"RVO67985939" Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Cyanobacterial harmful blooms (CyanoHABs) pose a global ecological problem, and their lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are among the bioactive compounds they release. Previous studies on CyanoHAB-LPS from single cyanobacterial species have shown varying bioactivities in different in vitro cell models. In this study, we isolated LPS from 19 CyanoHAB samples collected at 18 water bodies in the Czech Republic over two consecutive seasons. The proportions of cyanobacteria, Gram-negative bacteria (G-), and other bacteria in the biomass were determined by qPCR, while the cyanobacterial genera were identified using light microscopy. In vitro models of keratinocytes (HaCaT), the intestinal epithelium (co-culture of differentiated Caco-2 cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells - PBMC), and PBMC alone were treated with isolated LPS at concentrations of 50, 100, and 1 μg/ml, respectively. The endotoxin activities of these concentrations were within the range measured in the aquatic environment. Approximately 85-90% of the samples displayed biological activity. However, the potency of individual LPS effects and response patterns varied across the different in vitro models. Furthermore, the observed activities did not exhibit a clear correlation with the taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton community, the relative share of microbial groups in the biomass, endotoxin activity of the LPS, or LPS migration and staining pattern in SDS-PAGE. These findings suggest that the effects of CyanoHAB-LPS depend on the specific composition and abundance of various LPS structures within the complex environmental sample and their interactions with cellular receptors.
- MeSH
- biomasa MeSH
- Caco-2 buňky MeSH
- leukocyty mononukleární MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- lipopolysacharidy * toxicita MeSH
- sinice * MeSH
- škodlivý vodní květ MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Saxitoxins (STXs) are potent neurotoxins produced by marine dinoflagellates or freshwater cyanobacteria known to cause acute and eventually fatal human intoxications, which are classified as paralytic shellfish poisonings (PSPs). Rapid analysis of STXs in blood plasma can be used for a timely diagnosis and confirmation of PSPs. We developed a fast and simple method of STX extraction based on plasma sample acidification and precipitation by acetonitrile, followed by quantification using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). Our approach provides the results ≤30 min, with a limit of detection of 2.8 ng/mL and a lower limit of quantification of 5.0 ng/mL. Within-run and between-run precision experiments showed good reproducibility with ≤15% values. Standard curves for calibration were linear with correlation coefficients ≥0.98 across the assay calibration range (5-200 ng/mL). In an interlaboratory analytical exercise, the method was found to be 100% accurate in determining the presence or absence of STX in human plasma specimens, with recovery values of 86-99%. This simple method for STX determination in animal or human plasma can quickly and reliably diagnose STX exposures and confirm suspected PSP cases to facilitate patient treatment or expedite necessary public health or security actions.
Despite decades of intensive research (especially from 1970s to 1990s), the ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) hair root is still largely terra incognita and this simplified guide is intended to revive and promote the study of its mycobiota. Basic theoretical knowledge on the ErM symbiosis is summarized, followed by practical advices on Ericaceae root sample collection and handling, microscopic observations and photo-documentation of root fungal colonization, mycobiont isolation, maintenance and identification and resynthesis experiments with ericoid plants. The necessity of a proper selection of the root material and its surface sterilization prior to mycobiont isolation is stressed, together with the need of including suitable control treatments in inoculation experiments. The culture-dependent approach employing plating of single short (~ 2 mm) hair root segments on nutrient media is substantiated as a useful tool for characterization of Ericaceae root-associated fungal communities; it targets living mycelium and provides metabolically active cultures that can be used in physiological experiments and taxonomic studies, thus providing essential reference material for culture-independent approaches. On the other hand, it is stressed that not every mycobiont isolated from an ericoid hair root necessarily represent an ErM fungus. Likewise, not every intracellular hyphal coil formed in the Ericaceae rhizodermis necessarily represents the ErM symbiosis. Taxonomy of the most important ericoid mycobionts is updated, mutualism in the ErM symbiosis is briefly discussed from the mycobiont perspective, and some interesting lines of possible future research are highlighted.
