Satellite DNA and Transposable Elements in Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), a Dioecious Plant with Small Y and Large X Chromosomes
Language English Country England, Great Britain Media print
Document type Journal Article, Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
PubMed Central
PII: evw303 E-resources
- Keywords
- chromosomal localization, genome composition, repetitive DNA, sex chromosomes,
- MeSH
- Chromosomes, Plant * MeSH
- DNA, Plant genetics MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Genome, Plant MeSH
- Hippophae genetics MeSH
- Evolution, Molecular MeSH
- Sex Chromosomes * MeSH
- DNA, Satellite * MeSH
- Sequence Analysis, DNA methods MeSH
- DNA Transposable Elements * MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Names of Substances
- DNA, Plant MeSH
- DNA, Satellite * MeSH
- DNA Transposable Elements * MeSH
Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a dioecious shrub commonly used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and environmental industry as a source of oil, minerals and vitamins. In this study, we analyzed the transposable elements and satellites in its genome. We carried out Illumina DNA sequencing and reconstructed the main repetitive DNA sequences. For data analysis, we developed a new bioinformatics approach for advanced satellite DNA analysis and showed that about 25% of the genome consists of satellite DNA and about 24% is formed of transposable elements, dominated by Ty3/Gypsy and Ty1/Copia LTR retrotransposons. FISH mapping revealed X chromosome-accumulated, Y chromosome-specific or both sex chromosomes-accumulated satellites but most satellites were found on autosomes. Transposable elements were located mostly in the subtelomeres of all chromosomes. The 5S rDNA and 45S rDNA were localized on one autosomal locus each. Although we demonstrated the small size of the Y chromosome of the seabuckthorn and accumulated satellite DNA there, we were unable to estimate the age and extent of the Y chromosome degeneration. Analysis of dioecious relatives such as Shepherdia would shed more light on the evolution of these sex chromosomes.
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