"LO 1416" Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Genotypic and morphological diversity of cyanobacteria in the Rupite hot spring (Bulgaria) was investigated by means of optical microscopy, cultivation, single-cell PCR, and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Altogether, 34 sites were investigated along the 71-39 °C temperature gradient. Analysis of samples from eight representative sites shown that Illumina, optical microscopy, and Roche 454 identified 72, 45 and 19% respective occurrences of all cumulatively present taxa. Optical microscopy failed to detect species of minor occurrence; whereas, amplicon sequencing technologies suffered from failed primer annealing and the presence of species with extensive extracellular polysaccharides production. Amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V5-V6 region performed by Illumina identified the cyanobacteria most reliably to the generic level. Nevertheless, only the combined use of optical microscopy, cultivation and sequencing methods allowed for reliable estimate of the cyanobacterial diversity. Here, we show that Rupite hot-spring system hosts one of the richest cyanobacterial flora reported from a single site above 50 °C. Chlorogloeopsis sp. was the most abundant at the highest temperature (68 °C), followed by Leptolyngbya boryana, Thermoleptolyngbya albertanoae, Synechococcus bigranulatus, Oculatella sp., and Desertifilum sp. thriving above 60 °C, while Leptolyngbya geysericola, Geitlerinema splendidum, and Cyanobacterium aponinum were found above 50 °C.
The rapid emergence of resistance in pathogenic bacteria together with a steep decline in economic incentives has rendered a new wave in the drug development by the pharmaceutical industry and researchers. Since cyanobacteria are recognized as wide producers of pharmaceutically important compounds, we investigated thirty-four cyanobacterial extracts prepared by solvents of different polarities for their antimicrobial potential. Almost all tested cyanobacterial strains exhibited some degree of antimicrobial bioactivity, with more general effect on fungal strains compared with bacteria. Surprisingly ~50% of cyanobacterial extracts exhibited specific activity against one or few bacterial indicator strains with Gram-positive bacteria being more affected. Extracts of two most promising strains were subjected to activity-guided fractionation and determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against selected bacterial and fungal isolates. Multiple fractions were responsible for their antimicrobial effect with MIC reaching low-micromolar concentrations and in some of them high level of specificity was recorded. Twenty-six bioactive fractions analyzed on LC-HRMS/MS and Global Natural Product Social Molecular Networking (GNPS) online workflow using dereplication resulted in identification of only forty-nine peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) with eleven unique metabolites spectrum matches (MSMs). Interestingly, only three fractions from Nostoc calcicola Lukešová 3/97 and four fractions from Desmonostoc sp. Cc2 showed the presence of unique MSMs suggesting the presence of unknown antimicrobial metabolites among majority of bioactive fractions from both the strains. Our results highlight potential for isolation and discovery of potential antimicrobial bioactive lead molecules from cyanobacterial extracts.
Survival of phototrophic organisms depends on their ability to collect and convert enough light energy to support their metabolism. Phototrophs can extend their absorption cross section by using diverse pigments and by tuning the properties of these pigments via pigment-pigment and pigment-protein interaction. It is well known that some cyanobacteria can grow in heavily shaded habitats by utilizing far-red light harvested with far-red-absorbing chlorophylls d and f. We describe a red-shifted light-harvesting system based on chlorophyll a from a freshwater eustigmatophyte alga Trachydiscus minutus (Eustigmatophyceae, Goniochloridales). A comprehensive characterization of the photosynthetic apparatus of T. minutus is presented. We show that thylakoid membranes of T. minutus contain light-harvesting complexes of several sizes differing in the relative amount of far-red chlorophyll a forms absorbing around 700 nm. The pigment arrangement of the major red-shifted light-harvesting complex is similar to that of the red-shifted antenna of a marine alveolate alga Chromera velia. Evolutionary aspects of the algal far-red light-harvesting complexes are discussed. The presence of these antennas in eustigmatophyte algae opens up new ways to modify organisms of this promising group for effective use of far-red light in mass cultures.
