Soils can be contaminated by pharmaceuticals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of soil conditions (influencing sorption and persistence of pharmaceuticals in soils) and plant type on the root uptake of selected pharmaceuticals and their transformation in plant-soil systems. Four plants (lamb's lettuce, spinach, arugula, radish) planted in 3 soils were irrigated for 20 days (26) with water contaminated by one of 3 pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, atenolol, sulfamethoxazole) or their mixture. The concentrations of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in soils and plant tissues were evaluated after the harvest. Sulfamethoxazole and atenolol dissipated rapidly from soils. The larger concentrations of both compounds and an atenolol metabolite were found in roots than in leaves. Sulfamethoxazole metabolites were below the limits of quantifications. Carbamazepine was stable in soils, easily uptaken, accumulated, and metabolized in plant leaves. The efficiency of radish and arugula (both family Brassicaceae) in metabolizing was very low contrary to the high and moderate efficiencies of lamb's lettuce and spinach, respectively. Compounds' transformations mostly masked the soil impact on their accumulation in plant tissues. The negative relationships were found between the carbamazepine sorption coefficients and its concentrations in roots of radish, lamb's lettuce, and spinach.
Pharmaceuticals are a large group of substances that have been recognized as environmental contaminants in recent years. Research on the pharmaceutical fate in soils is currently limited or missing. In this study, three pharmaceuticals (atenolol (ATE), carbamazepine (CAR), and metoprolol (MET)) were introduced to soils and exposed for 61 day under aerobic conditions. Thirteen different soils were used in the study to increase the understanding of pharmaceutical behaviour in the soil matrix. Ten metabolites were detected and tentatively identified. Some of them, such as atenolol acid (AAC), carbamazepine 10,11-epoxide (EPC), 10,11-dihydrocarbamazepine (DHC), trans-10,11-Dihydro-10,11-dihydroxy carbamazepine (RTC), and metoprolol acid (MAC), were consequently confirmed using commercial reference standards. It was concluded that the aerobic conditions of the experiment determined the pharmaceutical degradation pathway of studied compounds in the soils. The different amounts/rates and degradation of the transformation products can be attributed to differences in the soil properties. ATE degraded relatively quickly compared with CAR, whereas MET degradation in the soils was unclear. The persistence of CAR and its metabolites, in combination with low CAR sorption, enable the transportation of CAR and its metabolites within soils and into the ground water. Thus, CAR may cause adverse effects on the environment and humans.