Karcinom vaječníku je heterogenní onemocnění s celkově špatnou prognózou, jehož léčba by měla být nastavena s ohledem na kvalitu života a přežití pacientky. Základem správného nastavení léčebné strategie je kvalitní předoperační diagnostika a mezioborová spolupráce. V časném stadiu onemocnění představuje chirurgická léčba primárně léčebný a stagingový účel a v pokročilém stadiu onemocnění je chirurgická léčba primárně léčebnou modalitou se snahou dosáhnout optimální resekce. Chirurgická léčba by měla být koncentrována do onkogynekologických center se zkušenostmi s danou problematikou. U pacientek s pokročilým onemocněním je stále diskutováno provedení primární cytoredukční operace nebo intervalové cytoredukční operace, avšak stále platí, že cytoredukční chirurgická léčba je primární léčebná modalita, jejíž extenzi a radikalitu je vždy nutné zvážit individuálně.
Ovarian cancer is a heterogeneous group of diseases with an overall poor prognosis, whose treatment is necessary to manage well keeping in mind the quality of life and overall survival of the patient. Preoperative diagnosis and treatment in a multidisciplinary setting play an important role in setting the optimal treatment strategy. Surgical treatment in the early stages of ovarian cancer has a curative and staging purpose while in advanced stages it has primarily a goal of optimal resection of macroscopic tumors. Surgical treatment of ovarian cancer should be performed by experienced gynecological oncologists in centers with expertise. The discussion between primary cytoreductive surgery versus interval cytoreductive surgery in advanced ovarian cancer remains very active and alive, however surgical treatment remains the gold standard of treatment in ovarian cancer, the extension and radicality of which needs to be always individualized.
- MeSH
- Gynecologic Surgical Procedures methods MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Ovarian Neoplasms * surgery MeSH
- Neoplasm Staging MeSH
- Fertility Preservation MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Review MeSH
BACKGROUND: Excisional treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or very early stages of cervical cancer increases the risk of preterm prelabor rupture of membranes in subsequent pregnancies. The risk increases with the length of the excised cone. The subset of cases with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes and a history of cervical excisional treatment could also be at higher risk of intraamniotic infection/inflammation. However, there is a paucity of relevant information on this subject. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the differences in the rates of intraamniotic infection/inflammation and early-onset neonatal sepsis between singleton preterm prelabor rupture of membranes pregnancies without and with a history of cervical excisional treatment, and to investigate the association between these complications of preterm prelabor rupture of membranes and the excised cone length. STUDY DESIGN: This retrospective cohort study included 770 preterm prelabor rupture of membranes pregnancies in which transabdominal amniocentesis was performed as part of standard clinical management to assess the intraamniotic environment. The maternal and perinatal medical records of all included women were reviewed to obtain information on the absence or presence of history of cervical excisional treatment and neonatal outcomes. Women whose records contained any information on history of cervical excisional treatment were contacted by phone and in writing to inform them of the study and request permission to collect relevant information from their medical records. Women were divided into 4 subgroups according to the presence of microorganisms and/or their nucleic acids (through culturing and molecular biology methods) in amniotic fluid and/or intraamniotic inflammation (through amniotic fluid interleukin-6 concentration evaluation): intraamniotic infection (presence of both), sterile intraamniotic inflammation (intraamniotic inflammation alone), microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity without inflammation (presence of microorganisms and/or their nucleic acids in amniotic fluid alone), and negative amniotic fluid for infection/inflammation (absence of both). RESULTS: A history of cervical excisional treatment was found in 10% (76/765) of the women. Of these, 82% (62/76) had a history of only 1 treatment, and information on cone length was available for 97% (60/62) of them. Women with a history of cervical excisional treatment had higher rates of intraamniotic infection (with, 25% [19/76] vs without, 12% [85/689]; adjusted odds ratio, 2.5; adjusted P=.004), microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity without inflammation (with, 25% [19/76] vs without, 11% [74/689]; adjusted odds ratio, 3.1; adjusted P<.0001), and early-onset neonatal sepsis (with, 8% [11/76] vs without, 3% [23/689]; adjusted odds ratio, 2.9; adjusted P=.02) compared with those without such history. Quartiles of cone length (range: 3-32 mm) were used to categorize the women into 4 quartile subgroups (first: 3-8 mm; second: 9-12 mm; third: 13-17 mm; and fourth: 18-32 mm). Cone length of ≥18 mm was associated with higher rates of intraamniotic infection (with, 29% [5/15] vs without, 12% [85/689]; adjusted odds ratio, 3.0; adjusted P=.05), microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity without inflammation (with, 40% [6/15] vs without, 11% [74/689]; adjusted odds ratio, 6.1; adjusted P=.003), and early-onset neonatal sepsis (with, 20% [3/15] vs without, 3% [23/689]; adjusted odds ratio, 5.7; adjusted P=.02). CONCLUSION: History of cervical excisional treatment increases risks of intraamniotic infection, microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity without inflammation, and development of early-onset neonatal sepsis in a subsequent pregnancy complicated by preterm prelabor rupture of membranes.
- MeSH
- Chorioamnionitis * epidemiology etiology MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Infant, Newborn MeSH
- Neonatal Sepsis * MeSH
- Amniotic Fluid MeSH
- Fetal Membranes, Premature Rupture * epidemiology MeSH
- Retrospective Studies MeSH
- Pregnancy MeSH
- Inflammation complications MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Infant, Newborn MeSH
- Pregnancy MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between newborn birth weight and the presence of intra-amniotic infection, presence of sterile intra-amniotic inflammation, and absence of intra-amniotic inflammation in pregnancies with preterm labor with intact membranes. METHODS: A total of 69 pregnancies with preterm labor with intact membranes between gestational ages 22 + 0 and 34 + 6 weeks who delivered within seven days of admission were included in this retrospective cohort study. Transabdominal amniocentesis to determine the presence of microorganisms and/or their nucleic acids in amniotic fluid (through culturing and molecular biology methods) and intra-amniotic inflammation (according to amniotic fluid interleukin-6 concentrations) were performed as part of standard clinical management. The participants were further divided into three subgroups: intra-amniotic infection (presence of microorganisms and/or nucleic acids along with intra-amniotic inflammation), sterile intra-amniotic inflammation (intra-amniotic inflammation alone), and without intra-amniotic inflammation. Birth weights of newborns were expressed as percentiles derived from the INTERGROWTH-21st standards for (i) estimated fetal weight and (ii) newborn birth weight. RESULTS: No difference in birth weights, expressed as percentiles derived from the standard for estimated fetal weight, was found among the women with intra-amniotic infection, with sterile intra-amniotic inflammation, and without intra-amniotic inflammation (with infection, median 29; with sterile inflammation, median 54; without inflammation, median 53; p = 0.06). Differences among the subgroups were identified in the birth weight rates, expressed as percentiles derived from the standard for estimated fetal weight, which were less than the 10th percentile (with infection: 20%, with inflammation: 13%, without inflammation: 0%; p = 0.04) and 25th percentile (with infection: 47%, with inflammation: 31%, without inflammation: 9%; p = 0.01). No differences among the subgroups were observed when percentiles of birth weight were derived from the birth weight standard. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of intra-amniotic inflammatory complications in pregnancies with preterm labor with intact membranes prior to the gestational age of 35 weeks was associated with a higher rate of newborns with birth weight less than the 10th and 25th percentile, when percentiles of birth weight were derived from the standard for estimated fetal weight.
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH