284 s. : il., tab., grafy ; 20 cm
- MeSH
- Steam Bath MeSH
- Publication type
- Handbook MeSH
Autori konštatujú, že saunovanie zvyšuje prechodne hodnoty pH kože rozdielne na rozličných miestach tela. PH dosahuje najvyššie hodnoty po saune, potom klesá. Hodnoty sebum klesajú najviac po saune a sú znížené ešte po 60 minútach. Vlhkosť kože stúpa mierne len na čele a len bezprostredne po saune. Autori svojím výskumom zistili, že celková telesná teplota sa lepšie definuje tympanálnym meraním. Frekvencia činnosti srdca stúpa signifikantné. Zvýšenie systolického krvného tlaku nie je signifikanmé, na rozdiel od diastolického krvného tlaku, ktorého klesanie je signifikantné. Všetky zaznamenané zmeny sa nachádzali vo fyziologických hraniciach a mali len prechodný charakter.
In this paper the authors state that the sauna bath will increase the value ofph differently on various places of skin. The value ofpH achieves the highest rate after sauna bath, then it decivases. Sebum values declined significantly immediately after saunabath. In spite of the returning trend even after 1 hour they were significantly lower in comparison with the initial values. Humidity of skin rised significantly on the forehead and cheeks immediately after sauna-bath. The results of the reusearch show that the total body temperature is better defined by tympanal measurement. Wliereas the pulse frequency rised significantly, no significant rise of systolic blood pressure occured but the diastolic decline was significant. Despite signijicant changes the measured parametres did not exceed the physiological limits.
- MeSH
- Skin Physiological Phenomena MeSH
- Hydrogen-Ion Concentration MeSH
- Skin anatomy & histology chemistry MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Lipids MeSH
- Sebaceous Glands MeSH
- Steam Bath MeSH
- Sweat MeSH
- Sweat Glands MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Comparative Study MeSH
- MeSH
- Balneology utilization MeSH
- Chemistry MeSH
- Hydrostatic Pressure MeSH
- Baths MeSH
- Health Resorts MeSH
- Mineral Waters MeSH
- Geographicals
- Slovakia MeSH
- MeSH
- Balneology MeSH
- Dietary Services MeSH
- Drug Therapy MeSH
- Baths MeSH
- Health Resorts MeSH
- Psychotherapy MeSH
- Geographicals
- Slovakia MeSH
- MeSH
- Cardiovascular Diseases therapy MeSH
- Baths utilization MeSH
- Health Resorts MeSH
- Musculoskeletal Diseases therapy MeSH
- Geographicals
- Slovakia MeSH
- MeSH
- Baths utilization MeSH
- Health Resorts organization & administration MeSH
- Geographicals
- Slovakia MeSH