Winter provides many challenges for terrestrial arthropods, including low temperatures and decreased food availability. Most arthropods are dormant in the winter and resume activity when conditions are favorable, but a select few species remain active during winter. Winter activity is thought to provide a head start on spring growth and reproduction, but few studies have explicitly tested this idea or investigated tradeoffs associated with winter activity. Here, we detail biochemical changes in overwintering winter-active wolf spiders, Schizocosa stridulans, to test the hypothesis that winter activity promotes growth and energy balance. We also quantified levels of putative cryoprotectants throughout winter to test the prediction that winter activity is incompatible with biochemical adaptations for coping with extreme cold. Body mass of juveniles increased 3.5-fold across winter, providing empirical evidence that winter activity promotes growth and therefore advancement of spring reproduction. While spiders maintained protein content throughout most of the winter, lipid content decreased steadily, suggesting either a lack of available prey to maintain lipids, or more likely, an allometric shift in body composition as spiders grew larger. Carbohydrate content showed no clear seasonal trend but also tended to be higher at the beginning of the winter. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that winter activity is incompatible with cryoprotectant accumulation. However, we observed accumulation of glycerol, myo-inositol, and several other cryoprotectants, although levels were lower than those typically observed in overwintering arthropods. Together, our results indicate that winter-active wolf spiders grow during the winter, and while cryoprotectant accumulation was observed in the winter, the modest levels relative to other species could make them susceptible to extreme winter events.
- MeSH
- energetický metabolismus * MeSH
- fyziologická adaptace MeSH
- glycerol analýza MeSH
- index tělesné hmotnosti MeSH
- inositol analýza MeSH
- kryoprotektivní látky analýza MeSH
- lipidy analýza MeSH
- nízká teplota škodlivé účinky MeSH
- pavouci růst a vývoj metabolismus MeSH
- predátorské chování MeSH
- proteiny analýza MeSH
- roční období MeSH
- rozmnožování MeSH
- sacharidy analýza MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. MeSH
Pre správne fungovanie procesov v ľudskom organizme je potrebný pravidelný prísun vitamínov a minerálov. Základným predpokladom pre jeho dosiahnutie je vyvážená a pestrá strava. V dnešnej dobe nám však ani dennodenná konzumácia ovocia a zeleniny nezaručí, že získame dostatok zdraviu prospešných látok. Inozitol je prirodzene sa vyskytujúca látka produkovaná v ľudskom tele. Ako významná zložka bunkových membrán zohráva dôležitú úlohu v mnohých biologických pochodoch. Tento vitamín skupiny B pôsobí pozitívne pri mnohých metabolických a hormonálnych pochodoch. V klinickej praxi má interdisciplinárne využitie.
For proper function of processes in a human body it is essential to have a regular supply of vitamins and minerals. Basic assumption to achieve this is a balanced and rich nutrition. In the present, even everyday consumption of fruit and vegetables isn ́t a guarantee of sufficient intake of health beneficial substances. Inositol is a naturally occurring substance produced in a human body. As a critical component of cell membranes it plays an important role in many biological processes. This B group vitamin has positive effect in various metabolic and hormone processes. In the clinic practice, inositol has interdisciplinary use.
A fast liquid chromatography method for separation and determination of myo-inositol is reported. Determination of the biologically important isomer of inositols, myo-inositol, was optimized to avoid overlapping to possible interferents according to European Pharmacopoeia (glycerol, d-mannitol) and saccharose. The method in HILIC mode is extremely selective to other carbohydrates which allows to separate myo-inositol from allo- and d-chiro-inositol with resolution 12.3 and 5.2, resp. and this way it enables to separate myo-inostiol from contingent carbohydrates present in a sample matrix. Retention time of myo-inositol was 12min at 10°C, though higher temperatures (25°C or 40°C) or higher water content in the mobile phase could speed up the separation and determination to four minutes. LOD of the method was 9mg/L at 10°C, and 5mg/L at 25°C, resp.