INTRODUCTION: This study examines the relationships between perceived hope, posttraumatic growth, well-being, anxiety, and perceived threat of the Russian-Ukrainian War (RUW) in the Czech adult population. Drawing on the evidence of posttraumatic growth (PTG) amidst crisis, we hypothesized that perceived hope moderates the effects of perceived threat of war and anxiety on PTG. METHODS: Data were obtained from 1,000 Czech respondents via an online questionnaire ten months post-invasion. The form included measures of posttraumatic growth, perceived hope, well-being, anxiety and depression, and perceived threat of war. RESULTS: Our findings reveal that perceived hope acted as a moderator enhancing the positive effects of perceived threat and anxiety on PTG. However, perceived hope did not significantly moderate the direct effects of perceived threats and anxiety on well-being. DISCUSSION: This study highlights the significant role of hope amidst adversity and underscores its potential as a target for interventions aiming to foster PTG in populations who navigate traumatic experiences. Furthermore, it advocates for continued exploration of the factors interacting to enhance well-being and facilitate PTG in affected communities.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
INTRODUCTION: This study explores the emotional impact of virtual forest therapy delivered through audio-visual recordings shown to patients in the oncology waiting rooms, focusing on whether simulated forest walks can positively influence patients' emotional states compared to traditional waiting room stimuli. METHODS: The study involved 117 participants from a diverse group of oncology patients in the outpatient clinic waiting room at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute. Using a partially randomized controlled trial design, the study assessed basic emotional dimensions-valence and arousal-as well as specific psychological states such as thought control, sadness, anxiety, and pain. This assessment used the Self-Assessment Manikin and the modified Emotional Thermometer before and after participants watched three video types (forest, sea, news). Baseline stress levels were measured using the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6). RESULTS: Participants exposed to forest and sea videos reported significant improvements in emotional valence and reduced arousal, suggesting a calming and uplifting effect. No significant changes were observed in the control and news groups. Secondary outcomes related to anxiety, sadness, and pain showed no significant interaction effects, though small but significant main effects of time on these variables were noted. DISCUSSION: The findings suggest that videos of forest and sea can be a beneficial intervention in the oncology waiting rooms by enhancing patients' emotional well-being. This pilot study underscores the potential for integrating virtual mental health support elements into healthcare settings to improve patient care experience.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
BACKGROUND: A growing body of literature shows that psychological distress is not only a major threat to psychological well-being but can also have a significant impact on physical health. In cancer patients, it can negatively affect prognosis and posttreatment recovery processes. Since face-to-face psychological interventions are often inaccessible to cancer patients, researchers have recently been focusing on the effectiveness of eHealth adaptations of well-established approaches. In this context, there has been a call for high-quality randomised controlled trials that would allow for a direct comparison of different approaches, potentially addressing different needs and preferences of patients, and also for more systematic research focusing on how psychological interventions affect not only psychological but also biological markers of stress. Both of these questions are addressed in the present study. METHODS: A randomised controlled trial will be carried out to test and compare the effectiveness of three eight-week eHealth programmes for the mental health support of cancer patients. All programmes will be delivered through the same application for mobile devices MOU MindCare. N = 440 of breast cancer survivors will be recruited at the end of their adjuvant treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or both) and randomly assigned to one of the three interventions - Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer (MBCT-Ca), Positive Psychology (PP), or Autogenic Training (AT) - or the treatment-as-usual (TAU) control group. Psychological and biological markers of stress and adaptive functioning will be assessed at baseline (T0), post-treatment (T1), three-month follow-up (T2), and nine-month follow-up (T3). Primary outcomes will include heart-rate variability and self-report measures of depression, anxiety, perceived stress, general quality of life, and positive mental health. Secondary outcomes will include the levels of serum cortisol and immunomarkers, sleep quality, fatigue, common health symptoms, and several transdiagnostic psychological variables that are expected to be specifically affected by the MBCT-Ca and PP interventions, including dispositional mindfulness, emotion regulation, self-compassion, perceived hope, and gratitude. The data will be analysed using the mixed model repeated measures (MMRM) approach. DISCUSSION: This trial is unique in comparing three different eHealth interventions for cancer patients based on three well-established approaches to mental health support delivered on the same platform. The study will allow us to examine whether different types of interventions affect different indicators of mental health. In addition, it will provide valuable data regarding the effects of stress-reducing psychological interventions on the biomarkers of stress playing an essential role in cancer recovery processes and general health.