies using Laurdan GP, where several different methodological approaches are used. Such differences interfere with data interpretation inasmuch as it is difficult to validate if Laurdan GP variations actually reflect changes in membrane organization or arise from biased experimental approaches. To address this, we evaluated the influence of different methodological details of experimental data acquisition and analysis on Laurdan GP. Our results showed that absolute GP values are highly dependent on several of the parameters analyzed, showing that incorrect data can result from technical and methodological inconsistencies. Considering these differences, we further analyzed the impact of cell variability on GP determination, focusing on basic cell culture conditions, such as cell confluency, number of passages and media composition. Our results show that GP values can report alterations in the biophysical properties of cell membranes caused by cellular adaptation to the culture conditions. In summary, this study provides thorough analysis of the factors that can lead to Laurdan GP variability and suggests approaches to improve data quality, which would generate more precise interpretation and comparison within individual studies and among the literature on Laurdan GP.
Fluorescence methods are versatile tools for obtaining dynamic and topological information about biomembranes because the molecular interactions taking place in lipid membranes frequently occur on the same timescale as fluorescence emission. The fluorescence intensity decay, in particular, is a powerful reporter of the molecular environment of a fluorophore. The fluorescence lifetime can be sensitive to the local polarity, hydration, viscosity, and/or presence of fluorescence quenchers/energy acceptors within several nanometers of the vicinity of a fluorophore. Illustrative examples of how time-resolved fluorescence measurements can provide more valuable and detailed information about a system than the time-integrated (steady-state) approach will be presented in this review: 1), determination of membrane polarity and mobility using time-dependent spectral shifts; 2), identification of submicroscopic domains by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy; 3), elucidation of membrane leakage mechanisms from dye self-quenching assays; and 4), evaluation of nanodomain sizes by time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer measurements.