48 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
Les troubles d'oxydation des acides gras à chaîne longue (TOAG-CL) sont des maladies héréditaires rares. Les TOAG-CL font en sorte que le corps a de la difficulté à convertir les acides gras en énergie, ce qui peut mener à des symptômes tels qu'un taux de sucre sanguin trop bas, des douleurs ou des faiblesses musculaires, et des problèmes cardiaques. Les TOAG-CL sont diagnostiqués à l'aide de tests de dépistage chez les nouveau-nés, ou plus tard, suite à des symptômes. On les traite avec un régime spécialisé et en évitant le jeûne, surtout quand la personne atteinte est malade. Une personne avec un TOAG-CL peut mener une vie bien remplie, saine et active en apportant des changements à son style de vie, en étroite coordination et avec le soutien de son équipe de soins de santé. Table des matières: • Métabolisme des acides gras • Épidémiologie et génétique • Présentation clinique • Diagnostic • Consultation génétique, dépistage néonatal et soutien aux patients
- MeSH
- mastné kyseliny metabolismus MeSH
- mitochondriální nemoci MeSH
- mitochondrie metabolismus MeSH
- vrozené poruchy metabolismu MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- vnitřní lékařství
96 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common form of high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. While treatment with immunochemotherapy has generally shown good outcomes, specific subgroups of patients with high-risk disease have an unfavorable prognosis. Extensive efforts have been made to improve outcomes in these patients. As such, CD19-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has become the new standard of care for patients with relapsed or refractory DLBCL after at least two prior lines of therapy. It is an exciting new therapeutic intervention that is integral to the concept of personalized medicine.Table of Contents:• DLBCL: an overview• CAR T cells• CAR T-cell products• Delivering CAR T-cell therapy and managing patient expectations• CAR T-cell therapy-related toxicities
- MeSH
- difúzní velkobuněčný B-lymfom terapie MeSH
- imunoterapie adoptivní MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
1 online zdroj (126 stran)
'Fast Facts: Type 1 Diabetes in Adults' provides a practical overview of this chronic autoimmune condition. Written by and for health professionals working in primary care, this colourful and accessible handbook highlights important practice points that cover: • the identification and management of adults with type 1 diabetes • the prevention and treatment of complications • advances in technology and future treatmentsAn indispensable read for anyone wanting to get up to speed with best practice in primary care.Table of Contents:• Overview• Diagnosis• Management• Hypoglycemia• Education• Special circumstances• Complications• Living with the condition• Technology• Future treatments
- MeSH
- diabetes mellitus 1. typu MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- diabetologie
70 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
Helping your patients to use their medications safely and appropriately is a critical aspect of clinical practice, but it can be challenging. The published literature on the topic of adherence is vast, and constantly growing and evolving. It is not feasible, nor necessarily helpful, to comprehensively summarize all the available evidence. Instead, this book aims to provide all health professionals with a succinct and handy resource on medication adherence. Importantly, the book focuses on practical information that can inform, and be applied in, day-to-day clinical practice.Table of Contents:• Terminology and definitions• Epidemiology• Identifying non-adherence• Interventions to support adherence
- MeSH
- adherence k farmakoterapii MeSH
- adherence pacienta MeSH
- farmakologie MeSH
- vztahy mezi lékařem a pacientem MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
72 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
Familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS) is an ultra-rare genetic disorder characterized by the abnormal build-up of chylomicrons, the largest type of lipoprotein, which transport dietary fat from the gut to the rest of the body. Patients with FCS often experience severe symptoms, the most feared of which is acute, potentially life-threatening, pancreatitis. This resource is intended to raise awareness of FCS among all members of the healthcare team who come into contact with patients with FCS, with the aim of earlier diagnosis and management, thus preventing some of the more devastating physical, neurological and cognitive symptoms of the disorder.Table of Contents:• Terminology, etiology and pathophysiology• Diagnosis• Complications• Management and prevention• Research directions
- MeSH
- hyperlipoproteinemie typ I MeSH
- vrozené poruchy metabolismu tuků MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- gastroenterologie
- vnitřní lékařství
132 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
