Objectives. The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) is an ultra-brief self-report scale designed to measure change during psychotherapy. The goal of this study was to test (a) the factor structure of the ORS, (b) the measurement invariance between a clinical and a non-clinical sample, between pre-therapy and post-therapy assessment (within the clinical sample), and between online and paper-and-pencil forms of administration (within the non-clinical sample), (c) concurrent validity with other outcome measures, and (d) sensitivity to therapeutic change. Sample and settings. N = 256 patients, N = 210 non-clinical respondents, and N = 89 students participated in the study. Patients responded to the ORS before and after psychotherapy. Statistical analysis. The factor structure and measurement invariance were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. Concurrent validity and test-retest reliability were assessed using correlational analysis. Sensitivity to change was assessed using the Reliable Change Index and pre-post effect size. Results. The unidimensional structure was supported. The best-fitting model was a partially tau-equivalent model with the first and the fourth items’ loadings fixed to the same value. While only metric invariance was demonstrated between the clinical and non-clinical samples, the ORS demonstrated scalar invariance between pre- and post-therapy assessment and strict invariance between the paper-and-pencil and online forms of administration. Internal consistency, as well as concurrent validity, were satisfactory. The sensitivity to the therapeutic change was adequate. Furthermore, internal consistency and sensitivity to change were increased if the score was computed as a weighted sum of items. Study limitation. The samples were not representative.
Cíle. Cílem této studie bylo adaptovat zahraniční dotazník CORE-OM do českého prostředí a ověřit jeho psychometrické vlastnosti. Soubor a metoda. Testovou baterii zahrnující CORE-OM, RSES a SCL-90 vyplnilo 375 pacientů ze čtyř klinických pracovišť (klinický vzorek). První dva nástroje vyplnilo také 233 respondentů z běžné populace (neklinický vzorek). Analýza. Struktura dotazníku byla zjišťována pomocí explorační faktorové analýzy, souběžná validita prostřednictvím korelace s nástroji SCL-90 a RSES a vnitřní konzistence pomocí Cronbachova koeficientu alfa. Rozdíl mezi klinickým a neklinickým výběrem byl testován Mann-Whitneyovým testem a citlivost ke změně pomocí Wilcoxonova znaménkového testu. Výsledky. Faktorová struktura dotazníku byla tvořena dvěma faktory, faktorová řešení pro klinický a neklinický výběr se však lišila. Pro klinický výběr dosahovala vnitřní konzistence celkového skóru hodnoty α = 0,933, korelace celkového skóru s GSI SCL-90 nabývala hodnoty rs = 0,80 a s RSES rs = -0,51. Dotazník dobře rozlišoval mezi klinickým a neklinickým výběrem. U celkového skóru dosahoval hraniční skór hodnoty c = 1,349 a index spolehlivé změny RCI = 0,445. Citlivost k terapeutické změně byla adekvátní (r ~ -0,35 až -0,50 pro různá klinická pracoviště). Limity studie. Data byla získána příležitostným výběrem a nezahrnovala klienty ambulantních pracovišť ani respondenty s psychotickým onemocněním. Testování citlivosti ke změně bylo založeno pouze na sebeposuzovacích metodách.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to adapt the CORE-OM measure to the Czech context and evaluate its psychometric properties. Sample and setting. CORE-OM, RSES, and SCL-90 were administered to 375 patients from four psychotherapy clinics (a clinical sample). Further, the first two measures were administered to 233 respondents from the general population (a non-clinical sample). Statistical analysis. The questionnaire structure was explored through an exploratory factor analysis, concurrent validity assessed using correlation with SCL-90 and RSES, and internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha. The difference between the clinical and the non-clinical samples was determined by the Mann-Whitney test and sensitivity to change was assessed by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results. The factor analysis revealed a two factor structure. However, the factor solution for the clinical and the non-clinical samples differed. In the clinical sample, the internal consistency of the Total Score was α = 0,933, the Total Score correlated rs = 0,80 with GSI SCL- 90 and rs = -0,51 with RSES. The measure successfully differentiated between the clinical and the non-clinical samples. Using the Total Score, the clinical cutoff score had a value of c = 1,349 and the Reliable Change Index had a value of RCI = 0,445. The sensitivity to psychotherapy change was adequate (r ~ -0,35 to -0,50 for individual clinics). Study limitation. The data was obtained through casual sampling and did not include outpatients or respondents with a psychotic disorder. Evaluation of sensitivity to change was based solely on self-report measures.
1. vyd. 94 s. ; 18 cm
- Konspekt
- Psychologie
- NLK Obory
- psychologie, klinická psychologie
- NLK Publikační typ
- studie