- MeSH
- biologické pigmenty metabolismus MeSH
- diuron MeSH
- fluorescenční spektrometrie MeSH
- Heterokontophyta metabolismus účinky záření MeSH
- membránové proteiny metabolismus MeSH
- sladká voda * MeSH
- světlo * MeSH
- světlosběrné proteinové komplexy metabolismus MeSH
- teplota MeSH
- tylakoidy metabolismus MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
We have worked out a rapid 1-day test based on photosynthesis measurements to estimate suitable growth temperature of microalgae cultures. To verify the proposed procedure, several microalgae-Chlorella, Nostoc, Synechocystis, Scenedesmus, and Cylindrospermum-were cultured under controlled laboratory conditions (irradiance, temperature, mixing, CO2, and nutrient supply) to find the optima of photosynthetic activity using the range between 15 and 35 °C. These activities were recorded at each temperature step after 2 h of acclimation which should be sufficient as oxygen production and the PQ cycle are regulated by fast processes. Photosynthetic activity was measured using three techniques-oxygen production/respiration, saturating pulse analysis of fluorescence quenching, and fast fluorescence induction kinetics-to estimate the temperature optima which should correspond to high growth rate. We measured all variables that might have been directly related to growth-photosynthetic oxygen evolution, maximum photochemical yield of PSII, Fv/Fm, relative electron transport rate rETRmax, and the transients Vj and Vi determined by fast fluorescence induction curves. When the temperature optima for photosynthetic activity were verified in growth tests, we found good correlation. For most of tested microalgae strains, temperature around 30 °C was found to be the most suitable at this setting. We concluded that the developed test can be used as a rapid 1-day pre-screening to estimate a suitable growth temperature of microalgae strains before they are cultured in a pilot scale.
- MeSH
- Chlorella růst a vývoj metabolismus účinky záření MeSH
- fotosyntéza MeSH
- kinetika MeSH
- kultivační techniky metody MeSH
- kyslík metabolismus MeSH
- mikrořasy růst a vývoj metabolismus účinky záření MeSH
- Scenedesmus růst a vývoj metabolismus účinky záření MeSH
- sinice růst a vývoj metabolismus účinky záření MeSH
- světlo MeSH
- teplota MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- hodnotící studie MeSH
The biogenesis of the cyanobacterial photosystem II (PSII) complex requires a number of auxiliary assembly factors that improve efficiency of the process but their precise function is not well understood. To assess a possible synergic action of the Ycf48 and Ycf39 factors acting in early steps of the biogenesis via interaction with the nascent D1 subunit of PSII, we constructed and characterised a double mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 lacking both these proteins. In addition, we also deleted the ycf39 gene in the double mutant lacking Ycf48 and Pam68, the latter being a ribosomal factor promoting insertion of chlorophyll (Chl) into the CP47 subunit of PSII. The resulting double ΔYcf48/ΔYcf39 and triple ΔYcf48/ΔPam68/ΔYcf39 mutants were deficient in PSII and total Chl, and in contrast to the source mutants, they lost the capacity for autotrophy. Interestingly, autotrophic growth was restored in both of the new multiple mutants by enhancing Chl biosynthesis using a specific ferrochelatase inhibitor. Taking together with the weak radioactive labelling of the D1 protein, these findings can be explained by inhibition of the D1 synthesis caused by the lack and/or incorrect binding of Chl molecules. The results emphasise the key importance of the sufficient Chl supply for the PSII biogenesis and also support the existence of a so far enigmatic regulatory mechanism leading to the reduced overall Chl biosynthesis/accumulation when the PSII assembly is impaired.
- MeSH
- autotrofní procesy MeSH
- bakteriální proteiny genetika metabolismus MeSH
- chlorofyl metabolismus MeSH
- delece genu MeSH
- fotosystém II - proteinový komplex genetika metabolismus MeSH
- mutace MeSH
- Synechocystis genetika růst a vývoj metabolismus MeSH
- vazba proteinů MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
In this work, the key moments of the development of the so-called thin-layer cascades (TLC) for microalgae production are described. Development started at the end of the 1950s when the first generation of TLCs was set-up in former Czechoslovakia. Since, similar units for microalgae culturing, which are relatively simple, low-cost and highly productive, have been installed in a number of other countries worldwide. The TLCs are characterized by microalgae growth at a low depth (< 50 mm) and fast flow (0.4-0.5 m/s) of culture compared to mixed ponds or raceways. It guarantees a high ratio of exposed surface to total culture volume (> 100 1/m) and rapid light/dark cycling frequencies of cells which result in high biomass productivity (> 30 g/m2/day) and operating at high biomass density, > 10 g/L of dry mass (DW). In TLCs, microalgae culture is grown in the system of inclined platforms that combine the advantages of open systems-direct sun irradiance, easy heat derivation, simple cleaning and maintenance, and efficient degassing-with positive features of closed systems-operation at high biomass densities achieving high volumetric productivity. Among significant advantages of thin layer cascades compared to raceway ponds are the operation at much higher cell densities, very high daylight productivities, and the possibility to store the culture in retention tanks at night, or in unfavourable weather conditions. Concerning the limitations of TLCs, one has to consider contaminations by other microalgae that limit cultivation to robust, fast-growing strains, or those cultured in selective environments.
