The decline in physical activity levels during the transition from high school to college is evident, despite the known impact of youth and adolescent physical activity on later life. Observable trends reveal a decline in enthusiasm for sports activities and a notable decrease in motivation for engaging in physical activity. The college environment plays a pivotal role in shaping students' engagement with physical activity, presenting an opportunity to significantly enhance their quality of life. This study's primary objective is to analyse university students' attitudes toward physical activity and assess their satisfaction with compulsory physical education at Masaryk University, comparing results spanning nearly two decades. In adherence to contemporary research methodologies, a questionnaire survey combining standard quantitative and qualitative analysis procedures was conducted. The survey questions focused on examining various facets of physical activity, including volume, intensity, sports preferences, and attitudes toward mandatory physical education at Masaryk University in Brno. A total of 1,293 respondents (422 men and 871 women) with an average age of 20.7 years participated in the study. The findings underscore a notable inclination among almost 73% of students to welcome an extension of compulsory physical education to 2 or more semesters (currently set at 2 semesters at MU). Moreover, over 75% of students express contentment with the spectrum of mandatory sports activities offered in physical education. The study reveals a growing interest among students in individual physical activities and a burgeoning enthusiasm for unorganized sports. These outcomes furnish valuable insights into students' perceptions regarding the organization of physical and sports education activities within university settings.
High Intensity Interval Training is a training method based on a combination of periods in which high-intensity load alternate with low-intensity exercise or passive rest, the so-called rest interval or inactive phase. Nowadays it is gaining more popularity among the general population and is applied in modern fitness centers. The authors found that more than 95 % sports centers organizing group lessons in Brno offer some form of HIIT (“Tabata System”, especially). Changing one of the HIIT components will affect the efficiency of the whole system. This effect is demonstrable on the aerobic and anaerobic performance and the composition of body tissues. Our goal within the broad research is to find out what effect changing one variable has on the most widely used HIIT program, and we wanted to examine whether the method is suitable for recreational athletes. The authors have made the first step in the form of pilot research described in this article, trying to design the system and applying the components in it. The experiment involved twenty deliberately selected male probands. They were randomly divided into two intervention groups of ten probands. In both intervention groups, we observed: number of repetitions performed, subjective load assessment (on the Borg scale) and heart rate. The original design of the pilot study included three training units per week for two weeks (a total of six training units). Basic multiple articulated exercises (Burpees and Jump Squats) were selected for both sets in these protocols in order to achieve key intensity for HIIT. There were some limitations of the experiment described in the article. The result of the first pilot study was essential concerning the adequacy of the cycle settings. The authors were forced to stop the piloting after the completion of the first week due to the acute overtraining of the probands. The reason to stop the experiment is attributed to an inadequate frequency of training units in individual weeks, which we reflected in the design of the following pilot study and reduced the number to two. The authors have kept the research questions and present the results of the modified piloting below. It can be assumed that the prolongation of the rest interval has an impact on the ability to perform repeated exercises, heart rate and subjective perception of stress in selected exercises. These results of our pilot research are also related to people's desire to get as much as possible in as little (time) as possible. The HIIT method is (in many aspects) more effective than the continuous method. Its undeniable advantage is time saving, but efficiency is "redeemed" by intensity and demanding character (proved not just in the described experiments). Where is the line between benefit sport and health-threatening sport? What is the "correct" HIIT setting/programming and what causes a change in one of the key variables? Is less sometimes more or more demanding means more effective? Respecting people's demands and desires for performance, mental fitness and physical beauty, with regard to sustainability and health above all, we will seek answers to all these questions. The first step towards finding them is the study carried out.
