The activity size distribution of the Equilibrium-Equivalent Concentration (EER) of 222Rn is one of the most important parameters for the estimation of radiation dose by inhalation of radon decay products. A series of measurements of the EER activity size distribution were performed by the screen diffusion battery in Radon-Aerosol chamber (10 m3) at the National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection (SUJCHBO). These measurements were performed at different levels of radon concentration. For this study, the Graded Screen Array Diffusion Battery (GSA DB), developed by the SUJCHBO (based on Earl Knutson and Robert F Holub design), consists of 10 screens and backup filter used to collect all particles that penetrated the screens. The measuring range of this GSA DB allows measuring the radioactive nanoaerosols in the size range from 0.5 to 100 nm. The Earl Knutson algorithm was used for EER activity size distribution evaluation. The results of EER activity size distribution were subsequently compared with the aerosol particle size distribution measured by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer (SMPS 3936 N, TSI Inc., MN, USA).
The study investigated the separate and combined effects of ventilation rate, free convection flow produced by a thermal manikin, and the presence of objects on the distribution of tracer gas and particles in indoor air. The concentration of aerosol particles and tracer gas was measured in a test room with mixing ventilation. Three layouts were arranged: an empty room, an office room with an occupant sitting in front of a table, and a single-bed hospital room. The room occupant was simulated by a thermal manikin. Monodisperse particles of three sizes (0.07, 0.7, and 3.5 μm) and nitrous oxide tracer gas were generated simultaneously at the same location in the room. The particles and gas concentrations were measured in the bulk room air, in the breathing zone of the manikin, and in the exhaust air. Within the breathing zone of the sitting occupant, the tracer gas emerged as reliable predictor for the exposure to all different-sized test particles. A change in the ventilation rate did not affect the difference in concentration distribution between tracer gas and larger particle sizes. Increasing the room surface area did not influence the similarity in the dispersion of the aerosol particles and the tracer gas.
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- transplantace srdce metody přístrojové vybavení využití MeSH
- umělé srdce trendy využití MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH
Příspěvek pojednává o psychickém aspektu úspěšného provozování střelby v biatlonu a charakterizuje osobnost biatlonisty z psychologického hlediska. Přibližuje nejzákladnější zátěžové situace při provádění střelby a podává návod, jak se s nimi vyrovnat. Vyvozuje požadavky, kladené na osobnost biatlonisty z hlediska speciálních psychických předpokladů, nutných pro kvalitní provedení střelby a diferencuje tréninkovou a závodní střelbu z hlediska psycho-motorických nároků, včetně situace při přechodu z běžecké části závodu ke střelbě, kdy dochází k výrazným změnám ve fyziologických funkcích organismu sportovce. Hodnotí psychické zatížení biatlonistů při dlouhodobých tréninkových pobytech.
The paper deals with mental aspect of successful shooting in biathlon and characterizes the personality of a biathlete from the psychological point of view. The author looks closer at the basic stress situations in shooting and gives instructions on how to deal with these situations. The requirements imposed on the personality of a biathlete are considered from the point of view of physical dispositions neccessary for excellent shooting and distinction is made between training and race shooting in the light of psycho-kinetic demands. The paper includes the situation when the biathlete goes from the track to the shooting part of the race. It is the moment when major psychological changes in the organism of an athlete occur. The stress-load of biathletes in long-term training camps is evaluated.
- MeSH
- kardiochirurgické výkony využití MeSH
- koronární nemoc chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- nemoci srdečních chlopní chirurgie komplikace MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- Publikační typ
- kongresy MeSH
- Publikační typ
- abstrakt z konference MeSH