Introduction: Pressure injuries have been identified as a problem in adults, but there is increasing recognition that they also occur in pediatric patients. Specific prevention in this population is essential because a high percentage of pressure injuries can be prevented. Objective: To identify interventions that prevent pressure injuries in the clinical pediatric care setting. Methods: Systematic review with a conducted search in CINAHL, PubMed, and Cochrane databases. A total of 301 articles were found, 225 were excluded after reviewing the title and abstract. The remaining papers were subjected to a full-text screening. Eligible studies were those that (a) described interventions to prevent pressure injuries, (b) were specifically aimed at pediatric patients (0-18 years), (c) were published in English or German, and (d) were conducted in a hospital. Results: A total of 37 studies were included. The data on interventions from the studies were extracted and clustered. The following eight categories of interventions for the prevention of pressure injury in pediatric patients were identified: (1) (Skin)Assessments, (2) Medical devices, (3) Positioning, (4) Education, (5) Moisture Management, (6) Nutrition Management, (7) Surfaces, and (8) Intervention bundles. The included studies described various interventions for pressure injury prevention. Most reported a significant reduction in pressure injury rates when intervention bundles were implemented. Conclusion: Nurses have to know about pressure injury causation, risk factors, and prevention strategies to implement the identified interventions and prevent pressure injuries in pediatric patients during hospital stays.
Introduction: Cultural challenges in clinical practice can directly affect the quality and effectiveness of care for patients from different cultures. Aim: To find out and compare Czech and Slovak nurses' cultural challenges in their clinical practice. Methods: This cross-sectional comparative study used a non-standard questionnaire to explore cultural challenges in nurses' clinical practice in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This study followed the guidelines provided by the STROBE checklist. The statistical analysis was conducted using SASD 1.5.8 and IBM SPSS Statistics version 28.0.0. Results: The study sample comprised 202 nurses from the Czech Republic and 222 nurses from Slovakia. The findings suggest that the most significant cultural challenge identified by nurses in both countries is the language barrier, which is compounded by staff shortages. It was found that nurses who are proficient in multiple languages demonstrated increased sensitivity to cultural challenges, which may indicate a correlation between multilingual ability and the perception of cultural barriers. The results suggest that factors such as gender, role within the healthcare setting, years of experience, and educational level may have an impact on the perception of cultural challenges. Conclusion: As a result, it may be important to develop targeted interventions to improve cultural competence. Interventions such as education about cultures, training, and policy adjustments could be considered to create a more equitable and effective care environment for patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. This approach may lead to improved healthcare outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.
- MeSH
- komunikační bariéry MeSH
- kontinuální vzdělávání zdravotních sester MeSH
- kulturně kompetentní péče * MeSH
- kulturní různorodost MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- ošetřovatelská péče MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- zdravotní sestry MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- srovnávací studie MeSH
Perioperační péče je nezastupitelnou částí ošetřovatelství. Operační sály by měly poskytovat kvalitní a bezpečnou perioperační ošetřovatelskou péči. Proto je zvyšování kvalifikace jednou z hlavních priorit managementu zdravotnického zařízení. Na úrovni kvalifikace každého pracovníka na operačním sále, ať je to perioperační sestra, anesteziologická sestra, nebo porodní perioperační asistentka, závisí kvalita odvedené práce a výsledek operačního výkonu. Jednou z možných forem vzdělávání je i specializační studium.
Perioperative care is an essential part of nursing. Operating theatres should provide quality and safe perioperative nursing care. That’s why improving qualifications is one of the main priorities of the management of every health care facility. The quality of the work performed and the outcome of the surgery depends on the level of each worker’s qualification in the operating theatres, whether it is a perioperative nurse, an anaesthetic nurse or a perioperative midwife. One of the possible forms of education are also specialized studies.
- Klíčová slova
- perioperační sestry,
- MeSH
- kontinuální vzdělávání zdravotních sester MeSH
- ošetřovatelství na operačním sále * výchova MeSH
- perioperační péče MeSH
- porodní asistentky MeSH
- sestry specialistky * MeSH
- studium ošetřovatelství vysokoškolské MeSH
- zdravotní sestry MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Článek přináší pohled na problematiku celoživotního vzdělávání jako součásti profesního růstu zdravotnického pracovníka. Průběžným vzděláváním posilujeme a zdokonalujeme své tzv. klíčové kompetence, které označujeme za souhrn všech daných vědomostí a dovedností, tedy znalostí a odborných předpokladů, díky kterým máme možnost lepšího pracovního uplatnění. Autorky přináší retrospektivní pohled na problematiku celoživotního vzdělávání. V historickém kontextu se věnují zejména vývoji specializačního vzdělávání v oboru ošetřovatelství.
