1. vydání ix, 186 stran : ilustrace, tabulky ; 24 cm
Vysokoškolská učebnice, která se zaměřuje na invalidní vozíky a zdravotně postižené.
Policy development and implementation are key to improving access to Assistive Technology (AT). In this paper, we describe a strength-based framework for doing this at national level. We used an action research approach, with the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD) as the primary frame of reference. Primary data were collected using the World Health Organisation's rapid Assistive Technology Assessment (rATA). We describe the process of applying our emergent framework and how our findings support it. We identified seven guiding principles for effective policy process: Participatory, Resource aware, Outcomes focused, Collaborative, Evidence-informed, supporting good practices, and System strengthening - which can be summarized by the acronym PROCESS. Five crucial building blocks for effective AT policy development emerged: Identification of the assistive technology ecosystem, Demography of disability and AT use, Evaluation of inclusion and participation in existing policy, Alignment with UNCRPD and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Locality of implementation - which can be summarized with the acronym IDEAL. The IDEAL PROCESS incorporates key content building blocks and core process principles, constituting a systematic framework for guiding the development of context sensitive AT policy and a strength-based pathway to improving access AT.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu * MeSH
- postižení * rehabilitace MeSH
- vytváření politiky MeSH
- zdravotní politika MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
INTRODUCTION: Hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) are increasingly common with a significant impact on individuals and society. Non-pharmacological treatments are considered essential to reduce pain and improve function and quality of life. EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological core management of hip and knee OA were published in 2013. Given the large number of subsequent studies, an update is needed. METHODS: The Standardised Operating Procedures for EULAR recommendations were followed. A multidisciplinary Task Force with 25 members representing 14 European countries was established. The Task Force agreed on an updated search strategy of 11 research questions. The systematic literature review encompassed dates from 1 January 2012 to 27 May 2022. Retrieved evidence was discussed, updated recommendations were formulated, and research and educational agendas were developed. RESULTS: The revised recommendations include two overarching principles and eight evidence-based recommendations including (1) an individualised, multicomponent management plan; (2) information, education and self-management; (3) exercise with adequate tailoring of dosage and progression; (4) mode of exercise delivery; (5) maintenance of healthy weight and weight loss; (6) footwear, walking aids and assistive devices; (7) work-related advice and (8) behaviour change techniques to improve lifestyle. The mean level of agreement on the recommendations ranged between 9.2 and 9.8 (0-10 scale, 10=total agreement). The research agenda highlighted areas related to these interventions including adherence, uptake and impact on work. CONCLUSIONS: The 2023 updated recommendations were formulated based on research evidence and expert opinion to guide the optimal management of hip and knee OA.
- MeSH
- artróza kolenních kloubů * terapie rehabilitace MeSH
- artróza kyčelních kloubů * terapie rehabilitace MeSH
- hmotnostní úbytek MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- medicína založená na důkazech MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu MeSH
- self-management metody MeSH
- terapie cvičením * metody MeSH
- vzdělávání pacientů jako téma metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- směrnice pro lékařskou praxi MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Evropa MeSH
PURPOSE: Global population growth and increasing longevity means that the need for Assistive Technology (AT) will continue to increase. The level of unmet need for AT is greatest in low-income settings. The aim of this study is to identify age-related increase in impairment and to estimate the AT needs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analysed secondary data from the 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census (MPHC) based on the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) short-set of questions. RESULTS: Out of the 1,556,670 persons with one or more functional limitations or disabilities identified in the census, self-reported difficulties in all domains were markedly higher from age 40 and above. The proportion reporting one functional limitation is higher compared to two or more limitations, but at age 78-80 the proportion reporting two or more functional limitations increased above those reporting one functional limitation. Although 60.9% (60.7-61.0) and 63.5% (63.3-63.6) of those who reported difficulty in seeing and hearing were using glasses and hearing aids respectively, the estimated total need for glasses and hearing aids in this group was 98.9% (98.0-99.0) and 98.4% (98.3-98.5) respectively. The unmet need for glasses and hearing aids were therefore 38.1% and 34.9% respectively. CONCLUSION: The differential slope of impairment curves against age is a guide to the increasing demand for AT across the life course and across different domains of functioning. Country specific analysis of impairment across age and domains is essential to understand and plan for the growing need for AT globally.