Over the course of their Crohn's disease, up to half of affected individuals will develop a perianal penetrating complication (either perianal fistula or abscess). Symptoms can be debilitating, and the impact on quality of life significant. This first edition of 'Fast Facts: Complex Perianal Fistulas in Crohn's Disease' explains how fistulas form, who is at risk and the principles of diagnosis and classification. Later chapters explore the medical and surgical options, including innovative therapies. The intention throughout is to emphasize the importance of 'joined-up thinking' when caring for patients. Perianal fistulas are often challenging to treat in patients with Crohn's disease, and a multidisciplinary approach is needed to get the best outcomes. Table of Contents: • Epidemiology, etiology and pathology • Anatomy and classification • Diagnosis • Management principles • Medical treatment Local perianal surgical (sphincter-preserving) interventions • Innovative therapies • Managing complications
- MeSH
- Crohnova nemoc komplikace MeSH
- nemoci anu chirurgie MeSH
- píštěle chirurgie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- monografie MeSH
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- gastroenterologie
2nd edition. 126 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
The treatment of cancer has been revolutionized by therapies that modulate the immune system, with benefits for quality of life and survival. Standards of care have changed to reflect developments, but the area is moving fast. Keeping abreast of new therapies and trial data can be challenging. This second edition of 'Fast Facts: Immuno-Oncology' takes you from the fundamentals of immunology through to the new concepts of immunoediting and immunotherapy and likely future directions. Whether you have worked in oncology for decades and need a refresher or you are just starting out and need a crash course, this book provides all you need to know about immuno-oncology, concisely summarized. Table of Contents: • Components of the immune system • How cancers evade the immune system • How cancer immunotherapy works • Clinical use of immune checkpoint inhibitors • The future of immuno-oncology
- MeSH
- imunoterapie MeSH
- nádory terapie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- monografie MeSH
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- onkologie
- alergologie a imunologie
62 stran : ilustrace, tabulky
Fractures resulting from osteoporosis are increasingly common in postmenopausal women, resulting in substantial bone-associated morbidities, and increased mortality and healthcare costs. Despite well-established treatment guidelines, there is an urgent need to improve the recognition of women at high risk for fracture and their treatment. 'Fast Facts: Postmenopausal Osteoporosis' provides an overview of current clinical guidelines and addresses the reasons cited for suboptimal fracture prevention. Finally, but importantly, best practice regarding patient support is described. This concise educational resource is ideal for any primary care practitioner involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis.Table of Contents:• Age-related changes affecting bone• Epidemiology• Screening and estimating risk• Diagnosis and assessment• Pharmacological management• Non-pharmacological management• Patient support
- MeSH
- postmenopauzální osteoporóza MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- NLK Obory
- gynekologie a porodnictví
- ortopedie
1 online resource (72 pages) : 13 figures, 13 in color, 9 tables
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are genetically engineered immune cells that can seek out and destroy cancer cells. The results from their use in cancer immunotherapy have been very promising, but treatment is often associated with frequent, serious short-term toxicities. 'Fast Facts: CAR-T Therapy' explains what CAR T cells are and how they were developed, discusses the results of clinical trials and the management of toxicities, and outlines future improvements and applications. It is ideal reading for any healthcare professional wanting to know more about this exciting therapeutic field.Table of Contents:• CAR T cells• Clinical application• Practical aspects• Future directions
- MeSH
- chimerické antigenní receptory MeSH
- imunoterapie MeSH
- lékařská onkologie MeSH
- Publikační typ
- příručky MeSH
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- onkologie
1 online resource (48 pages) : 6 figures, 3 in color, 9 tables
Cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) are a group of heterogeneous tumors that have traditionally had poor prognosis. Despite being rare, the global incidence of CCA has increased dramatically over the last few decades. However, alongside this, there have been advancements in our understanding, diagnosis and treatment, improving the overall survival and quality of life of patients with advanced disease. This compact yet comprehensive review of CCA serves as a guide for physicians, oncologists, allied health professionals, scientists, patients and caregivers to update their knowledge of the most recent clinical developments and most promising areas of research.Table of Contents:• Pathophysiology, etiology and epidemiology• Diagnosis• Biliary drainage and supportive care• Surgical resection and transplantation• Translational research• Systemic therapy• Immunotherapy• Radiotherapy and photodynamic therapy
- Konspekt
- Patologie. Klinická medicína
- NLK Obory
- onkologie