Cutaneous leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease caused by Leishmania major, is a widely frequent form in humans. To explore the importance of the host gut microbiota and to investigate its changes during L. major infection, two different groups of mouse models were assessed. The microbiome of two parts of the host gut-ileum and colon-from infected and non-infected mice were characterised by sequencing of 16S rDNA using an Ion Torrent PGM platform. Microbiome analysis was performed to reveal changes related to the susceptibility and the genetics of mice strains in two different gut compartments and to compare the results between infected and non-infected mice. The results showed that Leishmania infection affects mainly the ileum microbiota, whereas the colon bacterial community was more stable. Different biomarkers were determined in the gut microbiota of infected resistant mice and infected susceptible mice using LEfSe analysis. Lactobacillaceae was associated with resistance in the colon microbiota of all resistant mice strains infected with L. major. Genes related to xenobiotic biodegradation and metabolism and amino acid metabolism were primarily enriched in the small intestine microbiome of resistant strains, while genes associated with carbohydrate metabolism and glycan biosynthesis and metabolism were most abundant in the gut microbiome of the infected susceptible mice. These results should improve our understanding of host-parasite interaction and provide important insights into the effect of leishmaniasis on the gut microbiota. Also, this study highlights the role of host genetic variation in shaping the diversity and composition of the gut microbiome. KEY POINTS: • Leishmaniasis may affect mainly the ileum microbiota while colon microbiota was more stable. • Biomarkers related with resistance or susceptibility were determined in the gut microbiota of mice. • Several pathways were predicted to be upregulated in the gut microbiota of resistant or susceptible mice.
- MeSH
- biologické markery MeSH
- Leishmania major * MeSH
- leishmanióza kožní * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- myši MeSH
- náchylnost k nemoci mikrobiologie MeSH
- střevní mikroflóra * MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- myši MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Rinovírusy paria medzi najčastejšie sa vyskytujúcich pôvodcov respiračných ochorení rozličného charakteru od „bežného prechladnutia“ až po klinicky závažné bronchiolitídy či pneumónie u dojčiat a batoliat. Problematika vzťahu rinovírusových infekcií u predisponovaných jedincov, najmä detí v dojčenskom a batolivom veku s následným rizikom rozvoja bronchiálnej astmy bola za posledné dve dekády predmetom mnohých klinických štúdií. Početné zložité a komplexné interakcie rinovírusov s epiteliálnymi bunkami a jednotlivými zložkami imunitného systému ešte nie sú dostatočne a podrobne ozrejmené. Niektoré špecifické patomechanizmy a ich následky, ktoré indukuje vstup a replikácia rinovírusov v bunkách respiračného epitelu, sú už známe. Z klinického pohľadu je vynakladaná čoraz väčšia snaha čo najexaktnejšie identifikovať vonkajšie a vnútorné faktory, ktoré v kontexte opakovaných rinovírusových infekcií predisponujú nositeľa k rekurentným vírusmi indukovaným bronchospazmom a rizikom nadobudnutia astmy. V prvej časti prehľadového príspevku sú rinovírusy analyzované z virologického a epidemiologického hľadiska s prihliadnutím na determinujúce vonkajšie faktory rinovírusových infekcií.
Rhinoviruses are one of the most common causative agents of respiratory diseases from common cold to clinically severe bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants and toddlers. The relationship of rhinovirus infections in predisposed individuals, especially infants and toddlers, with subsequent risk of bronchial asthma development has been the aim of many clinical studies over the last two decades. The multiple complex and involved interactions of rhinoviruses with epithelial cells and various elements of the immune system have not yet been sufficiently and extensively understood. Some specific pathomechanisms and their consequences induced by the entry and replication of rhinoviruses in respiratory epithelial cells are already known. From a clinical point of view, increasing effort is being devoted to identifying extrinsic and intrinsic factors that, in the context of recurrent rhinovirus infections, predispose the host to recurrent virus-induced bronchospasm and risk of asthma development. In this first part of the review, rhinoviruses are analysed from a virological and epidemiological point of view, with consideration of the determining external factors of rhinovirus infections.
- MeSH
- bronchiální astma * epidemiologie virologie MeSH
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- náchylnost k nemoci * mikrobiologie MeSH
- replikace viru fyziologie MeSH
- Rhinovirus * fyziologie klasifikace MeSH
- virulence MeSH
- Check Tag
- dítě MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- přehledy MeSH