- MeSH
- Ericaceae * MeSH
- kořeny rostlin MeSH
- mykorhiza * MeSH
- rostliny MeSH
- symbióza MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- přehledy MeSH
The inhibition and eradication of oral biofilms is increasingly focused on the use of plant extracts as mouthwashes and toothpastes adjuvants. Here, we report on the chemical composition and the antibiofilm activity of 15 methanolic extracts of Iris species against both mono-(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus) and multi-species oral biofilms (Streptococcus gordonii, Veillonella parvula, Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum, and Actinomyces naeslundii). The phytochemical profiles of Iris pallida s.l., Iris versicolor L., Iris lactea Pall., Iris carthaliniae Fomin, and Iris germanica were determined by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution tandem mass spectroscopy (UHPLC-HRMS/MS) analysis, and a total of 180 compounds were identified among Iris species with (iso)flavonoid dominancy. I. pallida, I. versicolor, and I. germanica inhibited both the quorum sensing and adhesion during biofilm formation in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the extracts were less active against maturated biofilms. Of the five tested species, Iris pallida s.l. was the most effective at both inhibiting biofilm formation and disrupting existing biofilms, and the leaf extract exhibited the strongest inhibitory effect compared to the root and rhizome extracts. The cytotoxicity of the extracts was excluded in human fibroblasts. The inhibition of bacterial adhesion significantly correlated with myristic acid content, and quorum sensing inhibition correlated with the 7-β-hydroxystigmast-4-en-3-one content. These findings could be useful for establishing an effective tool for the control of oral biofilms and thus dental diseases.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Rheophytism is extremely rare in the Utricularia genus (there are four strictly rheophytic species out of a total of about 260). Utricularia neottioides is an aquatic rheophytic species exclusively growing attached to bedrocks in the South American streams. Utricularia neottioides was considered to be trap-free by some authors, suggesting that it had given up carnivory due to its specific habitat. Our aim was to compare the anatomy of rheophytic U. neottioides with an aquatic Utricularia species with a typical linear monomorphic shoot from the section Utricularia, U. reflexa, which grows in standing or very slowly streaming African waters. Additionally, we compared the immunodetection of cell wall components of both species. Light microscopy, histochemistry, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy were used to address our aims. In U. neottioides, two organ systems can be distinguished: organs (stolons, inflorescence stalk) which possess sclerenchyma and are thus resistant to water currents, and organs without sclerenchyma (leaf-like shoots), which are submissive to the water streaming/movement. Due to life in the turbulent habitat, U. neottioides evolved specific characters including an anchor system with stolons, which have asymmetric structures, sclerenchyma and they form adhesive trichomes on the ventral side. This anchor stolon system performs additional multiple functions including photosynthesis, nutrient storage, vegetative reproduction. In contrast with typical aquatic Utricularia species from the section Utricularia growing in standing waters, U. neottioides stems have a well-developed sclerenchyma system lacking large gas spaces. Plants produce numerous traps, so they should still be treated as a fully carnivorous plant.
Explaining species geographic distributions by macroclimate variables is the most common approach for getting mechanistic insights into large-scale diversity patterns and range shifts. However, species' traits influencing biophysical processes can produce a large decoupling from ambient air temperature, which can seriously undermine biogeographical inference. We combined stable oxygen isotope theory with a trait-based approach to assess leaf temperature during carbon assimilation (TL ) and its departure (ΔT) from daytime free air temperature during the growing season (Tgs ) for 158 plant species occurring from 3,400 to 6,150 m a.s.l. in Western Himalayas. We uncovered a general extent of temperature decoupling in the region. The interspecific variation in ΔT was best explained by the combination of plant height and δ13 C, and leaf dry matter content partly captured the variation in TL . The combination of TL and ΔT, with ΔT contributing most, explained the interspecific difference in elevational distributions. Stable oxygen isotope theory appears promising for investigating how plants perceive temperatures, a pivotal information to species biogeographic distributions.
