32 záznamů v Články Filtry
. 2022 ; 50 (50) : 60-61. (9th Postgradual and 7th Postdoctoral Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles Univerzity, Hradec Králové, 23-24 January 2019)

. 2022 ; 42 (5) : 1822-1855. [pub] 20220516

. 2020 ; 21 (3) : 247-250.

. 2020 ; 59 (17) : 1680-1687. [pub] 20200416

. 2020 ; 21 (6) : . [pub] 20200317

. 2018 ; 80 (-) : 89-100. [pub] 20180907

. 2019 ; 185 (-) : 80-89. [pub] 20180718

. 2017 ; 105 (Pt 1) : 171-182. [pub] 20170704