portable Raman spectrometers Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Raman spectrometers will be utilized on two Mars rover missions, ExoMars and Mars 2020, in the near future, to search for evidence of life and habitable geological niches on Mars. Carotenoid pigments are recognized target biomarkers, and as they are highly active in Raman spectroscopy, they can be readily used to characterize the capabilities of space representative instrumentation. As part of the preparatory work being performed for the ExoMars mission, a gypsum crust colonized by microorganisms was interrogated with commercial portable Raman instruments and a flight representative Raman laser spectrometer. Four separate layers, each exhibiting different coloration resulting from specific halophilic microorganism activities within the gypsum crust, were studied by using two excitation wavelengths: 532 and 785 nm. Raman or fluorescence data were readily obtained during the present study. Gypsum, the main constituent of the crust, was detected with both excitation wavelengths, while the resonance Raman signal associated with carotenoid pigments was only detected with a 532 nm excitation wavelength. The fluorescence originating from bacteriochlorophyll a was found to overwhelm the Raman signal for the layer colonized by sulfur bacteria when interrogated with a 785 nm excitation wavelength. Finally, it was demonstrated that portable instruments and the prototype were capable of detecting a statistically significant difference in band positions of carotenoid signals between the sample layers. Key Words: Gypsum-Raman spectrometers-Carotenoids-ExoMars-Mars exploration-Band position shift. Astrobiology 17, 351-362.
A dual-mode functional chip for chiral sensing based on mobile phone wettability measurements and portable surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is reported. The plasmon-active regular gold grating surface was covalently grafted with chiral recognition moieties, l- or d-enantiomers of tartaric acid, making stereoselective discrimination of chiral amines possible. Chiral sensing of amines includes two modes of analysis, performed subsequently on the one chip surface with portable instruments (mobile phone equipped with a camera and developed application (app) Dropangle and a portable Raman spectrometer). First, the wettability changes, caused by enantioselective entrapping of chiral amines, are monitored and analyzed via our mobile phone app, allowing detection of the optical configuration and concentration of enantiomers with 1 order of magnitude accuracy. Second, SERS measurement on the same chip provides information about the chemical structure of entrapped amines and allows calculation of the enantiomeric excess with great accuracy. The applicability of the developed chip is demonstrated on a variety of chiral amines, including tyrosine, cysteine, dopamine (DOPA), and dextromethorphan in analytical solutions and in commercially available DOPA-containing drug. Moreover, we demonstrate that the chips could be regenerated and used repeatedly for at least five cycles.
Cell suspensions of the haloarchaea Halorubrum sodomense and Halobacterium salinarum and the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber (Bacteroidetes) in saturated solutions of chlorides and sulfates (NaCl, KCl, MgSO4·7H2O, K2SO4, and (NH4)Al(SO4)2·12H2O) were left to evaporate to produce micrometric inclusions in laboratory-grown crystals. Raman spectra of these pinkish inclusions were obtained using a handheld Raman spectrometer with green excitation (532 nm). This portable instrument does not include any microscopic tool. Acceptable Raman spectra of carotenoids were obtained in the range of 200-4000 cm-1. This detection achievement was related to the mode of illumination and collection of scattered light as well as due to resonance Raman enhancement of carotenoid signals under green excitation. The position of diagnostic Raman carotenoid bands corresponds well to those specific carotenoids produced by a given halophile. To our best knowledge, this is the first study of carotenoids included in the laboratory in crystalline chlorides and sulfates, using a miniature portable Raman spectrometer. Graphical abstract ᅟ.
Inclusions in evaporitic minerals sometimes contain remnants of microorganisms or biomarkers, which can be considered as traces of life. Raman spectroscopy with resonance enhancement is one of the best analytical methods to search for such biomarkers in places of interest for astrobiology, including the surface and near subsurface of planet Mars. Portable Raman spectrometers are used as training tools for detection of biomarkers. Investigations of the limits and challenges of detecting biomolecules in crystals using Raman spectroscopy is important because natural occurrences often involve mineral assemblages as well as their fluid and solid inclusions. A portable Raman spectrometer with 532 nm excitation was used for detection of carotenoid biomarkers: salinixanthin of Salinibacter ruber (Bacteroidetes) and α-bacterioruberin of Halorubrum sodomense (Halobacteria) in laboratory-grown artificial inclusions in compound crystals of several chlorides and sulfates, simulating entrapment of microorganisms in evaporitic minerals. Crystals of halite (NaCl), sylvite (KCl), arcanite (K2SO4) and tschermigite ((NH4)Al(SO4)2·12H2O) were grown from synthetic solutions that contained microorganisms. A second crystalline layer of NaCl or K2SO4 was grown subsequently so that primary crystals containing microorganisms are considered as solid inclusions. A portable Raman spectrometer with resonance enabling excitation detected signals of both carotenoid pigments. Correct positions of diagnostic Raman bands corresponding to the specific carotenoids were recorded.
Taking advantage of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) methodology with its unique ability to collect abundant intrinsic fingerprint information and noninvasive data acquisition we set up a SERS-based approach for recognition of physically induced DNA damage with further incorporation of artificial neural network (ANN). As a proof-of-concept application, we used the DNA molecules, where the one oligonucleotide (OND) was grafted to the plasmonic surface while complimentary OND was exposed to UV illumination with various exposure doses and further hybridized with the grafted counterpart. All SERS spectra of entrapped DNA were collected by several operators using the portable spectrometer, without any optimization of measurements procedure (e.g., optimization of acquisition time, laser intensity, finding of optimal place on substrate, manual baseline correction, etc.) which usually takes a significant amount of operator's time. The SERS spectra were employed as input data for ANN training, and the performance of the system was verified by predicting the class labels for SERS validation data, using a spectra dataset, which has not been involved in the training process. During that phase, accuracy higher than 98% was achieved with a level of confidence exceeding 95%. It should be noted that utilization of the proposed functional-SERS/ANN approach allows identifying even the minor DNA damage, almost invisible by control measurements, performed with common analytical procedures. Moreover, we introduce the advanced ANN design, which allows not only classifying the samples but also providing the ANN analysis feedback, which associates the spectral changes and chemical transformations of DNA structure.