Zimna, Marta* Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a tick-borne flavivirus that induces severe central nervous system disorders. It has recently raised concerns due to an expanding geographical range and increasing infection rates. Existing vaccines, though effective, face low coverage rates in numerous TBEV endemic regions. Our previous work demonstrated the immunogenicity and full protection afforded by a TBEV vaccine based on virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in Leishmania tarentolae cells in immunization studies in a mouse model. In the present study, we explored the impact of adjuvants (AddaS03TM, Alhydrogel®+MPLA) and administration routes (subcutaneous, intramuscular) on the immune response. Adjuvanted groups exhibited significantly enhanced antibody responses, higher avidity, and more balanced Th1/Th2 response. IFN-γ responses depended on the adjuvant type, while antibody levels were influenced by both adjuvant and administration routes. The combination of Leishmania-derived TBEV VLPs with Alhydrogel® and MPLA via intramuscular administration emerged as a highly promising prophylactic vaccine candidate, eliciting a robust, balanced immune response with substantial neutralization potential.
- MeSH
- adjuvancia imunologická * aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- adjuvantní vakcína aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- imunogenicita vakcíny MeSH
- injekce intramuskulární MeSH
- interferon gama imunologie MeSH
- klíšťová encefalitida * prevence a kontrola imunologie MeSH
- Leishmania * imunologie MeSH
- myši inbrední BALB C MeSH
- myši MeSH
- neutralizující protilátky krev imunologie MeSH
- protilátky virové * krev imunologie MeSH
- syntetické vakcíny * imunologie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- Th1 buňky imunologie MeSH
- virové vakcíny * imunologie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- viry klíšťové encefalitidy * imunologie MeSH
- VLP vakcíny * imunologie aplikace a dávkování MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- myši MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
The emerging virus SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 virus), agent of COVID-19, appeared in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and became a serious threat to global health and public safety. Many COVID-19 vaccines have been approved and licensed around the world. Most of the developed vaccines include S protein and induce an antibody-based immune response. Additionally, T-cell response to the SARS-CoV-2 antigens could be beneficial for combating the infection. The type of immune response is greatly dependent not only on the antigen, but also on adjuvants used in vaccine formulation. Here, we compared the effect of four different adjuvants (AddaS03, Alhydrogel/MPLA, Alhydrogel/ODN2395, Quil A) on the immunogenicity of a mixture of recombinant RBD and N SARS-CoV-2 proteins. We have analyzed the antibody and T-cell response specific to RBD and N proteins and assessed the impact of adjuvants on virus neutralization. Our results clearly indicated that Alhydrogel/MPLA and Alhydrogel/ODN2395 adjuvants elicited the higher titers of specific and cross-reactive antibodies to S protein variants from various SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 strains. Moreover, Alhydrogel/ODN2395 stimulated high cellular response to both antigens, as assessed by IFN-γ production. Importantly, sera collected from mice immunized with RBD/N cocktail in combination with these adjuvants exhibited neutralizing activity against the authentic SARS-CoV-2 virus as well as particles pseudotyped with S protein from various virus variants. The results from our study demonstrate the immunogenic potential of RBD and N antigens and point out the importance of adjuvants selection in vaccine formulation in order to enhance the immunological response. IMPORTANCE Although several COVID-19 vaccines have been approved worldwide, continuous emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants calls for new efficient vaccines against them, providing long-lasting immunity. As the immune response after vaccination is dependent not only on antigen used, but also on other vaccine components, e.g., adjuvants, the purpose of this work was to study the effect of different adjuvants on the immunogenicity of RBD/N SARS-CoV-2 cocktail proteins. In this work, it has been shown that immunization with both antigens plus the different adjuvants studied elicited higher Th1 and Th2 responses against RBD and N, which contributed to higher neutralization of the virus. The obtained results can be used for design of new vaccines, not only against SARS-CoV-2, but also against other important viral pathogens.
- MeSH
- COVID-19 * prevence a kontrola MeSH
- hydroxid hlinitý MeSH
- imunogenicita vakcíny MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- myši MeSH
- neutralizující protilátky MeSH
- protilátky virové MeSH
- vakcíny proti COVID-19 MeSH
- virové vakcíny * MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- myši MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a major cause of neurological infections in many regions of central, eastern and northern Europe and northern Asia. In approximately 15% of cases, TBEV infections lead to the development of severe encephalitis or meningitis. The main route of TBEV transmission is tick bites; however, ingestion of dairy products from infected animals (goats, cattle and sheep) is also a frequent cause of the disease. Therefore, vaccination of livestock in virus endemic regions could also contribute to the decrease in TBEV infection among humans. Although few vaccines against TBEV based on inactivated viruses are available for humans, due to high costs, vaccination is not mandatory in most of the affected countries. Moreover, there is still no vaccine for veterinary use. Here, we present a characterization and immunogenicity study of a new potential TBEV vaccine based on virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in Leishmania tarentolae cells. VLPs, which mimic native viral particles but do not contain genetic material, show good immunogenic potential. For the first time, we showed that the protozoan L. tarentolae expression system can be successfully used for the production of TBEV virus-like particles with highly efficient production. We confirmed that TBEV recombinant structural proteins (prM/M and E) from VLPs are highly recognized by neutralizing antibodies in in vitro analyses. Therefore, VLPs in combination with AddaVax adjuvant were used in immunization studies in a mouse model. VLPs proved to be highly immunogenic and induced the production of high levels of neutralizing antibodies. In a challenge experiment, immunization with VLPs provided full protection from lethal TBE in mice. Thus, we suggest that Leishmania-derived VLPs may be a good candidate for a safe alternative human vaccine with high efficiency of production. Moreover, this potential vaccine candidate may constitute a low-cost candidate for veterinary use.
- MeSH
- klíšťová encefalitida * prevence a kontrola MeSH
- Leishmania * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- myši MeSH
- neutralizující protilátky MeSH
- ovce MeSH
- protilátky virové MeSH
- skot MeSH
- virové vakcíny * MeSH
- viry klíšťové encefalitidy * genetika MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- myši MeSH
- skot MeSH
- zvířata MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
Urinary incontinence in women is a widely dispersed problem, affecting 30–40% of older women. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the complaint of involuntary leakage of urine upon exertion, effort, sneezing, or coughing. With inadequate anchoring of the mid-urethra, an increase in intraabdominal pressure leads to leakage of urine in the absence of bladder contraction. The tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. The procedure employs a synthetic polypropylene mesh tape to provide support to the middle urethra, and was first proposed by Ulmsten and Petros in 1995. Now we can use these new procedures (TOT, TVT-O, TVT-S, MiniArc, Ajust, TVT-ABBREVO, TVT- EXACT, etc.) for the treatment of stress incontinence.
Autor v príspevku prezentuje výsledky výskumu zameraného na zistenie, ktoré zimné športy sa využívajú v rámci vyučovania telesnej a športovej výchovy na stredných školách v okresoch Martin a Stará Ľubovňa a aký je stav ich vyučovania. Použitou výskumnou metódou bol dotazník vlastnej konštrukcie, ktorý pozostával z 21 otázok. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo spolu 435 žiakov (247 chlapcov a 188 dievčat) 10-tich stredných škôl v okrese Martin a 5-tich stredných škôl v okrese Stará Ľubovňa, z ktorých sa kurzu pohybových aktivít v prírode so zameraním na zimné športy zúčastnilo 228 žiakov (132 chlapcov a 96 dievčat). Na základe výsledkov autor konštatuje, že na všetkých stredných školách v okrese Stará Ľubovňa a na 8 z 10 stredných školách v okrese Martin sa realizuje kurz pohybových aktivít v prírode so zameraním na zimné športy, v rámci ktorého dané školy realizujú buď len lyžiarsky kurz, alebo spojený lyžiarsky kurz s kurzom snowboardingu.
In this contribution, the author has presented the research results targeted to the finding, what kind of winter sports have been practised in the framework of Physical education teaching at the secondary schools in Martin and Stara Lubovna district. Moreover, he has also presented what is the condition of their teaching. The research method, which was used, was a self-made questionnaire that consisted from 21 questions. A research sample involved 435 students altogether (247 boys and 188 girls) from ten secondary schools in Martin district and five secondary schools in Stara Lubovna district. In addition, 228 students (132 boys and 96 girls) took part in the instruction of movement activities in the natural countryside targeted to the winter sports. On the basis of the results, the author has claimed that the movement activities in the natural countryside targeted to winter sports have been carried out at all secondary schools in Stara Lubovna district, and 8 from 10 secondary schools in Martin district. Moreover, the above mentioned secondary schools have either carried out the ski instruction on its own or the ski instruction with a snowboarding one altogether
1. elektronické vydání 1 online zdroj (128 stran)
Pletení v dnešní době opravdu již dávno není z nouze ctnost, kdy ruční výrobek byl jedinou možností, jak se odlišit od jednotvárné a chudé nabídky v obchodech. Právě nyní naopak zažívá oprávněnou renesanci na celém světě. Pletení je v módě, tak neváhejte a zkuste to také.V knize známé české návrhářky pletené módy Martiny Taborsky si vyberou začátečnice i zkušené pletařky. Najdete zde pletenou a háčkovanou módu pro děti i ženy, od jednoduchých doplňků až po rafinované náročné modely, které dodají vašemu zimnímu šatníku osobitou tvář. Všechny modely nesou charakteristickou pečeť tvůrkyně - nadčasovou eleganci podtrhující ženskou krásu.
1. elektronické vydání 1 online zdroj (192 stran)
Autobiografie biatlonové legendy.S předmluvou Gabriely Koukalové.Držitel největšího počtu medailí ze zimních olympijských her mezi francouzskými sportovci, rekordman v počtu vítězství v celkovém hodnocení Světového poháru i vítězství během jedné sezony... Martin Fourcade je ve svých 29 letech světovou biatlonovou legendou a jedním z největších francouzských šampionů.V této knize se ohlíží za svou fascinující životní dráhou. Vzpomíná na dětství strávené v Pyrenejích, na Alpy, kam následoval svého staršího bratra, a na pohoří Jura, kde sám čelil svému osudu a otevřel se sobě i ostatním; nevynechává ani adrenalin Olympijských her ve Vancouveru a triumf v Soči. Popisuje vnitřní pohnutky, které ho přiměly překonat jeho limity, odhaluje svou zranitelnost, a my tak můžeme zahlédnout neuvěřitelnou sílu jeho charakteru. Mluví o svém životě, o sportu i o setkání s těmi největšími světovými sportovci.Martin Fourcade. Můj sen o zlatě a sněhu je jedinečné a autentické svědectví úžasného člověka a výjimečného sportovce.