BACKGROUND: The development of movement skills is the basic goal of physical and sports education. Their level is a determining factor in the subsequent involvement of the child in physical activities. Goal is to contribute to the knowledge of basic motor competencies (BMC) in the 3rd and 4th grade boys and girls from elementary schools. METHODS: We collected data from 468 children (Mage = 9.6, SD = 0.6 years; 228 girls and 240 boys) from 16 third grade and 16 fourth grade classes at ten elementary schools in different parts (central, west, north) of the Slovak Republic. The primary data on the basic motor competencies of the examined groups were obtained by means of the MOBAK-3 test battery. Construct validity was analyzed by confirmatory factorial analysis and relationships between BMC and age, gender and BMI were analyzed by structural equation modeling. RESULTS: Boys had a better performance in object movement activities than the girls p < 0.01. Situation in self-movement activities was different, girls had a better performance than boys p < 0.05. The general expectation that grade is a factor to improve the performance in basic motor competencies in the compared 3rd- and 4th-graders was not clearly fulfilled. This assumption was only confirmed in girls (object movement p < 0.05, self movement p < 0.01). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the two-factor structure of basic motor competencies on object-movement and self-movement, while gender, BMI and age were confirmed as significant covariances. CONCLUSIONS: The theory of BMC in the 3rd- and 4th-graders at elementary schools is an appropriate method to uncover the grounds for a positive attitude to physical activities later in life.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
PURPOSE: The 6 min walk test (6MWT) is used in clinical and epidemiological practice as a simple tool to evaluate the maximal aerobic exercise capacity (VO2max). To date, little evidence has been provided regarding regression equation models to predict VO2max in older adults. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to develop a reference equation to estimate objectively measured VO2max, based on the 6MWT, sex, age and body mass index (BMI). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this observational prospective study, we collected the data from 233 asymptomatic participants aged 60-80 years (52.4% women). VO2max and the 6MWT were measured using standardized protocols. BMI was calculated as weight (kg) divided by height squared (m2). To be able to develop the predictive equation for VO2max, we used linear generalized estimating equations (GEE). RESULTS: Older men performed better in VO2max (30.9 ± 8.8 vs. 26.3 ± 6.3 mL/kg/min, p < 0.001) and the 6MWT (673.9 ± 58.7 vs. 642.3 ± 48.0 m, p < 0.001), compared to women. VO2max was correlated with the 6MWT (r = 0.71, p < 0.001), sex (r = -0.29, p < 0.001), age (r = -0.62, p < 0.001) and BMI (r = -0.38, p < 0.001). The model to predict VO2max included: VO2max (mL/kg/min) = 59.44 - 3.83 *, sex (1-men; 2-women) - 0.56 *, age (years) - 0.48 *, BMI (kg/m2) + 0.04 *, and the 6MWT (m) (R = 0.85; R2 = 72.3%, SEE = 3.99 mL/kg/min, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The newly developed regression equation can be a guideline in clinical and epidemiological practice to predict the VO2max in apparently healthy older adults.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
High-intensity intermittent performance in soccer is widely assessed using the yo-yo intermittent recovery level 2 test (YYIR2). This test is usually associated with aerobic-anaerobic performance. However, less is known about the direct or indirect contributions of abilities, including the anaerobic component. This study aims to propose a three-level model of factors contributing to YYIR2 performance, based on the investigation of relationships with aerobic endurance, repeated-sprint ability (RSA), and the linear and change-of-direction speed and power variables. Eighteen soccer players performed the YYIR2, with a 20-m shuttle run test (20mSR), an RSA test with change-of-direction, 5-m and 20-m sprints, and a 505 test, countermovement jump, squat jump, and drop jump. The results showed a significant relationship between the YYIR2 distance and the 20mSR distance (r = 0.721, p = 0.001), as well as with the RSA test mean time (r = -0.594, p = 0.009). In the second level, the 20mSR distance performance was not associated with any of the speed and power variables. However, the RSA test mean time correlated with the 5-m sprint (r = 0.587, p = 0.010), 20-m sprint (r = 0.702, p = 0.001), and 505 test (r = 0.585 p = 0.011) performance. In the third level, the 20-m sprint time was related to the squat jump (r = -0.577 p = 0.012) and countermovement jump (r = -0.768 p < 0.001) heights. In addition to aerobic endurance, this study highlights the importance of the anaerobic component in YYIR2 performance. More specifically, aerobic endurance (52%) and RSA (36%) are the main determinants of YYIR2 performance. Subsequently, the RSA performance is determined by the linear (34-49%) and change-of-direction speed (35%), while the explosive power of lower limbs contributes to sprinting performance (33-59%). Coaches should focus on the development of these abilities to improve the high-intensity intermittent performance of soccer players.