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONIt is important to estimate and plan for impairment across life course to address the age-related increase in impairment and the increasing need for AT with age.The Zomba curves show the cumulative nature of impairment with age and the need for age and need specific provision of AT across the life course through proactive policy level actions.The significant high unmet need for glasses and hearing aids attests to similar need for other assistive products and the need for setting specific interventions to address needs of affected persons.The differential slope of impairment curves against age is a guide to the differing and increasing demand for assistive technology across the life course and across different domains of functioning.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- dostupnost zdravotnických služeb MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu * MeSH
- postižení * MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- sluchové pomůcky * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- senioři nad 80 let MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Malawi MeSH
Dysfagie (porucha polykání) se může vyskytovat v různých fázích života. V některých případech může být jen dočasná, zatímco v jiných případech může přetrvávat od dětského věku až do dospělosti. Považujeme proto za důležité, aby s danou problematikou byli obeznámeni jak praktičtí lékaři pro děti i dorost, tak i praktičtí lékaři zabezpečující péči u dospělých pacientů a osob ve stáří. Dysfagie vždy znamená závažný stav spojený se značnými riziky komplikací a dopady na zdravotní stav pacientů. Příspěvek prezentuje dělení dysfagie, etiologii potíží, možnosti diagnostiky a terapie v multidisciplinárním týmu. Představuje speciální pomůcky využívané v terapii dysfagie a pro bezpečný příjem stravy a tekutin.
Dysphagia (swallowing disorder) can occur at different stages of life. In some cases it may only be temporary, while in other cases it may persist from childhood into adulthood. Therefore we consider it important that both general practitioners for children and adolescents, as well as general practitioners providing care for adult patients and the elderly, are familiar with this issue. Dysphagia always means a serious condition associated with significant risks of complications and consequences for patients' health. The article presents the division of dysphagia, the etiology of the disorder, the possibilities of diagnosis and therapy in a multidisciplinary team. It presents special aids used in dysphagia therapy and for safe intake of food and fluids.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu MeSH
- poruchy polykání * diagnóza klasifikace terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
PURPOSE: To address the data gap on efforts to assess use of assistive technology among children with disability in sub-Saharan Africa. Contribute towards efforts examining access to assistive technologies in sub-Saharan Africa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The paper uses data from the 2017 survey on Living conditions among persons with disabilities in Malawi and the 2015-16 Malawi Demographic and Health survey to address the objective of the study. The two datasets were statistically matched through random hot deck technique, by integrating the two datasets using randomly selected units from a subset of all available data donors. RESULTS: Results indicate that statistical matching technique produces a composite dataset with an uncertainty value of 2.2%. An accuracy assessment test of the technique also indicates that the marginal distribution of use of assistive technology in the composite dataset is similar to that of the donor dataset with an Overlap index value of close to 1 (Overlap = 0.997). CONCLUSIONS: The statistical matching procedure does enable generation of good data in data constrained contexts. In the current study, this approach enabled measurement of access to assistive products among children with disabilities, in situations where the variables of interest have not been jointly observed. Such a technique can be valuable in mining secondary data, the collection of which may have been funded from different sources and for different purposes. This is of significance for the efficient use of current and future data sets, allowing new questions to be asked and addressed by locally based researchers in poor settings. Implications for RehabilitationIn resource-poor settings, the technique of statistical matching can be used to examine factors that predict the use of assistive technology among persons with disabilities.The statistical matching technique is of significance for the efficient use of current and future datasets, allowing new questions to be asked and addressed by locally based researchers.
- MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu * MeSH
- postižení * MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Malawi MeSH
BACKGROUND: Assistive technology is the products and services used by individuals with functional limitations to enable participation in society and realisation of rights afforded by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Assistive Product List is a comprehensive list of products identified as essential for access through universal health coverage. Key stakeholders, including organisations of persons with disabilities, civil service organisations, academic organisations and government ministries are collaborating to integrate assistive technology into policy and develop a priority assistive products list for Malawi. OBJECTIVE: To understand the organisational characteristics of, and assistive products provided by, key stakeholders working in AT in Malawi. STUDY DESIGN: Online survey of representatives from key stakeholder organisations. METHODS: We surveyed representatives of key stakeholder organisations to gather information regarding assistive technology product and service provision in Malawi. Responses were analysed using counts for closed-ended questions, and conventional content analysis for open-ended questions. RESULTS: A total of 36 of the 50 APL products were provided by eight organisations. Related services were provided for 36 of the 50 APL products by twelve organisations. Five organisations reported providing both products and services. Products and services are largely funded by donation and provided free to those who require them. CONCLUSION: A range of organisations in Malawi play a role in assistive product delivery and related services. Coordinated AP delivery and service provision is required at a national level which is sustainable and inclusive, and is based on identified needs of the Malawian population.Implications for rehabilitationPolicies supporting assistive product and service provision must acknowledge the contextual needs of the communities where they are implemented.Coordination is required for assistive product and service provision at the national and subnational level.Existing and potential gaps in service provision must be addressed when implementing a national assistive products list.
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu * MeSH
- postižení * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Malawi MeSH
Inkontinence neboli neovladatelný únik moči pro pacienta představuje především hygienický a sociální problém. V případě selhávání léčebných metod se ošetřující lékař rozhoduje pro předpis inkontinenčních pomůcek. V tomto směru je však nutné pamatovat, že z hlediska posloupnosti by předpis inkontinenčních pomůcek měl představovat nejzazší řešení inkontinenčních obtíží, jemuž by mělo vždy předcházet vyčerpání veškerých diagnostických a terapeutických možností. Správná preskripce adekvátních pomůcek v dostatečném množství by měla inkontinencí postiženým pacientům zajistit důstojný život bez omezování společenských kontaktů a s co nejmenším negativním ovlivněním aktivního přístupu k životu.
Incontinence, or involuntary leakage of urine, represents, above all, a hygiene and social issue for the patient. If treatment methods fail, the attending physician will choose to prescribe incontinence products. In this regard, however, it must be remembered that, in terms of sequence, prescribing incontinence products should only be used as a last-resort solution to incontinence problems when all diagnostic and therapeutic options have been exhausted. Correct prescription of appropriate products in sufficient quantities should allow patients with incontinence to live a life with dignity without limiting social contacts and with minimal inconvenience in terms of an active approach to their lives.
- MeSH
- cévní mozková příhoda ošetřování MeSH
- domácí ošetřovatelství * klasifikace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ošetřovatelský proces organizace a řízení MeSH
- osoby pečující o pacienty organizace a řízení psychologie MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu MeSH
- rehabilitace po cévní mozkové příhodě * MeSH
- role ošetřovatelky MeSH
- samostatný způsob života MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
Empirical research and data are necessary for policy, planning and provision of services for persons with disabilities. Research data may be available but still not used by researchers and policy makers. The aim of this study is to explore existing empirical research and sources of data on Assistive Technology (AT) in Malawi in order to facilitate the development of an AT policy and Assistive Product List (APL). A two-stage process using a scoping review methodology was adopted to identify (1) empirical research on AT in Malawi and (2) sources of existing data on AT in Malawi. Following a narrative synthesis, 12 heterogenous studies that reported on the use, availability, sources and knowledge about AT in Malawi were identified. Identified studies suggest that there is high unmet need for AT and services in Malawi. Five major sources of data on disability and AT were Identified. Only 2 out of the 12 studies had used existing sources of data. The high unmet need for AT and services in Malawi have substantial implications for persons with disabilities. Developing mechanisms that will improve the use of existing data on AT in all countries is pivotal for the efficient and effective development of AT ecosystems.
- MeSH
- ekosystém MeSH
- empirický výzkum MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pomůcky pro sebeobsluhu * MeSH
- postižení * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Malawi MeSH