- MeSH
- izotopy kyslíku MeSH
- listy rostlin * MeSH
- roční období MeSH
- teplota MeSH
- uhlík * MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi play a positive role in plant water relations, and the AM symbiosis is often cited as beneficial for overcoming drought stress of host plants. Nevertheless, water uptake via mycorrhizal hyphal networks has been little addressed experimentally, especially so through isotope tracing. In a greenhouse study conducted in two-compartment rhizoboxes, Medicago truncatula was planted in the primary compartment (PC), either inoculated with Rhizophagus irregularis or left uninoculated. Plant roots were either allowed to enter the secondary compartment (SC) or were restricted to the PC by root-excluding mesh. Substrate moisture was manipulated in the PC such that the plants were grown either in high moisture (15% of gravimetric water content, GWC) or low moisture (8% GWC). Meanwhile, the SC was maintained at 15% GWC throughout and served as a water source accessible (or not) by roots and/or hyphae. Water in the SC was labeled with deuterium (D) to quantify water uptake by the plants from the SC. Significantly, increased D incorporation into plants indicated higher water uptake by mycorrhizal plants when roots had access to the D source, but this was mainly explained by generally larger mycorrhizal root systems in proximity to the D source. On the other hand, AM fungal hyphae with access to the D source increased D incorporation into plants more than twofold compared to non-mycorrhizal plants. Despite this strong effect, water transport via AM fungal hyphae was low compared to the transpiration demand of the plants.
- MeSH
- Glomeromycota * MeSH
- hyfy MeSH
- kořeny rostlin MeSH
- mykorhiza * MeSH
- symbióza MeSH
- voda MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
MAIN CONCLUSION: Chenopodium ficifoliumflowered under long days despite much lower expression ofFLOWERING LOCUS Thomolog than under short days. Frequent duplications of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene across various taxonomic lineages resulted in FT paralogs with floral repressor function, whereas others duplicates maintained their floral-promoting role. The FT gene has been confirmed as the inducer of photoperiodic flowering in most angiosperms analyzed to date. We identified all FT homologs in the transcriptome of Chenopodium ficifolium and in the genome of Chenopodium suecicum, which are closely related to diploid progenitors of the tetraploid crop Chenopodium quinoa, and estimated their expression during photoperiodic floral induction. We found that expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T like 1 (FTL1), the ortholog of the sugar beet floral activator BvFT2, correlated with floral induction in C. suecicum and short-day C. ficifolium, but not with floral induction in C. ficifolium with accelerated flowering under long days. This C. ficifolium accession was induced to flowering without the concomitant upregulation of any FT homolog.
Whole genome duplication is a key process in plant evolution and has direct phenotypic consequences. However, it remains unclear whether ploidy-related phenotypic changes can significantly alter the fitness of polyploids in nature and thus contribute to establishment of new polyploid mutants in diploid populations. We addressed this question using a unique natural system encompassing a diploid and its sympatric locally established autotetraploid derivative. By setting a common garden experiment with two manipulated environmental factors (presence/absence of serpentine substrate and competition), we tested whether these two locally important factors differently shape the phenotypic response of the two ploidy levels. Tetraploids attained significantly higher values of both above- and below-ground biomass, and root : shoot ratio compared to their diploid progenitors. Tetraploid superiority in vegetative fitness indicators was most prominent when they were cultivated together with a competitor in nutrient-rich nonserpentine substrate. We show that even genetically very closely related diploids and tetraploids can respond differently to key environmental factors. Provided there are sufficient nutrients, tetraploids can be more successful in tolerating interspecific competition than their diploid progenitors. Such superior performance might have provided an adaptive advantage for the newly established tetraploid promoting colonisation of new (micro-)habitats, which was indeed observed at the natural site.
The family of orchids involves a number of critically endangered species. Understanding of drivers of their landscape distribution could provide a valuable insight into their decline. Our objectives were to develop models predicting distribution of selected orchid species-four co-occurring forest orchid species, Cephalanthera rubra, Epipactis atrorubens, E. helleborine, and Neottia nidus-avis-at a landscape scale using a wide range of habitat characteristics. Subsequently, we compared the model predictions with species occurrence and the results of the field germination experiment while considering two germination stages-asymbiotic (early stage) and symbiotic. And finally, we attempted to identify possible drivers of species' landscape distribution (i.e., dispersal, availability of habitat patches, or fungal associates). We have discovered that different habitat characteristics determined the distribution of different orchids. The species also differed in terms of availability of suitable habitat patches and patch occupancy (the highest being E. atrorubens with 80%). Landscape distribution of the species was primarily restricted by the availability of fungal associates (the most important factor for C. rubra) and by the availability of suitable habitat patches (the most important in case of N. nidus-avis). Despite expected easy dispersal of spores, orchid distribution seems to be limited by the availability of fungal associates in the landscape. In contrast, the availability of orchid seeds does not seem to limit their distribution. These results can provide useful guidelines for conservation of the studied species.