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cíle studie: Posoudit a dvoufázově ověřit efektivitu originálního nástroje ARS pro plánování budoucí péče u pacientů s pokročilým závažným onemocněním v klinické praxi, zjistit, zda existují rozdíly mezi experty a lékaři v posuzování nástroje, a určit, ve které oblasti je nástroj hodnocen jako nejvíce užitečný a prospěšný. Typ studie: Průzkum; deskriptivní a korelační studie. Typ pracoviště: Oddělení anesteziologie, resuscitace, intenzivní péče, neurologie, interní medicíny a infekční oddělení fakultních a okresních nemocnic. Materiál a metoda: Soubor zahrnoval 10 expertů s rozsáhlými klinickými zkušenostmi a 20 lékařů z klinické praxe, kteří použili nástroj ARS a vyplnili evaluační dotazník hodnotící kritéria tohoto nástroje. Data byla analyzována pomocí deskriptivní analýzy, analýzy hlavních komponent, korelační analýzy a t‐testů. Výsledky: Pro naprostou většinu lékařů i expertů byl ARS časově nenáročný a srozumitelný, v souhrnných kritériích snížení kognitivní zátěže a usnadnění komunikace však experti hodnotili nástroj významně pozitivněji než lékaři testující nástroj v praxi (Cohenovo d = 1,70 a 1,14, p < 0,01). Lékaři s kratší délkou klinické praxe hodnotili ARS jako více nápomocný pro redukci kognitivní zátěže, tento vztah však nebyl významný (Spearmanovo ρ = -0,37, p = 0,13). Celkově vyšší hodnocení nástroje ARS v tomto ohledu převažovalo mezi lékaři z oddělení, na kterých ještě nemají zavedené postupy rozhodování o péči v závěru života (d = 1,86, p < 0,001). Závěr: Nástroj ARS byl hodnocen experty i lékaři se zkušeností v klinické praxi jako srozumitelný, časově nenáročný a v řadě ohledů užitečný. Jeho využívání může zkvalitnit proces plánování budoucí péče u pacientů s pokročilým závažným onemocněním.
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of ARS – a newly developed instrument designed for advance care planning for patients with advanced serious illness – in clinical settings, to examine potential differences in perceived effectiveness of ARS between experts and practitioners, and to determine areas in which ARS is perceived as most useful. Design: Survey; descriptive and correlational study. Setting: Departments of anaesthesiology, resuscitation, intensive medicine, neurology, infectious diseases, and internal medicine, at university and district hospitals. Material and methods: Ten experts with extensive experience in the field and 20 practitioners instructed to use ARS in their everyday practice rated the usefulness of ARS on several criteria. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, correlation analyses, and t-tests. Results: Both groups generally perceived ARS as undemanding and easy to understand. However, compared to practitioners, experts were much more unanimous in rating ARS highly in the composite criteria of Lower Cognitive Load and Communication Facilitation (Cohen’s d = 1.70 and 1.14; p < 0.01). Years of clinical experience were negatively, albeit non-significantly, related to Lower Cognitive Load ratings in practitioners (Spearman’s ρ = -0.37, p = 0.13). Ratings of this criterion were generally higher at hospital departments without any previously implemented procedures for advance care planning and decision-making (d = 1.86, p < 0.001). Conclusion: Both experts and practitioners generally rated ARS as easy to follow, undemanding, and potentially useful. Implementation of the instrument in practice might increase the quality of medical care for patients with advanced serious illness.
Východiska: Zavádění informačně komunikačních technologií do zdravotnictví je vysoce aktuálním tématem. Rychlost technologického pokroku dnešní doby často předbíhá naši schopnost adaptace na změny. Možnosti integrace eHealth do zdravotní péče jsou obrovské, nicméně implementace tohoto klíčového pilíře moderního zdravotnictví je v naší zemi, a konkrétně pak v onkologii, na samotném začátku. Cíl: Článek nabízí systematické dělení a definování přínosů eHealth s ohledem na praktické využití zdravotnickými pracovníky s důrazem na onkologickou praxi v podmínkách českého i světového zdravotnictví. Článek si klade za cíl poskytnout odborné veřejnosti aktuální informace o současných výzvách a řešeních eHealth programů v ČR. Závěr: Pro efektivní čerpání benefitů elektronického zdravotnictví v praxi je nezbytná integrace odborné komunity zdravotníků, nejnovějších technologií a politicko-ekonomického systému.
Background: Implementation of information and communication technologies in healthcare is a highly relevant topic nowadays. The speed of today‘s technological progress often exceeds our ability to adapt to changes. The possibilities for integrating eHealth into healthcare are enormous. Nevertheless, implementation of this pillar of contemporary healthcare is in its very beginnings in the Czech Republic, especially in oncology. Purpose: The article offers a systematic classification and definition of the benefits of eHealth with regard to the practical use by healthcare professionals, focusing mainly on the oncological practice in the Czech and global healthcare systems. The aim of the article is to provide relevant information about current challenges and solutions in eHealth programs in the Czech Republic to healthcare professionals. Conclusion: Effective employment of e-Health in medical practice consists in the integration of the entire community of healthcare professionals, modern technologies and relevant parts of the political and economic system.
