Štúdia analyzuje rozdiely a predikciu črtovej emocionálnej inteligencie Petridesa (2009, ďalej EI) a jej faktorov (well beingu, sebakontroly, emocionality, sociability) vo vzťahu k životnej spokojnosti podľa Dienera (2000) u vysokoškolákov v kros kultúrnom výskume (Ukrajinci [N=93; 47.3 % mužov, Mvek=21.6, SD=2.8] vs. Slováci [N=100; 51.8 % mužov, Mvek=20.1, SD=1.4]). Črtová EI bola posúdená Dotazníkom črtovej emocionálnej inteligencie krátka forma (TEIQue SF, Petrides, 2009) a životná spokojnosť škálou životnej spokojnosti Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS, Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin 1985). Metodiky boli adaptované na kultúrne prostredie. Signifikantné kros kultúrne rozdiely na hranici strednej vecnej významnosti sa preukázali v celkovej životnej spokojnosti (t=2.68, p≤.01; d=.39) a len vo faktore well beingu z črtovej EI (t=2.02, p≤.05; d=.29) s vyšším skóre pre slovenských študentov. Črtová EI vstupuje do vysoko signifikantného vzťahu v oboch skupinách so životnou spokojnosťou a umožňuje predikovať istú mieru variability v oboch skupinách (u Ukrajincov do 47 % [F (1,91) = 82.63, p≤.001] a u Slovákov do rozsahu 20 % [F (1,99) = 25.94, p≤.001]). Jediným signifikantným prediktorom v obidvoch skupinách pri kontrole všetkých faktorov črtovej EI bol faktor well being, ktorý zostal v signifikantnom silnom vzťahu s celkovou životnou spokojnosťou (r=.56, p≤.001). Štúdia zdôrazňuje facilitáciu celkovej životnej spokojnosti determinovanej sociálnymi okolnosťami ako možnosťami zvyšovania úrovne mentálneho zdravia.
Introduction: Promotion of mental health, prevention and treatment of mental disorders was accepted by WHO, the European Commission and the Council of Europe as their priority in the form of the European Declaration for Mental Health. This declaration is also elaborated in the WHO Action Plan for the European Commission (Health 2020, WHO 2015). These facts become a challenge for psychology in the 21st century, whose main goal is to convey, develop and teach individuals’ life skills enabling them to “survive”, so that they can effectively cope with life circumstances and become satisfied with their lives. It is beyond obvious, and supported by several researches, that life satisfaction is determined also by the social circumstances and conditions. Generation Z (born 1995–2010) and Generation Alfa (born after 2010) are the wisest generations there have been up to now; knowing more than any other generation, they have access to information on a global scale, but they seem to lack basic life skills to support their own mental health. One of the possibilities is to support facilitation of trait emotional intelligence facets (EI). Our main interest is reflected in trait EI by K.V. Petrides whose EI conceptualization and EI tools for three developmental stages (children, adolescents, adults) were standardized for the Slovak conditions. This model has empirically proved its incremental validity in predicting such variables as life satisfaction, happiness, stress management at work, depression, negative event ruminations, adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies etc. (Kluemper, 2008; Petrides, Perez Gonzalez, & Furnham, 2007; Petrides, 2009; Russo et al., 2012). In our cultural environment, it was verified with such variables as respondents’ overall health, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, general self efficacy or coping strategies (Kaliská, Heinzová, & Nábělková, 2019). It consists of 15 facets forming four factors (well being, self control, emotionality, sociability) and global trait EI level. Goal: The aim was to analyze cross cultural differences and prediction of trait EI level and its four factors in two nationalities, Slovak and Ukrainian university students, in relation to Diener’s life satisfaction concept (2000). Diener categorized life satisfaction under subjective well being construct differentiating four individual components: 1) life satisfaction (cognitive part as an information based appraisal of individual’s life in relation to an envisioned ‘ideal’ life), 2) life satisfaction with important life aspects, 3) positive affect as hedonic evaluation guided by emotions and feelings, and 4) absence of negative affect. Methods: Research groups comprised Ukrainian university students from various universities in Kyjev, Ukraine (N=93; 47.3 % of males, Mage=21.6 years, /SD=2.8/) and Slovak university students from Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia (N=100; 51.8 % of males, Mage=20.1 years /SD=1.4). Trait EI was assessed by Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQue SF; Petrides 2009) and life satisfaction by the Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS, Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). Both tools were modified and adapted to local conditions.
