Spasticity is a component of upper motor neuron disorders and can be seen in neurological conditions like stroke and multiple sclerosis. Although the incidence rate of spasticity is unknown, it can put pressure on the health condition of those with spasticity, and there is no absolute effective way to control it. In the past, stretching exercises were an accessible tool for physical therapists to manage and control spasticity, but opinions on the optimal dose, aftereffects, and mechanism of effects were controversial. Therefore, this article tries to provide an overview of the effectiveness and risks of stretching exercises. Furthermore, there are several adjunct therapies, such as brain stimulation and botulinum injection, that can increase the effectiveness of a simple stretch by increasing cortical excitability and reducing muscle tone and their role is evaluated in this regard. The results of this study propose that several prospective and case studies have demonstrated the benefits of stretching to control spasticity, but it seems that other methods such as casting can be more effective than a simple stretch. Therefore, it is better to use stretching in combination with other therapeutic regimes to increase its effectivity of it.
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
Telemedicína v současné době představuje především pasivní transfer dat od pacienta směrem k lékaři, zatímco telerehabilitace je aktivním terapeutickým nástrojem. Telerehabilitace a její aplikace jsou především doménou fyzioterapeutů, ergoterapeutů, klinických logopedů, klinických psychologů a dalších nelékařských profesí. Case modelem telerehabilitace v ČR je model Virtuální ambulance pro distanční terapii v RÚ Kladruby, který zahrnuje všechny základní oblasti rehabilitace (fyzioterapie, ergoterapie, psychologie, logopedie). Využívá v Česku vyvinutých platforem, které splňují základní kyberbezpečnostní nároky na zabezpečenou komunikaci s pacientem.
Currently, Telemedicine mainly represents the passive transfer of data from the patient to the doctor, while telerehabilitation is an active therapeutic tool. Telerehabilitation and its applications are mainly the domain of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, clinical speech therapists, clinical psychologists, and other non-medical professionals. Case model of telerehabilitation in the Czech Republic is the model of the Virtual Ambulance for distance therapy in the Rehabilitation Centre Kladruby, which covers all basic areas of rehabilitation (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, speech therapy). It uses platforms developed in the Czech Republic that meet the basic cyber security requirements for secure communication with the patient.