In this paper, we implemented a methodological framework of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) and a theoretical conceptualization of multiple selves to explore the subjective accounts of six amateur bodybuilders using appearance- and performance-enhancing drugs (APEDs). The participants made sense of their bodybuilding careers and experiences with APEDs in a way that showed a multiplicity and complexity of reasons for using APEDs, which stemmed from tensions they perceived between the context of bodybuilding and other life domains. The participants' reasons for the use of APEDs included not only enhancing their body, appearance and performance but also enhancing other subjectively important psychological characteristics, such as agency and self-control, the development of knowledge and expertise, sense of meaning, well-being, and quality of life. In the analysis, we integrated these themes through the concept of the "extraordinary self," based on which our participants strived for self-actualization through bodybuilding and the use of APEDs. In the sense making of our participants, a potential "exit point" subverting their APED use emerged from a tension between such "extraordinary selves" and the "ordinary selves" through which they perceived APEDs as preventing them from living normal, balanced lives outside the context of bodybuilding. However, success in balancing the two selves also created the possibility of the future use of APEDs.
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- časopisecké články MeSH
Přehledový článek poukazuje na psychosociální faktory sehrávající důležitou roli ve vysvětlení dopingového chování. V první části textu je pozornost soustředěna na oblast vrcholového sportu, kde dochází k modifikaci postojů sportovce k dopingu vlivem makro a mikro-sociálních vlivů. Současně je brán zřetel i na některé psychologické faktory, projevující se ve výsledném rozhodnutí sportovce dopovat. Druhá část článku poukazuje na vliv těchto faktorů v prostředí rekreačního sportu. Autoři se zamýšlí nad socializačními vlivy specifického prostředí posiloven a fitness center, které sehrává podstatnou roli ve formování postojů k užití dopingových látek. Pro prevenci dopingového jednání je nezbytné brát v úvahu sociální, psychologické a kulturní faktory působící na jedince jak v prostředí vrcholového, tak i rekreačního sportu. Neméně důležitým aspektem dopingové prevence je maximální omezení dostupnosti dopingových látek.
The review article refers to psychosocial factors which play an important role in the explanation of doping behaviour. The first part of the text is focused on elite sports where macro and micro-social impacts modify the attitudes of sportsman toward doping. Psychological factors are also taken into account in the explanation of the final decision to doping. The second part of the article refers to the impact of these factors in recreational sports. Authors speculate about social impacts of the specific background of fitness centers which play a substantial role in forming attitudes toward doping. The main pressuposition of effective doping prevention is the maximal limitation of doping substances. It is also essential to take into account social, psychological and cultural factors which play a substantial role in the explanation of doping behaviour.