This article focuses on the phenomenon of gamification in the context of the philosophy of sport. Gamification is usually understood as a process of adding games or game-like elements to some activity in order to encourage participation. Gamification takes the techniques that game designers use to engage players and applies them to motivate people in different spheres of our lives. With the rapid development of cyber games and the penetrating everyday lives of many young people, gamification becomes an important issue for different fields of study. In economic discourse, it is often used as a business strategy. For pedagogy, it can present an educational method or teaching instrument, and psychologists examine gamification as a motivational method. In the context of sports, gamification provides a possibility for various empirical sociological studies. However, the sociological investigations could be supported by studies of philosophical backgrounds of gamification applied in the field of sports. Some authors speak about the concept of meaningful gamification. They are mostly explained more from psychological positions (exploring the theories of motivation etc.) than from the philosophical ones. Virtuality and the virtual worlds connected with cyberspace (from which gamification comes) are often understood as the opposite of reality (or escape from reality). Thus, it could be taken as something inauthentic. Badges and points present "pure" instruments that could strengthen the instrumental approach to the world. However, is it as simple? In the philosophical discourse, we could examine gamification from a range of different positions. This article assesses two possible ways in terms of how to describe and discuss gamification in the philosophical discourse. One is the topic of game and play based on the work of Johan Huizinga. The other is the concept of authenticity and instrumentality based on Martin Heidegger, Jan Patočka, and Hans-Georg Gadamer. It appears probable that gamification in sport is rapidly spreading, and it will be examined within different empirical studies more and more. This article argues that this phenomenon is also as an interesting topic for the philosophy of sport.
This paper focuses on a phenomenon known as spiritual health. Although the scientific literature defines the concept of this health component (in relation to other dimensions, i.e. physical, mental and social health), there is no agreement concerning its relation to religiousness. The aim of this research is to find out the views of citizens (n = 1810) and physicians (n = 1200) in the Czech Republic on the potential dimension of health in its spiritual mode, and on the understanding of its content by those who acknowledge its existence. One of the main research findings is that physicians in the Czech Republic acknowledge the existence of spiritual health (47.0%) to a significantly greater extent than citizens of the country (26.4%). In both groups of respondents, the understanding varies in the discourse of psychology (psychiatry), theology, in the preference for harmony, and in medical care. The acknowledgement of spiritual health depends strongly on gender (women acknowledge the existence of this phenomenon more than men), religious belief (religious physicians, as well as religious citizens and members and non-members of churches and religious societies, acknowledge the existence of spiritual health significantly more compared with atheists) and education (with increasing education the proportion of citizens who acknowledge the existence of spiritual health rises considerably-the highest proportion is found in university graduates). Spiritual health is shown to be an important public health issue, even in a strongly secularized society.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lékaři psychologie MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- percepce * MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- sexuální faktory MeSH
- spiritualita * MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mladý dospělý MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- časopisecké články MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH
Příspěvek se zabývá možnostmi zjišťování vnímání spirituality pohybových aktivit konkrétními sportovci. V úvodu je popsána složitost hledání různého uchopení fenoménu spirituality s ohledem na pohybové aktivity. Je zde zmíněno velké množství dosud učiněných pokusů o pevnější definování spirituality pohybu a objevuje se tu zdůvodnění nutnosti hledání spirituálního přístupu k pohybu i v jeho nenáboženském pojetí. Aktuálnost tohoto hledání je dána do spojitosti se současným vývojem naší euro-americké společnosti. Hlavní část textu nejprve popisuje výzkumný nástroj, jenž byl pro zachycení vnímání spirituality pohybu použit. Jedná se o původní škálový dotazník obsahující 62 položek. Tyto položky byly rozděleny podle zaměření otázek do 4 základních pododdílů – obecná spiritualita, prostředí, pohyb a konkrétní pohybová aktivita. Dále byly ještě položky vnitřně rozčleněny podle 4 dimenzí – motiv-přesah, mysticismus, interpersonální a intrapersonální faktory. Výzkumný soubor čítal 225 respondentů (132 mužů a 93 žen), kteří pocházeli z 8 vybraných skupin pohybových aktivit – plavání, fotbal, vodáctví, lezení, aikido, běh, irské tance a lední hokej. Nejvyšší skóre vnímání spirituality (u vybraných dotazníkových položek) vůči svému pohybovému zaměření bylo zjištěno u běhu a bojových umění, nejnižší skóre u fotbalu a ledního hokeje. Výzkum ukázal, že mnohá dosažená zjištění jsou dobrým základem pro vytvoření základního rámce vnímání spirituality pohybu. Další možnosti pro nalezení příčinných souvislosti může přinést propojení této části výzkumu s vyhodnocením jeho kvalitativní části realizované souběžně s dotazníkovým šetřením.
