Tromboembolické příhody jsou známou a obávanou komplikací COVID-19. Objevují se jak ve fázi akutní, tak v časném období po jejím překonání. Riziko stoupá se závažností průběhu infekce, ale ani lehký průběh závažné trombotické komplikace nevylučuje. Prezentujeme případ 58leté ženy, u které deset dní od ukončení izolace pro infekci COVID-19 došlo k prudkému rozvoji hluboké žilní trombózy zasahující až do dolní duté žíly, která se klinicky prezentovala jako flegmazie levé dolní končetiny. Po zavedení kaválního filtru do dolní duté žíly k prevenci embolizace trombotických hmot byla provedena endovaskulární léčba lokální trombolýzou, která časně vedla k rekanalizaci žilního řečiště a normalizaci klinického nálezu na končetině.
Thrombembolic events are common and threatening complications of CoVID-19. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism may present both during and after the acute phase of the disease. The risk of thromboembolism increases with the severity of the course of the disease, but even mild forms are in danger. We present the case of a 58-year-old woman who, ten days after the end of isolation for CoVID-19 infection, developed a rapid deep vein thrombosis extending into the inferior vena cava, which was clinically presented with phlegmasia of the left lower limb. After implantation of a caval filter into the inferior vena cava to prevent embolization of thrombotic masses, endovascular treatment with local thrombolysis was performed, which early led to recanalization of the venous bed and normalization of the clinical finding of the left lower limb.
Cíl studie: Zjistit prevalenci inkontinence moči u těhotných v závislosti na rizikových faktorech. Typ studie: Dotazníková studie. Název a sídlo pracoviště: GONA spol. s.r.o., gynekologicko-porodnická praxe. Vlastní pozorování: Během ročního sledování udávalo stížnost na výskyt inkontinence moči 20 žen z celkového počtu. Potíže byly ve většině případů diskrétní, ženy výrazně nelimitovaly, mohly se bez omezení věnovat všem aktivitám, mohly cestovat, přiměřeně stavu sportovat a ani ve společenském nebo sexuálním životě neudávaly jakýkoliv handicap. Nosily preventivně vložky, ale nehlídaly příjem tekutin a ani je neznepokojoval možný zápach uniklé moči. Nejvíce potíží měly ženy po 30. týdnu gestace, po porodu se stav zlepšoval a po šestinedělí potíže s únikem moči neudávala žádná z dotazovaných. Rehabilitaci po porodu se věnovaly tři ženy. Závěr: Těhotenství je specifický stav pro tělo ženy, proto změny, které v této oblasti nastávají, mohou pouze imitovat příznaky inkontinence a hyperaktivního měchýře. Důležitou roli hraje prevence před těhotenstvím a v průběhu těhotenství. Vhodná je spolupráce se školeným fyzioterapeutem. Preventivní posilování pánevního dna snižuje výskyt inkontinence.
Objective: Detect prevalence of urinary incontinence in pregnant women depending on risk factors. Design: Questionnaire study. Setting: GONA company s.r.o., Gynaecology and Obstetrics Practise. Case report: During the annual follow-up, 20 women out of a total reported complaining about the incontinence of power. The trouble was discreet, the women did not limit, they could engage in all activities. They wore inserts as a precaution, but did not shed their fluid intake and were unconcerned by the posible stench of escaping power. Women had the most trouble after 30 weeks of gestation, the condition improved after delivery and none of the interviewees had trouble escaping after six weeks. Three women devoted themselves to rehabilitate after giving birth. Conclusion: Pregnancy is a specific condition for a womanś body, so the changes that occur in this area can only mimic the symptoms of incontinence and hyperactive bladder. Prevention before and during pregnancy plays an important role. Collaboration with a physical therapist is appropriate. Preventive strengthening of the pelvic floor reduces the incidence of urinary incontinence.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) provides a reliable detection of pathogenic bacteria in water samples. However, this method can be adversely influenced by the purity of the DNA template. This is a particularly important obstacle when the bacterial DNA is directly extracted from water samples. In this study we compared the suitability of 8 different methods for isolation of bacterial DNA from pure cultures and 10 different methods for isolation of DNA from water samples. The quality of extracted DNA was assessed by PCR amplification of target sequences derived from uid (E. coli and Shigella sp.), tuf (Enterococcus sp.) and hns (Salmonella sp.). Results indicated that there are differences among the methods tested and only a few of them gave satisfactory results. The method based on alkaline lysis of bacterial suspension, which was developed in our laboratory, seemed to be efficient enough for the detection of bacteria from pure cultures. Detection of bacteria directly from water samples was more difficult. The modified method developed by Slusarenko was found as the best of the tested methods. Copyright IWA Publishing 2008.
The presence of enteric pathogens in water resources represents a serious risk for public health. Therefore, their precise detection, and especially detection of E. coli, which is obviously regarded as the main indicator of faecal contamination of water, is an essential step in ensuring bacterial safety of water. Numerous PCR protocols for detection of E. coli have been published to date. They are usually based on amplification of regions derived from lacZ (beta-D-galactosidase) and uidA (beta-D-glucuronidase) gene sequences. However, these methods are not universal enough for precise detection of all E. coli strains found in water samples. We developed a novel triplex PCR method for detection of E. coli in which cyd gene coding for cytochrome bd complex was co-amplified along with lacZ and uidA genes. Our triplex PCR approach significantly increases the specificity and reliability of E. coli detection in water samples. This approach allowed us to distinguish Shigella flexneri from E. coli. In addition, we were able to detect even non-coliform Klebsiella and Raoutella spp., some of which can also cause infections to humans.
- MeSH
- DNA bakterií genetika MeSH
- DNA primery MeSH
- Escherichia coli izolace a purifikace MeSH
- feces mikrobiologie MeSH
- financování organizované MeSH
- mikrobiologie vody MeSH
- polymerázová řetězová reakce metody MeSH
- sekvence nukleotidů MeSH
- senzitivita a specificita MeSH
- Shigella flexneri izolace a purifikace MeSH