• This record comes from PubMed

Radikální trachelektomie v lécbĕ casného cervikálního karcinomu
[Radical trachelectomy in the treatment of early cervical carcinoma]

. 2000 Nov ; 65 (6) : 437-42.

Language Czech Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type English Abstract, Journal Article


PubMed 11272065

In recent years a new less radical methods in the treatment of early cervical carcinoma has been introduced. The radical trachelectomy with laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy represents one of these options. This procedure is special in that it not only treats the cervical cancer in acceptable oncological fashion but at the same time preserves the fertility potential of the patients. Thus, this surgery represents a midway point in between conisation and radical hysterectomy. Based on our initial experience in this study the technique of radical trachelectomy is analysed in detail and at the same time the current literature on the subject is reviewed. We conclude that after careful selection of the patients this more conservative approach leads to the same results comparable to classical radical surgery.

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