- MeSH
- lékařská onkologie * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mobilní aplikace MeSH
- telemedicína * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Objective: Body image disturbances and the attendant negative emotions are two of the major clinical symptoms of eating disorders. The objective of the present experimental study was to shed more light on the degree of association or dissociation between the physiological and emotional response to mirror exposure in patients with restrictive mental anorexia, and on the relationships between the physiological response and characteristics connected with emotional processing. Materials and Methods: Thirty adolescent girls with the restrictive type of anorexia and thirty matched healthy controls underwent bilateral measurement of skin conductance (SC) during rest, neutral stimulus exposure, and mirror exposure, and completed a set of measures focused on emotion regulation competencies, affectivity, and eating disorder pathology. Results: Compared to healthy controls, girls with restrictive anorexia rated mirror exposure as a subjectively more distressful experience. Differences in skin conductance response (SCR) were not significant; however, variance in SCR was substantially greater in the group of anorexia patients as compared to healthy controls. The overall skin conductance level (SCL) was lower in anorexia patients. Increase in SCR during mirror exposure, as opposed to exposure to neutral stimuli, was positively related to the tendency to experience negative emotions, interoceptive sensitivity, body dissatisfaction and suppression, but not to other symptoms of eating pathology or emotional awareness. A post hoc analysis suggested that physiological reactivity might be associated with interoceptive sensitivity to mirror exposure especially in anorectic patients. Conclusion: The study seems to demonstrate some degree of dissociation between psychophysiological reactivity and subjective response to body exposure in patients with restrictive anorexia. Factors affecting differences in psychophysiological responsiveness to body exposure in anorectic patients require further exploration.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cíle. Cílem studie bylo ověřit psychometrické vlastnosti české verze Škály prožívané naděje(Perceived Hope Scale, PHS). Soubor a procedura. Škálu spolu s dalšími metodami měřícími několik souvisejících konstruktů vyplnily tři soubory respondentů ve věku od 18 do 80 let. Celkově bylo do výzkumu zahrnuto 2396 respondentů. Statistické analýzy. Pro ověření vnitřní konzistence byly použity koeficienty reliability Cronbachovo alfa a McDonaldovo omega. Faktorová struktura škály a její diskriminační validita byly ověřovány pomocí konfirmační faktorové analýzy. Výsledky. Škála PHS vykazovala adekvátní reliabilitu a konstruktovou, konvergentní a diskriminační validitu. Faktorové náboje všech položek škály PHS u hlavního faktoru byly vyšší než 0,70. Celkový skór PHS významně negativně koreloval s intenzitou depresivních a úzkostných příznaků měřených dotazníkem PHQ-4 (r = -0,55). Silný vztah byl nalezen především mezi skórem PHS a mírou optimismu měřeného dotazníkem LOT-R (r = 0,72). Česká verze Škály prožívané naděje tedy vykázala adekvátní psychometrické vlastnosti a lze ji doporučit pro další využití ve výzkumech na dospělé populaci. Omezení studie. Hlavním omezením studie byla skutečnost, že se výzkumné soubory skládaly převážně z účastníků ženského pohlaví a osob s vyšší úrovní vzdělání. Nezaměstnaní, rozvedení a ovdovělí jedinci a osoby starší 50 let nebyli dostatečně zastoupeni.
Objectives. The study focuses on psychometric properties of the Czech version of The Perceived Hope Scale (PHS). Subjects and settings. The scale, along with measures of several related constructs was completed by three samples of respondents aged between 18 and 80 years. A total of 2,396 respondents participated in the research. Statistical analysis. Cronbach's alpha and Mc- Donald's omega reliability coefficients were used for reliability estimation. The factor structure of the scale and its discriminant validity were tested through confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity of PHS with other measures was assessed using correlation analysis. Results. The PHS scale showed adequate reliability and construct, convergent and discriminatory validity. Loadings of PHS items on the main factor were all above .70. The PHS total score significantly negatively correlated with the intensity of symptoms of anxiety and depression measured by PHQ-4 (r = -.55). A strong association was found especially between the PHS score and optimism measured by LOTR (Pearson r = .72). The Czech version of the Perceived Hope Scale thus showed adequate psychometric properties and can be recommended for further use in the adult population. Limitations. A major limitation of the study is that samples consisted of predominantly female participants and those with a higher level of education. Unemployed, divorced and widowed individuals or individuals older than 50 years were not sufficiently represented.