- MeSH
- Acne Vulgaris MeSH
- Contraception MeSH
- Dysmenorrhea MeSH
- Estrogen Replacement Therapy MeSH
- Estrogens MeSH
- Hormone Replacement Therapy MeSH
- Contraceptives, Oral, Hormonal MeSH
- Contraceptives, Oral, Combined MeSH
- Menstruation MeSH
- Menstruation Disturbances MeSH
- Premenstrual Syndrome MeSH
- Progestins MeSH
2nd edition 104 stran : ilustrace
Acne is one of the ten most common diseases worldwide and is the inflammatory skin disease seen most frequently by community physicians and dermatologists. Over the last decade, knowledge of acne pathophysiology and etiologic factors has expanded, resulting in the development of novel treatments that target clinical lesions and improve patient outcomes. However, the vast number of therapeutic options that are now available can pose a challenge to the prescribing clinician selecting the preferred treatment.'Fast Facts: Acne' is primarily aimed at family practitioners, nurse prescribers, pharmacists and dermatology trainees. This fully updated edition provides a concise overview of the clinical features of acne, reviews available treatments - including their respective modes of action and potential adverse events - and advises on treatment selection with the implicit goal of minimizing the physical and emotional scarring associated with this challenging disease. It also discusses the use of antibiotics and, given current concerns regarding overprescribing and antibiotic resistance, this highly readable resource is a timely addition to the Fast Facts series.Contents:• Epidemiology• Pathophysiology, etiology and modifying factors• Diagnosis• Psychosocial aspects• Topical therapy• Oral Therapy• Physical treatments for acne and scarring• Acne care pathway• Future trends and areas of need• Acknowledgements and useful resources
- MeSH
- Acne Vulgaris MeSH
- Dermatology MeSH
- Publication type
- Handbook MeSH
- NML Fields
- dermatovenerologie
Moderní gynekologie a porodnictví, ISSN 1211-1058 vol. 23, č. 2, supplementum, květen 2015
182-236 sran : ilustrace, tabulky ; 21 cm
- MeSH
- Acne Vulgaris MeSH
- Fertility MeSH
- Inositol therapeutic use MeSH
- Metabolic Syndrome MeSH
- Oocytes MeSH
- Preconception Care MeSH
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome MeSH
- Publication type
- Collected Work MeSH
- Conspectus
- Gynekologie. Porodnictví
- NML Fields
- gynekologie a porodnictví
First published xxviii, 253 stran : ilustrace ; 25 cm
- MeSH
- Acne Vulgaris etiology classification therapy MeSH
- Hidradenitis etiology classification therapy MeSH
- Publication type
- Monograph MeSH
- Conspectus
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NML Fields
- dermatovenerologie
1. vyd. 155 s. : il., tab. ; 21 cm
Protože jako jediný působí na všechny čtyři hlavní etiopatogenetické faktory akné, je nejúčinnějším prostředkem v léčbě této velmi nepříjemné kožní choroby. Izotretinoin je vysoce účinný a bezpečný, je-li užíván podle doporučených pravidel, přesto má stále mnoho lékařů obavy z léčby perorálním izotretinoinem. Právě proto byla napsána tato kniha. Je praktickým návodem, jak postupovat při léčbě pacientů s těžkými formami akné
- MeSH
- Acne Vulgaris drug therapy MeSH
- Adult MeSH
- Drug Combinations MeSH
- Isotretinoin administration & dosage pharmacokinetics therapeutic use MeSH
- Pregnancy Complications MeSH
- Skin Diseases drug therapy MeSH
- Drug Interactions MeSH
- Medication Therapy Management MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Men MeSH
- Athletes MeSH
- Pregnant Women MeSH
- Teratogens MeSH
- Tretinoin adverse effects MeSH
- Women MeSH
- Check Tag
- Adult MeSH
- Adolescent MeSH
- Publication type
- Monograph MeSH
- Conspectus
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NML Fields
- dermatovenerologie
- farmakoterapie
- farmacie a farmakologie
[2] s. ; 24 cm
- MeSH
- Acne Vulgaris drug therapy classification MeSH
- Anti-Bacterial Agents administration & dosage therapeutic use MeSH
- Publication type
- Guideline MeSH
- Conspectus
- Farmacie. Farmakologie
- NML Fields
- dermatovenerologie
- farmacie a farmakologie
- farmacie a farmakologie