Assessing anxiety and depression with respect to the quality of life in cancer inpatients receiving palliative care

. 2015 Dec ; 19 (6) : 667-72. [epub] 20150523

Jazyk angličtina Země Scotland Médium print-electronic

Typ dokumentu časopisecké články, pozorovací studie, práce podpořená grantem

Perzistentní odkaz

PubMed 26009311
DOI 10.1016/j.ejon.2015.04.006
PII: S1462-3889(15)00072-1 E-zdroje

PURPOSE: The study aimed at assessing the presence of anxiety and depression in cancer inpatients receiving palliative care at an oncology department using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and determining whether anxiety and depression contribute to a lower quality of life controlled for pain and illness severity. METHOD: This cross-sectional study comprised 225 advanced cancer inpatients (a mean age of 65.1 years). Data were collected with the HADS, EORTC QLQ-C30 and Karnofsky Performance Status scale. RESULTS: Anxiety (HADS-a ≥8) was found in 33.9% and depression (HADS-d ≥8) in 47.6% of patients. Higher anxiety scores were observed in patients living with a partner (p = 0.042) and non-religious patients (p = 0.045). Correlations were found between anxiety, depression and all quality of life dimensions (r = 0.31-0.63). Multiple regression analysis showed that anxiety and depression contribute to lower physical and emotional functioning. Patients with anxiety (HADS-a ≥8) and depression (HADS-d ≥8) reported a lower total quality of life (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Management of anxiety and depression in cancer patients receiving palliative care may contribute to improvement in certain quality of life dimensions.

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