Príspevok sa zameriava na hlbšiu analýzu koncepcie črtovej emocionálnej inteligencie (EI) ako jedného z troch prístupov k operacionalizácii konštruktu EI. Teoretická a následne empirická verifikácia stavia na dizajne komparácie dvoch koncepcií črtovej EI (model N.S. Schutteovej (1998) a jej škálu Schutte´s Emotional Intelligence Scale /SEIS/ a model K.V. Petridesa (2009) a jeho dotazníka Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire /TEIQue-SF/) prostredníctvom dvoch štatistických analýz (posúdenie diferencií a komplementarity) u dvoch výskumných súborov (vysokoškoláci: N=138; Mvek=21.52 /SD=1.81/, 77% žien a stredoškoláci: N=154, Mvek=17.7 /SD=0.47/, 66% žien). Komparačná analýza párovým t-testom (p<0.001) ako aj vecná významnosť (d≥2.00) preukázala vysoko významné rozdiely v dosiahnutej globálnej úrovni črtovej EI u oboch výskumných súborov v prospech vyššieho skóre zistenom dotazníkom TEIQue-SF. Korelačná (0.66***≤r≤0.72***) ako aj regresná analýza (43%-52%, p<0.001) potvrdzuje u obidvoch skupín vysoko významnú mieru vzájomného prekývania sa oboch konštruktov. V oboch prípadoch signifikantnými prediktormi (p<0.01) globálnej črtovej EI zo škály SEIS zostali faktory well-beingu, emocionalitu a sociability z dotazníka TEIQue-SF, ktoré zostali v signifikantnom vzťahu s črtovou EI zo škály SEIS aj po kontrole vplyvu ostatných faktorov (0.24***≤r≤0.42***). Dva modely črtovej EI sa javia vzájomne kompatibilné s istými diferenciami determinovanými ich teoretickou konceptualizáciou.
The ever-lasting interest in the construct of intelligence has not weaken its research exploration for more than a century. Nowadays it is possible to identify more than 70 various intelligence definitions emphasizing the need for its deeper operationalization. At the end of the last century, the fundamental baseline of this construct has become the ability to reach the personal success in life arising from the self-awareness concept providing the starting point for new intelligence concept formation. Referring to the newly formed intelligence constructs, the most verified one is the concept of emotional intelligence (further on EI, Mayer, & Salovey, 1990). The current theoretical and empirical analysis of three various EI conceptualizations (such as cognitive-emotional ability, mixed models and trait models) provokes creation of various tools for their assessment. The article is aimed at deeper analysis of trait emotional intelligence conceptualization (EI) as a part of EI model construct operationalization. The trait EI theoretical and following empirical verification is based on estimating the relation between two trait EI models: N.S. Schutte´s model (1998) and her scale Schutte´s Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) and K.V. Petrides´ model (2009) and his questionnaire Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-SF). Then there are, used two statistical procedures (difference and complementarity estimation) with two research samples (High school students: N=154, Mage=17.7 /SD=0.47/, 66% females and University students: N=138; Mage=21.52 /SD=1.81/, 77% females). The comparison analysis based on pair t-test (p<0.001) as well Cohen´s effect size (d≥2.00) prove highly significant and meaningful differences between the global trait EI levels of both research samples separately in favor to higher global level of trait EI assessed by TEIQue-SF. The correlation analysis (0.66***≤r≤0.72***) as well the regression analysis (43%-52%, p<0.001) support the significant level of mutual complementarity of the constructs assessed by two trait EI instruments of both research samples. In both research samples the significant predictors (p<0.01) of global trait EI level assessed by SEIS scale were factors of well-being, emotionality and sociability from TEIQue-SF questionnaire that stated in significant relation with trait EI assessed by SEIS also while controlling for the other factors (0.24***≤r≤0.42***). We can conclude both models of trait EI seem to be compatible with certain differences determined by their theoretical conceptualization where Schutte´s SEIS scale is based on Mayer and Salovey´s EI model of emotional strategies. On the contrary, Petrides´ model arises from more precise, deeper and more complex analysis of various aspects related to emotion-related self-perceived abilities and behavioral dispositions. Our suggestion is to draw together various trait EI conceptualizations and create one complex trait EI model arising from the complex theoretical analysis operationalized by psychometrically valid and reliable instrument.
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