Tok1p is a highly specific yeast plasma membrane potassium channel with strong outward directionality. Its opening is induced by membrane depolarization. Although the biophysical properties of Tok1p are well-described, its potentially important physiological role is currently largely unexplored. To address this issue, we examined the Tok1p activity following chemically-induced depolarization by measuring changes of plasma membrane potential (ΔΨ) using the diS-C3(3) fluorescence assay in a Tok1p-expressing and a Tok1p-deficient strain. We report that Tok1p channel activity in response to chemical stress does not depend solely on the extent of depolarization, as might have been expected, but may also be negatively influenced by accompanying effects of the used compound. The stressors may interact with the plasma membrane or the channel itself, or cause cytosolic acidification. All of these effects may negatively influence the Tok1p channel opening. While ODDC-induced depolarization exhibits the cleanest Tok1p activation, restoring an astonishing 75% of lost ΔΨ, higher BAC concentrations reduce Tok1p activity, probably because of direct interactions with the channel and/or its lipid microenvironment. This is not only the first study of the physiological role of Tok1p in ΔΨ maintenance under chemical stress, but also the first estimate of the extent of depolarization the channel is able to counterbalance.
Cells of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergo a process akin to differentiation during prolonged culture without medium replenishment. Various methods have been used to separate and determine the potential role and fate of the different cell species. We have stratified chronologically-aged yeast cultures into cells of different sizes, using centrifugal elutriation, and characterized these subpopulations physiologically. We distinguish two extreme cell types, very small (XS) and very large (L) cells. L cells display higher viability based on two separate criteria. They respire much more actively, but produce lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). L cells are capable of dividing, albeit slowly, giving rise to XS cells which do not divide. L cells are more resistant to osmotic stress and they have higher trehalose content, a storage carbohydrate often connected to stress resistance. Depletion of trehalose by deletion of TPS2 does not affect the vital characteristics of L cells, but it improves some of these characteristics in XS cells. Therefore, we propose that the response of L and XS cells to the trehalose produced in the former differs in a way that lowers the vitality of the latter. We compare our XS- and L-fraction cell characteristics with those of cells isolated from stationary cultures by others based on density. This comparison suggests that the cells have some similarities but also differences that may prove useful in addressing whether it is the segregation or the response to trehalose that may play the predominant role in cell division from stationary culture.