- MeSH
- běh * MeSH
- fotbal * MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- postura těla MeSH
- sportovní výkon * MeSH
- zátěžový test metody MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Cieľomprácebolopoukázaťnadiferencievzáujmeopohybovéaktivitymedzištudentmistrednýchškôlz hľadiska rozdielneho veku. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 1064 študentov vo veku 16 – 18 rokov. Záujemo pohybové aktivity bol zisťovaný prostredníctvom dotazníka PACES (physical activity enjoymentscale) v ktorom respondenti uvádzali najväčší záujem, druhý a tretí najväčší záujem pri výbere z 10rôznych oblastí športových aktivít. Záujem o športové aktivity na jednotlivých úrovniach uvádzamevpercentuálnomvyjadreníarozdielymedzištudentmirôznehovekuposudzujemetestomchí-kvadrátna 5% hladine štatistickej významnosti a vecnú významnosť effect size sme posudzovali Cramerovýmphiφc. Najväčší záujem prejavovali všetky vekové kategórie o kolektívne športy ako futbal, volejbal,basketbal a pod. od 20 do 27 % pričom so zvyšujúcim sa vekom tento záujem klesal. Druhý najväčšízáujem bol o posilňovanie, aerobic, spinning od 17 do 20 % a tretí najväčší záujem predstavovaliiné pohybové aktivity ako rafting, bicyklovanie, florbal a pod. od 17 do 22 %. Percentuálne rozdielyboli najvýraznejšie pri hodnotení najväčšieho záujmu avšak ani na jednej úrovni neboli štatistickyvýznamnép>0,5atakistoajvecnávýznamnosťbolanízkaφc<0,1.Výsledkypoukázalinarozdielyv záujme o pohybové aktivity medzi študentami rôzneho veku a možu prispieť ku lepšiemu riadeniuškolských a mimoškolských pohybových aktivít a napomôcť k zvýšeniu radosti z pohybových aktivítu adolescentov. Príspevok je súčasťou grantu KEGA 003UKF-4/2016 Pohybová aktivita a kvalitaživota žiakov stredných škôl.
The aim of the thesis was to point out differences in physical activity interest among high schoolstudents in terms of different age. 1064 students aged 16 – 18 were involved in the study. Physicalactivity interest was determined by a physical activity enjoyment scale (PACES) questionnaire inwhich respondents mentioned biggest interest, second and third biggest interest choosing from 10different areas of sports activities. The interest in sports activities at individual levels is expressed inpercentage terms and differences between students of different ages are assessed by chi-square test at5% level of statistical significance and the significance of effect size was judged by Cramer’s phiφc.All of the age – categories showed the biggest inetrest in collective sports, such as football, volleyball,basketball, and more. from 20 to 27%, but with an increasing age the interest rate declining. Thesecondbiggestinterestwasinstrengthening,aerobics,spinningfrom17to20%andthethirdgreatestinterest was other physical activities such as rafting, cycling, floorball, etc. from 17 to 22%. Thepercentage differences were most pronounced when assessing the biggest interest, but at all levels itwasnotstatisticallysignificantp>0,5,andalsotheintrinsicsignificancewaslowφc<0,1.Theresultshighlighted the differences in movement activity among students of different ages and can contributetobettermanagementofschoolandextra-curricularactivitiesandhelptoincreasethejoyofphysicalactivity in adolescents. The paper is part of grant MŠ SR KEGA 003UKF-4/2016.