The article provides an insight into the issue of lifelong learning as part of the professional growth of a healthcare worker. Through ongoing education, we strengthen and improve our so-called key competencies, which we refer to as the sum of all given knowledge and skills, i.e. knowledge and professional prerequisites, thanks to which we have the possibility of better employment. The authors provide a retrospective view of the issue of lifelong education. In the historical context, they focus mainly on the development of specialized education in the field of nursing.
Ďalšie vzdelávanie zdravotníckych pracovníkov je zvyšovanie alebo prehlbovanie odbornej spôsobilosti. Ďalšie vzdelávanie sestier a pôrodných asistentiek v našej vzdelávacej ustanovizni, na Slovenskej zdravotníckej univerzite v Bratislave, má dlhoročnú tradíciu. Vykonáva sa od roku 1963. Cieľom tohto príspevku je priblížiť ďalšie vzdelávanie sestier v intenzívnej starostlivosti so zameraním na inováciu minimálnych štandardov pre špecializačné a certifikované študijné programy, ako aj priebeh špecializačného štúdia a certifikačnej prípravy.
Postgraduate study of health workers is the increase or deepening of professional competence. Postgraduate study of nurses and midwives in our educational institution, the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, has a long tradition. It has been carried out since 1963. The aim of this contribution is to bring closer the postgraduate study of nurses in intensive care with a focus on the innovation of minimum standards for specialization and certified study programs as well as the course of specialization
Autorka v príspevku definuje kategóriu sestry – perfuziológa. V úvode stručne popisuje históriu a legislatívne podmienky potrebné k výkonu povolania. Charakterizuje základné činnosti perfuziológa a možnosti využitia perfuziologických činností v ostatných odvetviach medicíny.
In the article, the author defines the role of nurse perfusionist. Introduction briefly describes the history and legislative conditions necessary to perform the profession. It characterises the basic roles of a perfusionist and the possibilities to use clinical perfusion in various fields of medicine.
- Klíčová slova
- perfuziologie,
- MeSH
- kardiochirurgické výkony MeSH
- kontinuální vzdělávání zdravotních sester normy zákonodárství a právo MeSH
- mimotělní membránová oxygenace MeSH
- sestry specialistky MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Slovenská republika MeSH
- NLK Obory
- kardiochirurgie
Aim: To investigate the reasons for unfinished nursing care (UNC), its prevalence and patterns, and to explore its relationship to level of teamwork as perceived by Slovak postgraduate nursing students. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Methods: The study was conducted between November 2022 and January 2023. Data collection was carried out using a set of questionnaires that involved the Unfinished Nursing Care Survey tool to measure UNC and the Nursing Teamwork Survey (NTS) to investigate level of teamwork. The sample consisted of 159 postgraduate nursing students from five public universities in different regions of the Slovak Republic. Results: The mean composite score of UNC was 2.41 (SD = 0.71) and for the NTS, 3.25 (SD = 0.51). An overall weak association was found between UNC and Trust (r = -0.164), Backup (r = -0.157), Shared mental model (r = -0.158), and Team leader (r = -0.187). Teamwork did not predict perceptions of UNC. Conclusion: These findings suggest that nursing students are aware of the phenomenon of UNC and reflect on reasons for its occurrence, including ineffective teamwork among nursing staff. During clinical placements, nursing students should be integrated into nursing teams and the importance of teamwork should be emphasized during nursing studies. However, there is a need for further research to better understand and address these phenomena in nursing education and practice.
- MeSH
- klinické praxe * klasifikace organizace a řízení MeSH
- kontinuální vzdělávání zdravotních sester MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- průřezové studie MeSH
- studenti ošetřovatelství psychologie MeSH
- studium ošetřovatelství vysokoškolské * MeSH
- týmová péče o pacienty MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Slovenská republika MeSH
Článek přináší pohled na problematiku celoživotního vzdělávání jako součásti profesního růstu zdravotnického pracovníka. Průběžným vzděláváním posilujeme a zdokonalujeme své tzv. klíčové kompetence, které označujeme za souhrn všech daných vědomostí a dovedností, tedy znalostí a odborných předpokladů, díky kterým máme možnost lepšího pracovního uplatnění. Autorky přináší retrospektivní pohled na problematiku celoživotního vzdělávání. V historickém kontextu se věnují zejména vývoji specializačního vzdělávání v oboru ošetřovatelství.
The article provides an insight into the issue of lifelong learning as part of the professional growth of a healthcare worker. Through ongoing education, we strengthen and improve our so-called key competencies, which we refer to as the sum of all given knowledge and skills, i.e. knowledge and professional prerequisites, thanks to which we have the possibility of better employment. The authors provide a retrospective view of the issue of lifelong education. In the historical context, they focus mainly on the development of specialized education in the field of nursing.
- MeSH
- kontinuální vzdělávání zdravotních sester * dějiny MeSH
- kontinuální vzdělávání dějiny MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- zákonodárství jako téma MeSH
- zdravotničtí pracovníci MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- historické články MeSH