Cystacanths of Corynosoma pseudohamanni Zdzitowiecki, 1984 (Palaeacanthocephala: Polymorphidae) are redescribed on the basis of specimens recovered from three species of Antarctic notothenioid fish, Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger, Gobionotothen gibberifrons (Lönnberg) and Notothenia coriiceps Richardson, collected from the Prince Gustav Channel, Antarctica. The cystacanths' morphometry and their internal anatomy including trunk muscles were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The characteristic features of this species such as the length of proboscis and the number of hooks (i.e. 260 hooks arranged in 20 rows with 13 hooks each, including two basal hooks) were confirmed and the intraspecific variability was evaluated. Sexual dimorphism was manifested in the shape of the hindtrunk, and the distribution and extent of the somatic armature only. SEM observations of internal anatomy revealed the detailed organization of trunk musculature.
- MeSH
- Acanthocephala anatomy & histology isolation & purification ultrastructure MeSH
- Helminthiasis, Animal parasitology MeSH
- Microscopy, Electron, Scanning veterinary MeSH
- Fish Diseases parasitology MeSH
- Perciformes parasitology MeSH
- Sex Characteristics MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
- Geographicals
- Antarctic Regions MeSH
Trophically-transmitted parasites are regularly exposed to potential new hosts through food web interactions. Successful colonization, or switching, to novel hosts, occur readily when 'donor' and 'target' hosts are phylogenetically related, whereas switching between distantly related hosts is rare and may result from stochastic factors (i.e. rare favourable mutations). This study investigates a host-switching event between a marine acanthocephalan specific to pinnipeds that is apparently able to reproduce in Magellanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus from Brazil. Detailed analysis of morphological and morphometrical data from acanthocephalans from penguins indicates that they belong to Corynosoma australe Johnston, 1937. Partial fragments of the 28S rRNA and mitochondrial cox1 genes were amplified from isolates from penguins and two pinniped species (i.e. South American sea lion Otaria flavescens and South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis) to confirm this identification. Infection parameters clearly differ between penguins and the two pinniped species, which were significantly lower in S. magellanicus. The sex ratio of C. australe also differed between penguins and pinnipeds; in S. magellanicus was strongly biased against males, while in pinnipeds it was close to 1:1. Females of C. australe from O. flavescens were smaller than those from S. magellanicus and A. australis. However, fecundity (i.e. the proportion of fully developed eggs) was lower and more variable in females collected from S. magellanicus. At first glance, the occurrence of reproductive individuals of C. australe in Magellanic penguins could be interpreted as an adaptive colonization of a novel avian host through favourable mutations. However, it could also be considered, perhaps more likely, as an example of ecological fitting through the use of a plesimorphic (host) resource, since the ancestors of Corynosoma infected aquatic birds.
- MeSH
- Acanthocephala * MeSH
- Ecology MeSH
- Phylogeny MeSH
- Host-Parasite Interactions physiology MeSH
- Fur Seals parasitology MeSH
- Sea Lions parasitology MeSH
- Sex Ratio MeSH
- Spheniscidae parasitology MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
Adult specimens of Corynosoma australe Johnston, 1937 were recorded from the intestines of California sea lions, Zalophus californianus (Lesson), from Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, whereas larval forms were collected from two fish species on the Argentinian coast. Adult specimens of C. australe were morphologically characterized by having a cylindrical proboscis with 18-20 rows of 12-14 hooks per row and a cylindrical trunk expanded anteriorly into a disk with tiny, triangular spines spreading almost to three quarters of the hind-trunk in males and to the posterior body end in females. The aim of this study was to explore the genetic diversity and systematic position of C. australe distributed in the Americas. Newly generated sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox 1) gene were compared with sequences available from GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses performed with the cox 1 dataset using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference showed that the 11 new sequences of C. australe recovered from the California sea lion in northern Mexico plus the six sequences from Argentinian seashores formed a clade with other sequences of specimens previously identified as C. australe. The intraspecific genetic divergence among the isolates was very low, ranging from 1 to 1.7%, and in combination with the phylogenetic trees confirmed that the isolates belonged to the same species. The cox 1 haplotype network inferred with 27 sequences revealed 18 haplotypes divided into two clusters clearly separated from each other by 5 substitutions. The first cluster corresponded to specimens from the Northern Hemisphere (United States of America and Mexico), and the second corresponded to specimens from the Southern Hemisphere (Argentina and Brazil). The current evidence suggests that C. australe has an amphitemperate distribution and is associated mainly with otariids with secondary and independent colonization events to other mammals and the Magellanic penguin in the Southern Hemisphere.
- MeSH
- Acanthocephala anatomy & histology classification genetics growth & development MeSH
- Phylogeography MeSH
- Genetic Variation * MeSH
- Helminthiasis, Animal parasitology MeSH
- Fur Seals * MeSH
- Larva anatomy & histology classification genetics growth & development MeSH
- Microscopy, Electron, Scanning veterinary MeSH
- Electron Transport Complex IV MeSH
- Sequence Analysis, DNA veterinary MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Check Tag
- Male MeSH
- Female MeSH
- Animals MeSH
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH
- Geographicals
- Argentina MeSH
- Brazil MeSH
- Mexico MeSH
- United States MeSH
The population of California sea lion Zalophus californianus (CSL) has steadily increased during the last several decades. Despite extensive research addressing CSL biology and ecology performed during the last decades, there has been a minimal number of published papers documenting their parasite fauna. Our objective was to analyze the actual list of the metazoan parasites reported from CSLs and add new data on the age-related differences in the prevalence and biodiversity of the parasite community. There have been 33 species recorded but this study considers only 24 of them valid. Among them, 11 species are specific parasites of CSLs and 13 species are not specific. Additional species represent accidental infections or misidentifications. In total, 6653 helminths and 847 mites were collected and identified from 34 CSLs for this study. Six species of nematodes, Anisakis simplex sensu lato s. l. (prevalence 41%; intensity 7.6), Contracaecum ogmorhini s. l. (38%; 269.6), Pseudoterranova decipiens s. l. (29%; 33), P. azarazi (9%; 2.7), Acanthocheilonema odendhali (15%; 3.5) and Parafilaroides decorus were found. Two species of cestodes, Diphyllobothrium sp. (38%; 8.5) and Anophryocephalus sp. (15%; 14.6) represent novel undescribed species. Two species of trematodes, Apophallus zalophi (18%; 19.7) and Zalophotrema hepaticum (12%; 39.2), and five species of acanthocephalans, Corynosoma obtuscens (68%; 100.8), C. strumosum (53%; 4.6), Andracantha phalacrocoracis (3%; 1), Andracantha sp. (9%; 4.3) and Profilicollis altmani (6%; 8.5) were found. Mites Orthohalarchne attenuata (prevalence 85%) were found in the nasal cavity, while O. diminuata (21%) parasitized in the trachea and bronchi. The highest levels of infection with nematodes and trematodes were found in adult CSLs (3-16 years old), whereas the highest level of infection with acanthocephalans was found in young CSLs (pups and yearlings).
- Publication type
- Journal Article MeSH