Príspevok prezentuje diferencie vzťahovej analýzy medzi pohybovou aktivitou, radosťou z pohybua oblasťami kvality života u žiakov a žiačok stredných škôl v spišskom regióne Slovenska s rôznou športovou úrovňou. Prieskumu sa zúčastnili chlapci a dievčatá stredných škôl v priemernom veku 17,42 rokov (n=407). Kvalita života bola sledovaná prostredníctvom dotazníka SQUALA, radosť z pohybových aktivit dotazníkom PACES a úroveň pohybovej aktivity v týždni v hodinách (PA). Údaje prezentujeme deskriptívnymi charakteristikami (n, M, SD) a významnosť rozdielov, resp. vzťahov posudzujeme neparametrickými metódami (W, U, rs). Výsledky preukázali interakcie medzi PA, PACES a SQUALA u žiakov a žiačok stredných škôl. Pozitívne interakcie prevažujú u žiakov vykonávajúcich PA príležitostne a aktívne. Minimálny počet interakcií nachádzame v skupinách chlapcov a dievčat vykonávajúcich PA pasívne. Pozitívne interakcie PA s PACES boli zaznamenané iba u chlapcov, ktorí vykonávali aktivity príležitostne (rs= 0,217 p<0,10) a aktívne (rs= 0,214 p<0,05). Pozitívne interakcie PA s oblas-ťami SQUALA nachádzame u žiakov vykonávajúcich pohybové aktivity príležitostne (fyzická pohodars= 0,205 p<0,10; spirituálna pohoda rs= 0,292 p<0,05) a aktívne (vzhľad a vlastníctvo vecí rs= 0,176 p<0,10). U dievčat nenachádzame pozitívne interakcie PA s PACES ani so SQUALA. Významné vztahy PACES a oblasťami SQUALA boli zaznamenané u skupiny chlapcov vykonávajúcich pohybové aktivity aktívne (fyzická pohoda rs= 0,155 p<0,20; materiálna pohoda rs= 0,143p<0,20). U dievčat zasa vykonávajúcich pohybové aktivity príležitostne (fyzická pohoda rs= 0,368p<0,05; materiálna pohoda rs= 0,226 p<0,20), pasívne (spirituálna pohoda rs= 0,377 p<0,10;materiálna pohoda rs= 0,452 p<0,10), resp. sú registrované športovkyne (voľný čas rs= 0,319p<0,20).
This paper represents the differences of relationship analysis between the physical activity, joy of physical activity and the areas of quality of life in secondary school students from Spiš region in Slovakia with different sports levels. The survey was attended by the boys and girls from secondary schools with an average age 17,42 years (n=407). The quality of life was monitored through SQUALA questionnaire, through questionnaire PACES we monitored the joy from physical activities and thelevel of physical activity was examined by hours per week (PA). Data are represented by descriptive characteristics (n, M, SD) and the significance of differencesare measured by the nonparametric methods (W, U, rs).The results showed the interactions between the PA, PACES and SQUALA in secondary school students. Positive interactions prevail in group of students who perform the physical activities occasionally and actively. Minimum number of interactions we found in groups of boys and girls who perform physical activities passively. Positive interactions PA with PACES was measured only in groups of boys who performed activities occasionally (rs= 0,217 p<0,10) and actively (rs= 0,214 p<0,05). Positive interactions PA with areas of SQUALA we find in students who perform the physical activities occasionally (physical well-being rs= 0,205 p<0,10; spiritual well-being rs= 0,292 p<0,05)and actively (appearance and things ownership rs= 0,176 p<0,10). In girls group we did not findthe positive interactions between PA with PACES or SQUALA. The important relationships of PACES with SQUALA areas were recorded in groups of boys who perform the physical activities actively (physical well-being rs= 0,155 p<0,20; material well-beingrs=0,143p<0,20) and in groups of girls who perform physical activities occasionally (physical well-being rs= 0,368 p<0,05; material well-being rs= 0,226 p<0,20) and passively (spiritual well-being rs= 0,377 p<0,10; material well-being rs= 0,452 p<0,10) or they were registered sportswomen (free time rs= 0,319 p<0,20).
- MeSH
- kvalita života MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- pohybová aktivita * MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky MeSH
- radost MeSH
- školy MeSH
- studenti * psychologie statistika a číselné údaje MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- práce podpořená grantem MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Slovenská republika MeSH