The rare stable isotope of hydrogen, deuterium, has fascinated researchers since its discovery in the 1930s. Subsequent large-scale production of deuterium oxide, commonly known as heavy water, became a starting point for further research. Deuterium exhibits unique physicochemical properties as well as having the strongest kinetic isotope effects among all other elements. Moreover, a broad variety of morphological and physiological changes have been observed in deuterium-treated cells and organisms, including changes in fundamental processes such as cell division or energy metabolism. Even though our understanding of such alterations is still insufficient, it is evident that some of them make growth in a deuterium-enriched environment a challenging task. There seems to be certain species-specific limits to their tolerance to heavy water, where some organisms are unable to grow in heavy water whilst others have no difficulties. Although the effects of deuterium on living organisms are, in general, negative, some of its applications are of great biotechnological potential, as is the case of stable isotope-labelled compounds or deuterated drugs.
The worldwide growing demand for energy permanently increases the pressure on industrial and scientific community to introduce new alternative biofuels on the global energy market. Besides the leading role of biodiesel and biogas, bioethanol receives more and more attention as first- and second-generation biofuel in the sustainable energy industry. Lately, microalgae (green algae and cyanobacteria) biomass has also remarkable potential as a feedstock for the third-generation biofuel production due to their high lipid and carbohydrate content. The third-generation bioethanol production technology can be divided into three major processing ways: (i) fermentation of pre-treated microalgae biomass, (ii) dark fermentation of reserved carbohydrates and (iii) direct "photo-fermentation" from carbon dioxide to bioethanol using light energy. All three technologies provide possible solutions, but from a practical point of view, traditional fermentation technology from microalgae biomass receives currently the most attention. This study mainly focusses on the latest advances in traditional fermentation processes including the steps of enhanced carbohydrate accumulation, biomass pre-treatment, starch and glycogen downstream processing and various fermentation approaches.
Most cells divide into two daughter cells; however, some green algae can have different division patterns in which a single mother cell can sometimes give rise to up to thousands of daughter cells. Although such cell cycle patterns can be very complex, they are governed by the same general concepts as the most common binary fission. Moreover, cell cycle progression appears to be connected with size, since cells need to ensure that their size after division will not drop below the limit required for survival. Although the exact mechanism that lets cells measure cell size remains largely unknown, there have been several prominent hypotheses that try to explain it.
Red mud is a by-product of alumina production containing lanthanides. Growth of green microalgae on red mud and the intracellular accumulation of lanthanides was tested. The best growing species was Desmodesmus quadricauda (2.71 cell number doublings/day), which accumulated lanthanides to the highest level (27.3 mg/kg/day), if compared with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Parachlorellakessleri (2.50, 2.37 cell number doublings and 24.5, 12.5 mg/kg per day, respectively). With increasing concentrations of red mud, the growth rate decreased (2.71, 2.62, 2.43 cell number doublings/day) due to increased shadowing of cells by undissolved red mud particles. The accumulated lanthanide content, however, increased in the most efficient alga Desmodesmus quadricauda within 2 days from zero in red-mud free culture to 12.4, 39.0, 54.5 mg/kg of dry mass at red mud concentrations of 0.03, 0.05 and 0.1%, respectively. Red mud alleviated the metal starvation caused by cultivation in incomplete nutrient medium without added microelements. Moreover, the proportion of lanthanides in algae grown in red mud were about 250, 138, 117% higher than in culture grown in complete nutrient medium at red mud concentrations of 0.03, 0.05, 0.1%. Thus, green algae are prospective vehicles for bio-mining or bio-leaching of lanthanides from red mud.