- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Cíl: Cílem práce bylo určit vliv artroskopické parciální meniskektomie (APM) na kolenní kloub z hlediska rozvoje osteoartrózy (OA) v dlouhodobém horizontu od operace. Soubor a metodika: Systematicky jsme prohledali medicínské databáze – PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science s použitím klíčových slov: "partial meniscectomy“, "osteoarthritis“, "outcome“. Vyhledávání jsme zúžili na období let 2000–2020 a zařadili jsme pouze studie s minimální dobou sledování 60 měsíců. Extrahovali jsme radiologické – primární výsledky, a subjektivní hodnocení pacientů – sekundární výsledky. Výsledky: Zařazovacím, resp. vylučovacím, kritériím vyhovovalo nakonec pouze osm kvalitních klinických studií. Průměrná délka sledování byla 88 měsíců. Všechny zařazené studie prezentují u pacientů podstupujících APM pro lézi menisku zhoršení OA o jeden i více stupňů. Z celkového počtu posouzených pacientů tvoří podíl s progresí OA 36,3 %. K uvedenému zjištění je kontrastní subjektivní hodnocení výsledku operace, kdy došlo ke zlepšení ve všech hodnocených parametrech výsledku operace. Závěr: Indikace k APM musí obsahovat parametr budoucího zhoršení OA postiženého kolena, protože APM může být u pacientů ve středním/vyšším věku stimulem k progresi OA. Na druhé straně je nepochybné, že APM dosahuje poměrně spolehlivě dobré klinické výsledky, včetně sebehodnocení (PROMIS). Racionálním řešením bude nepochybně vytvoření mnohem jemnějšího algoritmu pro vedení léčby u kolen s OA a symptomatickou meniskeální lézí, jenž umožní odlišit pacienty, kteří mohou z operační léčby dlouhodobě profitovat. U ostatních je indikovaná kvalitně vedená rehabilitace s navazujícím tréninkem po dostatečně dlouhou dobu. Vzhledem k heterogenitě studií zařazených do tohoto přehledového článku bude nutné provést další prospektivní a moderně vedené studie na toto téma.
Objective: Our aim was to identify the effect of arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) on the knee joint during longterm follow-up in terms of osteoarthritis (OA) progression. Methods: We systematically searched medical databases – PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, using key words: "partial meniscectomy“, "osteoarthritis“, outcome“. The search was limited to the period from 2000 to 2020
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is one of the most common reconstruction surgeries. The unintended consequences of the surgery are hemarthrosis, blood loss, knee swelling and postoperative pain. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of a single dose of intravenous tranexamic acid (TXA) on the postoperative parameters and functional status of the knee joint 3 months after surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS It is a prospective randomised clinical study. An intravenous injection of TXA equivalent to 15 mg/kg in 100 ml of saline solution was administered to the test group during the surgery (20 minutes before the end of the surgery). The control group was administered 100 ml of saline solution without TXA. In both groups, the following parameters were evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively (on Day 1 and Day 10 and at 1 month and 3 months): thigh circumference at 1 cm above the patella, Coupens and Yates (CY) score for swelling, and pain score (VAS). At 24 hours after the surgery, the blood loss (secretion into the drain) and decrease in hemoglobin (Hb) and hematocrit (HCT) levels compared to the preoperative levels were assessed. The functional status of the knee joint was assessed based on the Lysholm knee scoring scale and the IKDC subjective knee evaluation form preoperatively, or at 1 and 3 months postoperatively. RESULTS In the test group, a significantly lower blood loss was detected 24 hours after the surgery. The mean difference of 128 ml compared to the control group was both statistically and practically significant (p < 0.001, d =1.42). The test group showed a lower decrease in Hb and HCT levels postoperatively compared to the control group, although with no statistical significance. On the first postoperative day, slightly better results of the thigh circumference at 1 cm above the patella and of the CY score were observed in the test group. However, during the follow-up check performed postoperatively on Day 10, the differences in the thigh circumference at 1 cm above the patella, CY score and pain VAS score were negligible. The differences in the functional status of the knee joint between the two groups ascertained during the check performed 1 month and 3 months after the surgery were insignificant. DISCUSSION Our study, just like other studies, confirms a significant effect of a single dose of intravenous TXA on the volume of blood loss and early postoperative swelling, which are the parameters affecting the early postoperative course. Even though the intervention does not affect the subsequent result of surgery, it can undoubtedly be of benefit perioperatively. There is a fairly limited number of randomised clinical studies on this topic in literature, with most of them published in the last 7 years. Further research should, among other things, optimise the protocol and identify a suitable candidate for TXA administration in patients undergoing an ACL reconstruction. CONCLUSIONS Our study confirmed the positive effect of a single dose of intravenous TXA during the reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament using hamstrings on early postoperative blood loss and early postoperative swelling, which can have a positive effect on wound healing and prevent postoperative complications. Therefore, in agreement with available literature, we recom mend administering a single dose of intravenous TXA in ACL reconstruction, unless there is a contraindication to this therapy. Key words: anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, hamstrings tranexamic acid, single intravenous administration, clinical evaluation.
- MeSH
- kolenní kloub chirurgie MeSH
- kyselina tranexamová * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Lysholmovo skóre MeSH
- poranění předního zkříženého vazu * chirurgie MeSH
- prospektivní studie MeSH
- rekonstrukce předního zkříženého vazu * MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- randomizované kontrolované studie MeSH
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY In recent years attempts have been made again to repair anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in order to maintain native kinematics and knee joint proprioception. The method of choice is the arthroscopic suture of the ligament using the InternalBrace ligament augmentation. This study presents the first experience gained with this surgical technique and the clinical outcomes. MATERIAL AND METHODS In the period from November 2016 to December 2018, a total of 46 patients with acute ACL rupture underwent the ACL repair using the InternalBrace ligament augmentation. This study includes only the patients followed up for a minimum period of 12 months postoperatively. For the evaluation of patients, the well-established clinical scores were used - the Tegner Activity Level Scale, the IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee) subjective scale and the Tegner Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale. The measurements were taken preoperatively and at 6 and 12 months postoperatively. RESULTS The evaluations concerned 20 patients who had undergone surgery in the period from February 2017 to February 2018. In the aforementioned group of patients, there were 3 cases of reconstruction failure (15%), subsequently requiring the ACL reconstruction. The average preoperative Tegner Activity score was 8.2 (6-10; median 8.0). At six months postoperatively, the average value of this score was 7.35 (5-10; median 7), and at 12 months postoperatively it was 7.35 (4-10; median 7). The average preoperative Lysholm score was 66.4 (16-100; median 69). At six months postoperatively, the average value of this score improved to 90.70 (71-100; median 92) and at 12 months postoperatively to 91 (75-100; median 90). The average IKDC subjective score before the surgery was 49.8 (36-74; median 49). At six months postoperatively the average achieved score was 87.70 (71-99; median 90) and at 12 months postoperatively it was 88.9 (63-99; median 93). The differences between the preoperative values and the values at 6 months after the surgery were significant in all the followedup parameters. Conversely, the differences between the values at 6 and at 12 months were not significant. DISCUSSION The clinical outcomes of the patients after the ACL repair are valuable and comparable to the data published in literature. They were largely achieved within 6 months after the surgery. A fairly high percentage of failure of this method compared to literature (Jonkergouw 7.5%, McKay 1.5%) can partly be ascribed to the learning curve even though the surgeries were performed exclusively by experienced surgeons. A certain role could also be played by more challenging indication for this procedure or a faster return to postoperative load. CONCLUSIONS Anterior cruciate ligament suture with the InternalBrace ligament augmentation judging from the results achieved by our group of patients brings very good clinical outcomes already at 6 months postoperatively. This method allows the athletes to return to full load soon. It maintains the kinematics and knee joint proprioception, and thus can potentially contribute to the prevention of post-traumatic arthritis. Strict application of indication criteria is a precondition to success. A longer follow up and evaluation of a larger number of patients will, however, be necessary to definitely confirm the success of this surgical technique. Key words: arthroscopy, ACL rupture, ACL repair, InternalBrace, clinical evaluation.
- MeSH
- artroskopie MeSH
- interní fixátory MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- poranění předního zkříženého vazu chirurgie MeSH
- rekonstrukce předního zkříženého vazu přístrojové vybavení metody MeSH
- ruptura MeSH
- šicí techniky přístrojové vybavení MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH