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Polymorphic Forms of Valinomycin Investigated by NMR Crystallography

. 2020 Jul 11 ; 21 (14) : . [epub] 20200711

Language English Country Switzerland Media electronic

Document type Journal Article

Grant support
LTAUSA18011 Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy

A dodecadepsipeptide valinomycin (VLM) has been most recently reported to be a potential anti-coronavirus drug that could be efficiently produced on a large scale. It is thus of importance to study solid-phase forms of VLM in order to be able to ensure its polymorphic purity in drug formulations. The previously available solid-state NMR (SSNMR) data are combined with the plane-wave DFT computations in the NMR crystallography framework. Structural/spectroscopical predictions (the PBE functional/GIPAW method) are obtained to characterize four polymorphs of VLM. Interactions which confer a conformational stability to VLM molecules in these crystalline forms are described in detail. The way how various structural factors affect the values of SSNMR parameters is thoroughly analyzed, and several SSNMR markers of the respective VLM polymorphs are identified. The markers are connected to hydrogen bonding effects upon the corresponding (13C/15N/1H) isotropic chemical shifts of (CO, Namid, Hamid, Hα) VLM backbone nuclei. These results are expected to be crucial for polymorph control of VLM and in probing its interactions in dosage forms.

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