This article investigates some possibilities how to examine perception of the spirituality of movement activities by sportsmen/sportswomen in practice. The introduction describes various approaches to such a study, considers a number of attempts to provide a definition of spirituality, and explains why it is necessary to search for a spiritual approach to human movement (even in the non-religious conception which is explained here). The importance of this search is connected with the rapid development of our modern society. The main part of the article is devoted to a description of the research instrument which was applied within our investigation. It consists of an original rated scale questionnaire containing 62 items. These items were divided according to their focus into 4 main sub-parts – general spirituality, motive-transcendence, interpersonal and intrapersonal factors. The research group consisted of 225 respondents (132 men and 93 women) coming from 8 different kinds of sport (or, rather, movement) activities – swimming, football, canoeing, climbing, aikido, running, Irish Dance and ice-hockey. The highest scores in perception of spirituality (within the selected items) were recorded in the cases of running and martial arts. The lowest scores were found in the cases of football and ice-hockey. The research showed that many of the received results can present a proper foundation for the main structure of the investigation of the spirituality of movement activities. However, some better possibilities for examining causal links and analysing smaller details within this comparison might even be available, due to the connection of these results with the evaluation of the qualitative part of the research.
- Klíčová slova
- interpersonální faktor,
- MeSH
- běh MeSH
- bojové sporty etika psychologie MeSH
- cvičení psychologie MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- fotbal psychologie MeSH
- hokej MeSH
- interpretace statistických dat MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mysticismus MeSH
- pohyb MeSH
- průzkumy a dotazníky využití MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- spiritualita * MeSH
- sporty * psychologie MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé středního věku MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mladiství MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- senioři MeSH
- ženské pohlaví MeSH
Text se zabývá existencí a realizací vazeb vyznačujících se těsným vztahem mezi dvěma entitami, v tomto případě mezi pohybovou aktivitou a filosofií. Pokouší se upozornit na to, že zejména přenos informací směrem od teorie k praxi ve skutečnosti zcela bezproblémový, a snaží se také nalézt důvody, proč tomu tak je. Dále se příspěvek zabývá otázkou, zda mají některé praktické problémy spojené s realizací pohybové aktivity skutečně být předmětem zájmu filosofické kinantropologie či nikoli. Část textu je věnována srovnání fenoménů nazývaných „návrat k přírodě“ a „návrat k pohybu“ a rozdílné situaci, pokud jde o realizaci jejich vztahu mezi teorií a praktickou aplikací. Právě „návrat k pohybu“ (tedy zvýšení míry pohybové aktivity běžné nesportující populace) je tou oblastí filosofické kinantropologie, na niž je článek zaměřen. V této souvislosti je zmíněna funkce jakéhosi průvodce od teorie k praxi, a význam této funkce. Ve vzájemném vztahu teorie a praxe dochází (dle autora) k větší míře toku podnětů a informací směrem od praxe k teorii. V textu jsou uvedeny některé překážky, které stojí v cestě průběhu opačnému procesu. Vybrané příklady by měly pomoci zmíněné myšlenky dokreslit, jako ilustrativní je vybráno téma kalokagathie. V závěru jsou položeny otázky, které autor zodpovídá ze svého subjektivního pohledu, a vytváří tak možnou platformu pro diskusi.
The article deals with a certain form of structures coming from practical needs of the physical activities participants. These structures are understood as a close relation between two entities, represented by physical activity and philosophy. The text pay attention on the fact that especially transfer of the information from theory to practice contains some problems, and it tries to find the reasons for this situation. Then the article deals with the question whether some practical problems connected with movement activity practice should be an object of the interest of philosophical kinanthropology, or not. Another part of the text is devoted to the comparison of two phenomena called “return to nature” and “return to movement” and different situation concerning their relation between theory and practice. Newly the problem of increasing physical activity of common population (connected with “return to nature”) should be focused on within this text. The meaning of the interpreter as a guide from theory to practice is mentioned in the essay, as well. The author means the transfer between theory and empirical issues works in better way in the case of the direction from practice towards theory than vice versa. The article gives some examples of obstacles which blockade the opposite process and it is shown in the example of kalokagathia and its topical usage. In conclusion, the questions are formed, the answers of the author are mostly subjective which gives some space for next discussions.
- Klíčová slova
- filosofická kinantropologie, teorie, návrat k přírodě, návrat k pohybu,
- MeSH
- antropologie fyzická MeSH
- antropologie MeSH
- filozofie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- pohybová aktivita MeSH
- příroda MeSH
- terminologie jako téma MeSH
- věda MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH