Práca sa zaoberá izoláciou a identifikáciou flavonoidov prítomných v listoch Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. (Rosaceae). Z metanolového extraktu boli izolované tri flavonoidové glykozidy flavonolového typu: kempferol–3–O–ramnozid, kvercetín–3–O–glukozid (izokvercitrín) a kvercetín–3–O–ramnozid (kvercitrín), ktoré boli identifikované pomocou fyzikálno-chemických metód, porovnaním so štandardmi a literatúrou. Z rastlinného druhu Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. boli izolované prvýkrát.
The paper deals with the isolation and identification of constituents of the leaves of Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. (Rosaceae). Three flavonoid glycosides of flavonol type were isolated from the methanolic extract: kaempferol–3–O–rhamnoside, quercetin–3–O–glucoside (isoquercitrin) and quercetin–3–O–rhamnoside (quercitrin). Isolates were identified by physical-chemical data, by comparison with authentic samples and literature data. The above-mentioned compounds were isolated from Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. for the first time.
Práca sa zaoberá izoláciou a identifikáciou látok z petroléterového a metanolového extraktu holodisku dvojfarebného – Holodiscus discolor (PURSH) MAXIM., Rosaceae. Z petroléterového extraktulistov tejto rastliny bol izolovaný b-sitosterol a taraxasterol, z metanolového extraktu luteolín-7-O-glukozid. Látky boli identifikované na základe spektrálnych údajov a porovnaním s autentickýmivzorkami.
The paper deals with the isolation of constituents from light petrol and methanol extracts of theleaves of Holodiscus discolor (PURSH) MAXIM., Rosaceae. b-sitosterol and taraxasterol wereisolated from the light petrol extract, luteolin-7-O-glucoside was isolated from the methanol extract.The isolated compounds were identified by spectroscopic means and by comparison with authentic samples.
- MeSH
- léčivé rostliny MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Valerianaceae MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH