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A sodium/potassium switch for G4-prone G/C-rich sequences

. 2024 Jan 11 ; 52 (1) : 448-461.

Language English Country England, Great Britain Media print

Document type Journal Article

Grant support
ANR-20-CE12-0023 ANR G4Access
INCa G4Access
201906340018 Chinese Scholarship Council fellowships
GX19-26041X Czech Science Foundation
LX22NPO5102 National Institute for Cancer Research
European Union-Next Generation EU
LM2023050 Czech-BioImaging MEYS CR

Metal ions are essential components for the survival of living organisms. For most species, intracellular and extracellular ionic conditions differ significantly. As G-quadruplexes (G4s) are ion-dependent structures, changes in the [Na+]/[K+] ratio may affect the folding of genomic G4s. More than 11000 putative G4 sequences in the human genome (hg19) contain at least two runs of three continuous cytosines, and these mixed G/C-rich sequences may form a quadruplex or a competing hairpin structure based on G-C base pairing. In this study, we examine how the [Na+]/[K+] ratio influences the structures of G/C-rich sequences. The natural G4 structure with a 9-nt long central loop, CEBwt, was chosen as a model sequence, and the loop bases were gradually replaced by cytosines. The series of CEB mutations revealed that the presence of cytosines in G4 loops does not prevent G4 folding or decrease G4 stability but increases the probability of forming a competing structure, either a hairpin or an intermolecular duplex. Slow conversion to the quadruplex in vitro (in a potassium-rich buffer) and cells was demonstrated by NMR. 'Shape-shifting' sequences may respond to [Na+]/[K+] changes with delayed kinetics.

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